There have been lots of messages questioning me, how people would be able get pr…

There have been lots of messages questioning me, how people would be able get prints of Ninja.
I have been a busy bee 🐝 and set up some pictures at a gallery.
So far I selected some older pictures, as I work my way from old to new ones as this example picture here at the beach of St. Peter Ording.
I have chosen pictures I personally like a lot and re-edited them with the techniques I picked up over the past years.
The gallery is just a preview, I am not certain I will use @smugmug on the long run and have no clue if they offer a good value for the money.
But what I would like to know is, which picture is missing, if you want a different crop/cut for some of them… What categories You would like to see. Even if I don’t stay at smugmug ( I have a 14 day trial) I can use Your input to set up anywhere else.
I just wanted to get started because otherwise I would have delayed this further and further.
The Gallery is work in progress and you can find it at:
( there is a clickable link in my bio )
Sorry for the repost, but those re-edits take me about an hour or 2 or 3, because I want to deliver the best ❤️
Also more good news, in the coming months I will have the opportunity to go out and make pictures with You and Ninja if You like… It would most likely be close to #basel #freiburg if You want to meet up.
Think we made a fan and friend really happy in Waltrop, when we met after the shooting with Christian Vieler for a coffee ( or 🤤🍨). It is equally interesting for me to get to know the people behind the comments and messages 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

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