Ninja goofing around at the Klausen Pass.
I would have been sad if these pictures were never shown… some of them are really nice and all show Ninja playfulness 😊😊
Photography, Games, Wolves, Dogs and other Canines
Ninja goofing around at the Klausen Pass.
I would have been sad if these pictures were never shown… some of them are really nice and all show Ninja playfulness 😊😊
People seem to prefer the goofy/happy Ninja… it is weird to me because I have the happy Ninja 24/7 and I cherish the moments, when I catch his sovereign, stern archaic character. To me this is the true „art“ in portraying Ninja…
It is easy to get him to look happy and goofy… I love him like that, but there is no challenge…
I find it more rewarding to have feed his self confidence, to reward each command for an hour to get him to show off his powerful side…
But of course no one knows how much effort is behind these pictures more than I do… so if you just see 2 shots you might prefer the one that looks „cuter“ while I would prefer the one that felt more rewarding to capture.
I’ll try to keep a good balance between goofy/ serious/action shots… here is a happy one I like… love his happy shy smile on this one.
As so often shots, just a few miliseconds apart yield totally different expressions.
These 2 shots have been taken in the same second… I have been using the command „Look!“ to get him to the first expression… closing the mouth, setting up his ears towards me and at the same time looking straight at me 😊
He usually holds the expression for a second or 2 and then returns to the second facial expression.
With panting, long tongue out of his mouth… especially in summer 😁😁👅
It is my favorite trick… as It does make him look serious, regal, proud… 👑
Hadez is guarding the entrance, while Ninja is on the general reconnaissance spot at the water.
Hadez and Kaihu are happy to have their humans and pack back… everything is returning to normal 😊😊
Half the week is already over. Now, just a couple of days more and @kaihu_und_hadez will be reunited with their humans and the remaining pack, the poodle Roja.
It is probably not easy for the dogs to adjust to situations like this. They do not know that the situation has not changed permanently… and as dogs they may miss their owners, but are at heart unloyal opportunists 😁😁
In the years before I did not have a great bond to Hadez, he did not like Ninja and has a totally different character.
I tried to stand up my ground and pull any confrontation through, to the end… how silly was that?
It was actually Smilla who taught me to simply respect her boundaries and to de-escalate… it did built a base for trust.
Now that grumpy Smilla was not here to protect Ninja, I did the same with Hadez… no confrontation, I respect your boundaries and our relationship increased manifold.
2 months ago, when I met him the last time I noticed him starting to like me. But now it is becoming more and more obvious… He comes for cuddles, comes to play… and 3-4 nights ago started to spend the night in my vicinity. That is a big step!
I noticed how Nikhita and Smilla show their affection by biting into the mane of Ninja… I mirror this behavior, by grabbing his mane and pulling at him.
Ninja became a bit jealous and when I cuddle Kaihu or Hadez asks for cuddles, too…
So… I am happy that Frank will be back soon, but I also have some wistful thoughts as I enjoy the time with the 3 beasts.
At our temporary home in Switzerland, we spend the evening sitting on the porch watching passersby while the sun slowly sets.
At times something catches their attention and they climb on the planters to get a better look at the road and the other side of the hill. .
It is nice to see the woofers become more active in the evening as they chill most of the day inside on the cool tiles…
We played around with lighting and fog in the rentable studio of @peoplefotograf_gualtiero_c in Dietikon
It is something completely different, do you like it?
Fortunately, wearing shawl and sweater, I feel a bit better. Yesterday evening’s fever vanished and I must have drunk a gallon of peppermint tea 😁
Just to be safe I’ll keep wearing sweater and shawl for a few more days.
Ninja loved it at the #klaussenpass the temperature was comfortably cool… today the dogs spent the day snoozing on the cool tiles indoors. Usually around 19:00 they become more active again. I hid some goodies outside for them 😊😊
A couple of days ago we have been at the Klausenpasshöhe to capture some shots. It was a beautiful day and despite the snow and the glaciers pretty warm.
So I spend the day recovering from my pneumonia in T-Shirt… yeah, not smart…
Since then I have been coughing and my bronchial tubes feel as if someone pierced them with a rusty, hot nail. If it has been an appointment for Ninja and me I would have canceled the shooting… but since I felt in debt to Frank and it is a real huge chance for Hadez I took the chance.
Fortunately Tino, Frank’s brother helped out as I was unable to move 30y without panting as if I ran the distance.
Now I am sitting here with peppermint tea and honey and hope to feel better in a few days.
I just feel sorry for the dogs and keep them happy with search games.