The only needle-leafed trees we have are pines. I have been trying to look in ev…

The only needle-leafed trees we have are pines. I have been trying to look in every corner of our forest to find a dark and moody spot…
Fir trees, needle-leafes and moss on the ground… so dense together that hardly any light reaches the floor…
3 years ago I made an awesome moody picture that I try to recapture… too bad that the location is a good 800km away 😁😁
A few days ago I noticed at the horizon treetops that looked like fir trees… and decided to go here…
The location is a good 15km away, which is considered that we also need to return, pretty far.
Ninja has become a bit naughty… due to all the rain and mud our hikes have not been very long (~2 hours) and he needed for exercise… the flrecast for the next days meant more rain… I decided to try to find a moody fir tree spot.
We started at 9am and returned at 2pm, 5 hours and 25km… made 380 pictures 😊
You can see several stations of our expedition as story and some live videos…
We did bikejöring… For such long distances Ninja may decide himself how fast he wants to go… sometimes he likes to go fast while at other times he just trotts along… it is supposed to be fun for him 😊😊
In the live video you can see that Ninja is still highly motivaed – despite being tired and on the run for 25km.


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

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