Does Feral Spirit benefit from Heroism?

As you may recall the Pet System has been overhauled with the Launch of WoW 4.0. As part of that change Pets no longer benenfit from certain buffs, but from their masters stats. How does that affect Enhancement Shamans and Feral Spirit?

At first we have to enable the Pet Tab, so we can actually see their stats and then we will see how they are affected by heroism.


Feral Spirit

To enable the Pet Tab for Shamans use the following macro:

#showtooltip Feral Spirit
/run if not oldHasPetUI then oldHasPetUI = HasPetUI; HasPetUI = function() return true, false; end end PetTab_Update() ToggleCharacter(„PetPaperDollFrame“)

You can safely ignore the error message, once you cast feral spirit the tab becomes visible in the character pane.

Attack Speed

  • no totems, no heroism: 1.5 Speed
  • totems, no heroism: 1.36 Speed
  • totems, heroism (on caster and wolves): 1.05 Speed
  • totems, heroism (exhaustion on caster, heroism on wolves): 1.05 Speed

Here are the screenshots:

As you can see, Feral Spirit benefit from Heroism (they also get the Exhaustion debuff) and they gain a good 600 dps (per wolf?) self buffed.

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