This list is about trees, tree related objects, and Plants.
Decorating related Console Commands
Just a little reminder about some of object related console commands.
- markfordelete : click on an object you want to remove, leave/enter or save/load an area to delete the marked object
- placeatme [object-id] : while in console click an item and it will place item [object-id] next to it
- player.placeatme [object-id] : places item [object-id] at your feet, facing front
- twf : toggle wireframe view to view problems with objects
- tcl : in this context you can use no clipping mode to place objects at walls or in air.
Note: [axis] resembles the x,y,z axis for 3d positioning.
- getpos [axis] : returns the position in axis value of the selected object – getpos x
- setpos [axis] [value] = sets the position of the selected object – setpos z 200
- getangle [axis] = returns the angle of the selected object – getangle y
- setangle [axis] [value] = sets the angle of the selected object – setangle x 45
- rotate [axis] [value] = rotates the selected object manually – rotate x 45
- 00109716 TreeReachTree01Winterhold
- 000F64BF TreeReachTree01Magic
- 000EF5A5 TreePineForestSnow01Dead
- 000EF5A4 TreePineForestSnow02Dead
- 000EF5A3 TreePineForestSnow03Dead
- 000EF5A2 TreePineForestSnow04Dead
- 000EF5A1 TreePineForestSnow05Dead
- 000EF5A0 TreePineForestSnowL01Dead
- 000EF59F TreePineForestSnowL02Dead
- 000EF59E TreePineForestSnowL03Dead
- 000EF59D TreePineForestSnowL04Dead
- 000EF59C TreePineForestSnowL05Dead
- 000E9626 TreeReachMntMossCover05
- 000E9625 TreeReachMntMossCover04
- 000E9624 TreeReachMntMossCover03
- 000E9623 TreeReachMntMossCover02
- 000E9622 TreeReachMntMossCover01
- 000461D7 TreeWRTempleSapling01
- 000461C9 TreeWRTemple02
- 00023611 TreeWRTemple01
- 000E1ECE TreeBlackReachFern02
- 000E1ECD TreeBlackReachFern01
- 000DF015 TreeFloraSnowberry02
- 000CE102 BlackreachBush02
- 000CE101 BlackreachBush01
- 000C43B6 TreeFloraNightshade02
- 000C43B0 TreeFloraNightshade01
- 0008B5C4 TestTreeFloraMountainFlower01Blue
- 0006B1B8 TreeReachTree01Snow
- 0005FADA TreeAspen04
- 0001BB3D TreeFloraLavender01
- 000BE3E6 TreeGourdCluster01
- 000BE3E1 TreeFloraSpikyGrass02
- 000BE3E0 TreeFloraSpikyGrass01
- 000BCF48 TreeFloraCabbage01
- 000BCF47 TreeFloraPotatoPlant01
- 000BCF3F TreeFloraMountainFlower02Blue
- 000BCF3E TreeFloraMountainFlower02Red
- 000BCF3D TreeFloraMountainFlower01Blue
- 000BCF3C TreeFloraMountainFlower01Red
- 000BCF3A TreeFloraMountainFlower01Purple
- 000BCF34 TreeFloraSnowberry01Snow
- 000BCF33 TreeFloraSnowberry01
- 000BCCA7 FalmerDripAnim06
- 000BCCA6 FalmerDripAnim05
- 000BCCA5 FalmerDripAnim04
- 000BCCA4 FalmerDripAnim03
- 000BCCA3 FalmerDripAnim02
- 000BCCA1 FalmerDripAnim01
- 000BB953 TreeFloraWheat01
- 000BB952 TreeFloraLeek01
- 000BB951 TreeFloraHangingMoss03
- 000BB950 TreeFloraHangingMoss02
- 000BB94F TreeFloraHangingMoss01
- 000BB94E TreeFloraDragonsTongue02
- 000BB94D TreeFloraDragonsTongue01
- 000BB94C TreeFloraDeathBell02
- 000BB94B TreeFloraDeathBell01
- 000BB94A TreeFloraCanisRoot01
- 000BB949 TreeFloraJazBay01
- 000BB948 TreeFloraJuniper01
- 000BB947 TreeFloraTundraCotton01
- 000B927E TreePineForest05Dead
- 000B927D TreePineForest04Dead
- 000B927C TreePineForest03Dead
- 000B927B TreePineForest02Dead
- 000B927A TreePineForest01Dead
- 000B91F8 TreeFloraMountainFlower02Purple
- 000B91F0 TreeFloraThistle01
- 000B8F53 TreeTundraDriftWoodTree01
- 000B8A77 TreeReachCliffTree02
- 000B8A76 TreeReachCliffTree01
- 000B8A75 TreeReachTreeStump01
- 000B8A74 TreeReachTree02
- 000B8A73 TreeReachTree01
- 000B8A72 TreeKelpTallStatic01
- 000B8A71 TreeKelpShortStatic01
- 000B8A70 TreeReachFern03
- 000B8A6F TreeReachFern02
- 000B8A6E TreeReachFern01
- 000B8A6D TreeFallForestFernCluster04
- 000B8A6C TreeFallForestFernCluster03
- 000B8A6B TreeFallForestFernCluster02
- 000B8A6A TreeFallForestFernCluster01
- 000B8A69 TreeReachBush02
- 000B8A68 TreeSwordFernCluster06
- 000B8A67 TreeSwordFernCluster05
- 000B8A66 TreeSwordFernCluster04
- 000B8A65 TreeSwordFernCluster03
- 000B8A64 TreeSwordFernCluster02
- 000B8A62 TreeClover01
- 000B8A59 TreeSwordFernCluster01
- 000B8A57 TreeReachBush01
- 000B73C2 TreeSwordFern06
- 000B73C0 TreeSwordFern05
- 000B73BE TreeSwordFern04
- 000B73BC TreeSwordFern03
- 000B73BA TreeSwordFern02
- 000B73B8 TreeSwordFern01
- 000B11D8 NightingaleBanner06
- 000B11D7 NightingaleBanner05
- 000B11D6 NightingaleBanner04
- 000B11D5 NightingaleBanner03
- 000B11D4 NightingaleBanner02
- 000B11D3 NightingaleBanner01
- 000ABD65 TreeThicket01Snow
- 000AAE90 TreeFallForestShrub02
- 000AAE8F TreeFallForestShrub01
- 000AAE8E TreeReachShrub02
- 000AAE8D TreeReachShrub01
- 000AAE8B TreeTundraShrub10
- 000AAE89 TreeTundraShrub09
- 000AAE87 TreeTundraShrub08
- 000AAE85 TreeTundraShrub07
- 000AAE83 TreeTundraShrub06
- 000AAE81 TreeTundraShrub05
- 000AAE7F TreeTundraShrub04
- 000AAE7B TreeTundraShrub03
- 000AAE7A TreeTundraShrub02
- 000AAE79 TreeTundraShrub01
- 000AAE75 TreeYellowShrub03
- 000AAE74 TreeYellowShrub02
- 000AAE73 TreeYellowShrub01
- 000A7329 TreeThicket01
- 000A731D TreeDeadShrubSnow
- 000A731C TreeDeadShrub
- 000A7313 TreePineShrub03Snow
- 000A7312 TreePineShrub03
- 0009DAA5 TreeVineMaple01Snow
- 0009DAA4 TreeVineMaple01
- 0009DAA3 TreePineShrub01
- 0009DAA2 TreePineShrub01Snow
- 0009DAA1 TreePineShrub02Snow
- 0009DAA0 TreePineShrub02
- 0007614B TreeAspen05
- 0007614A TreeAspen06
- 0006C9D5 TreeAspen02
- 0006C9D4 TreeAspen03
- 0006A9E6 TreeAspen01
- 0005D2DB TreePineForestSnowL01
- 0005D2DA TreePineForestSnowL02
- 0005D2D9 TreePineForestSnowL03
- 0005D2D8 TreePineForestSnowL04
- 0005D2D7 TreePineForestSnowL05
- 0005C072 TreePineForestSnow01
- 0005C071 TreePineForestSnow02
- 0005C070 TreePineForestSnow03
- 0005C06F TreePineForestSnow04
- 0005C06E TreePineForestSnow05
- 00051126 TreePineForest05
- 0004FBB0 TreePineForest04
- 0004B016 TreePineForest03
- 00018A02 TreePineForest02
- 0001306D TreePineForest01
Tree Objects
- 00108D69 LoadScreenWRTempleTree02
- 000EC350 TreePineForestStump01_ice
- 000EC34F TreePineForestLog02_ice
- 000EC32A TreePineForestUprootedStump01_ice
- 000864AF TreePineForestLog01BlankSulfur
- 0005B60F WRTempleTree02RootAnim01
- 0004CBB3 WRTempleTree02Roots
- 000D246D TrailerCam_Tree01
- 000CD0F1 TreePineForestLogSm01_HeavySN
- 000C4AC4 TreePineForestLogSm01
- 000C06F4 TreePineForestHollow01Snow
- 000A91CD TreePineForestCutStump02_LightSN
- 000998CB TreeTundraDriftWood02Sulfur
- 000998C7 TreePineForestHollow01Sulfur
- 00099568 TreePineForestLog02Light_SN
- 00054CE8 TreePineForestLog01Heavy_SN
- 0004F518 TreePineForestStump01Blank
- 0004B5F8 TreePineForestCutStump02_HeavySN
- 000B788B TreePineForestLog02Blank
- 000B788A TreePineForestLog01Blank
- 000B7889 TreePineForestCutStump02
- 000B5F20 TreePineForestUprootedStump01Heavy_SN
- 0009B8CD TreePineForestCutStump01Heavy_SN
- 0008C23B TreeReach02_HeavySN
- 0008C23A TreeReach02_LightSN
- 00070E3E TreeAspenLog01
- 0006EBCD TreeAspenStump01
- 00060093 TreePineForestLog02Heavy_SN
- 0005D041 TreePineForestStump01Snow
- 0002E1D6 WRTreeCircle01
- 0004FF0F TreeReachBranchPile02
- 0004FF0E TreeReachBranchPile01
- 00048DDA TreePineForestUprootedStump01
- 0003E4AE TreeTundraDriftWood02
- 000287BD TreePineForestCutLog03Moss
- 00017406 TreePineForestCutLog03B
- 00017405 TreePineForestCutLog03A
- 00017404 TreePineForestCutLog03
- 00017403 TreePineForestCutLog02B
- 00017402 TreePineForestCutLog02A
- 00017401 TreePineForestCutLog02
- 00017400 TreePineForestCutLog01B
- 000173FF TreePineForestCutLog01A
- 000173FE TreePineForestCutLog01
- 000145C4 TreePineForestCutStump01
- 00014055 TreePineForestHollow01
- 00013B33 TreePineForestUprooted01
- 00013801 TreePineForestStump02B
- 00013800 TreePineForestStump02A
- 000136E8 TreePineForestLog02
- 00013251 TreePineForestStump01
- 00013250 TreePineForestLog01
Other Flora
- 0010C3B4 DeadFXSalmon01 (Salmon)
- 00108EE2 TreeReachTreeStump01MoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 00108E38 FXAmbWaterSalmon01A (Salmon)
- 00108E37 FXAmbWaterSalmon01B (Salmon)
- 00108E36 FXAmbWaterSalmon02A (Salmon)
- 00108E35 FXAmbWaterSalmon02B (Salmon)
- 001062D1 ChickenNest (Chickens‘ Nest)
- 001016A3 ChaurusEggSac03 (Egg Sacs)
- 001016A2 ChaurusEggSac02 (Egg Sacs)
- 001016A1 ChaurusEggSac01 (Egg Sacs)
- 000F675F FloraMushroom06SmallDirt01 (Blisterwort)
- 000F5ECB DeadSalmon02NoNail (Salmon)
- 000F5ECA DeadSalmon01NoNail (Salmon)
- 000F3E57 FloraMushroom02SmallDirt01 (Bleeding Crown)
- 000ECE9A TreePineForestHollow01BMoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 000ECE21 TreePineForestLog01MoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 000ECA60 FloraMushroom06SmallReachDirt01 (Blisterwort)
- 000ECA5F FloraMushroom06ReachDirt01 (Blisterwort)
- 000ECA5E FloraMushroom05SmallReachDirt01 (Namira’s Rot)
- 000ECA5D FloraMushroom05ReachDirt01 (Namira’s Rot)
- 000ECA5C FloraMushroom04SmallReachDirt01 (Imp Stool)
- 000ECA5B FloraMushroom04ReachDirt01 (Imp Stool)
- 000ECA5A FloraMushroom03SmallReachDirt01 (White Cap)
- 000ECA59 FloraMushroom03ReachDirt01 (White Cap)
- 000ECA58 FloraMushroom02SmallReachDirt01 (Bleeding Crown)
- 000ECA57 FloraMushroom02ReachDirt01 (Bleeding Crown)
- 000ECA56 FloraMushroom01SmallReachDirt01 (Fly Amanita)
- 000ECA55 FloraMushroom01ReachDirt01 (Fly Amanita)
- 000EC876 TreePineForestStump02BMoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 000EC875 TreePineForestStump02AMoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 000EC7E7 TreePineForestStump01MoraTapinella (Mora Tapinella)
- 000E644B FloraMushroom01FallForestDirt01 (Fly Amanita)
- 000DD683 FloraMushroom03SmallFallForestGrass (White Cap)
- 000DD679 FloraMushroom02SmallFallForestDirt (Bleeding Crown)
- 000DD676 FloraMushroom02FallForestDirt (Bleeding Crown)
- 000D8E8C TGCoinPurseSmallNEW (Coin Purse)
- 000D8E8B TGCoinPurseMediumNEW (Coin Purse)
- 000D8E8A TGCoinPurseLargeNEW (Coin Purse)
- 000D8E80 CoinPurseLarge (Coin Purse)
- 000D8E7F CoinPurseMedium (Coin Purse)
- 000D790C CoinPurseSmall (Coin Purse)
- 00085F83 ClamLarge01 (Clam)
- 00085F82 ClamThin01 (Clam)
- 00085F80 Clam01 (Clam)
- 00023CFF BirdsNest02 (Birds‘ Nest)
- 000DB6BC FloraMushroom02Dirt01 (Bleeding Crown)
- 000DB68B FloraMushroom03Dirt01 (White Cap)
- 000CE84C FloraMushroom05Dirt01 (Namira’s Rot)
- 0004DA1F FloraMushroom06Small (Blisterwort)
- 0004DA0C FloraMushroom06 (Blisterwort)
- 0004DA0B FloraMushroom05Small (Namira’s Rot)
- 0004DA0A FloraMushroom05 (Namira’s Rot)
- 0004DA09 FloraMushroom04Small (Imp Stool)
- 0004DA08 FloraMushroom04 (Imp Stool)
- 0004DA07 FloraMushroom03Small (White Cap)
- 0004DA06 FloraMushroom03 (White Cap)
- 0004DA05 FloraMushroom02Small (Bleeding Crown)
- 0004DA04 FloraMushroom02 (Bleeding Crown)
- 0004DA03 FloraMushroom01Small (Fly Amanita)
- 0004D9FF FloraMushroom01 (Fly Amanita)
- 000B202C FloraCreepClusterRock (Creep Cluster)
- 000B03AF FloraCreepCluster (Creep Cluster)
- 000AED89 dunSleepingTreeCampSpigot (Sap Spout)
- 0009748B GlowingMushroomSingle (Glowing Mushrooms)
- 0007EE00 GlowingMushroomCluster (Glowing Mushrooms)
- 0007EDF6 NordicBarnacleCluster01 (Nordic Barnacle Cluster)
- 0007EDF0 MammothCheese01 (Mammoth Cheese)
- 0007E8C9 BirdsNest (Birds‘ Nest)
- 0007E8C6 SlaughterfishEggNest01 (Slaughterfish Egg Nest)
- 0007E8C2 FloraGiantLichen (Giant Lichen)
- 0007E8B8 FloraSwampFungalPod01 (Swamp Fungal Pod)
- 000775FE CharredSkeever03 (Charred Skeever)
- 00070E42 TreeAspenLog01ScalyPholiota (Scaly Pholiota)
- 0006F94D TreeAspenStump01ScalyPholiota (Scaly Pholiota)
- 00052189 GiantSkewer01CharredSkeever02 (Charred Skeever)
- 00052185 GiantSkewer01CharredSkeever01 (Charred Skeever)
- 000176CD DeadSalmon01 (Salmon)
- 000176B2 DeadSalmon02 (Salmon)
- 00038B0F HangingRabbit01 (Rabbit)
- 00038B0E HangingRabbit02 (Rabbit)
- 00038B0D HangingPheasant01 (Pheasant)
- 00038B0C HangingPheasant02 (Pheasant)
- 00034D30 HangingGarlicBraid (Garlic Braid)
- 00034D2D HangingElvesEar01 (Dried Elves Ear)
- 00034D2C HangingFrostMirriam (Dried Frost Mirriam)
This site is realy awesome and thank you very much for this.
Can you tell me the name of a trunk where you can sit on please?
I saw that in the camping lite mod .
thank you
sorry for my bad english
This site has been very useful for my save modding thank you. Creator and owner
THis is great info to have, but I have a couple of questions about this. Are players able to recollect the plants (like deathbell, hanging moss, etc.) if they have been created with these commands? And if so, do the plants re spawn after a while like normal, or are they a one use only thing? On the other hand, if these are only decorative, any idea on how to actually create the real deal? I want to make an alchemy garden but want to know if it will be worth the time it would take.
Does anyone have the console codes for any dragonborn DLC furniture & flora e.g.
giant mushrooms, tel mithryn furniture, scathecraw, loadscreen objects or anything really 😀
this would be amazing if you did! Thank you 🙂
Does anyone by any chance know the code of ivy variations?