„They say it grows so cold up here in winter that a man’s laughter freezes in his throat and chokes him to death,“ Ned said evenly. „Perhaps that is why the Starks have so little humor.“ ~George RR Martin
That is how it feels here as winter came back to hold us in its icy grasp 😁
I love that the arms of the river are frozen tight… Ninja is not really a water rat, but it is nice that we can both get on the ice together.
But with the gusts of wind it feels freezing cold… When I pull my shawl over ears and face… pull up the hoody of my sweater and look like a Ninja myself 😁😁
Today we made a short walk, Ninja was in no mood for pictures… these days happ…
Today we made a short walk, Ninja was in no mood for pictures… these days happen 😁
Lots of females in heat everywhere and he has his thoughts elsewhere… 🐺👃🐺
We have a cloudless sky and will soon have sunset… so I’ll try my luck again 😊 I am sure Ninja will be very happy about that.
I have been struggling with my pictures the last 2 days unable to pick one „good enough“, removed the ones from yesterday and this morning. Sometimes I waste a good 1-2 hours picking a shot and re-editing it.
Wonder if it is really a good way to process the images on big screen and scale them down, to end up re-editing it 😁
But yeah… it is part of the experience… 😁
We need to head out now if we want to see the sum set.
We have been at Castle Waldthausen, the first time since the snow in December. ….
We have been at Castle Waldthausen, the first time since the snow in December.
I wanted to use my favorite lens the #minolta 135mm f2.8, which I also used for the pictures at the dam 2 days ago.
There is something about the 40 year old manual lens that I simply adore… the compression of distance. It is sharp, is has great bokeh… and I wanted to create something very special (see our story)
It is the #brenizermethod. Instead of making one picture of your subject, you create a panorama of it.
For the capture, I took 70 pictures… 1 Picture that had Ninja on it, and then 69 more of the surrounding. The result is a lot wider than the original picture. Thus, I could be very close to the subject because I did not have to capture the whole scene in a single shot, which results in a very shallow depth of field.
The level of detail is simply amazing, you can zoom in and see the reflection in Ninjas eyes… the picture is 18000px wide (that was already cropped) and had a size of 200megapixel, roughly 10 times more than what my camera can capture.
I worked many hours on this, just to realize that it looks quite crappy as ordinary Instagram post. While it does look truly amazing on large screen, and I could print a house wall with it, it does not work at all on the stamp-sized, wide images of Instagram.
What a bummer. On the other hand, it was nice to create this kind of shot again and I will improve, maybe go for another format.
We had a fun day nevertheless 😊😊 someone asked me how long I go hike with Ninja each day… yesterday we had been out 4 hours, the day before it was 3h… I’d say on average 3-5h a day. We usually do not cover a lot of distance, maybe 8-15km as we often stop to make pictures, chat to people or simply sit down and enjoy the nature.
Yesterday e.g. we met a musher. She just finished dog scooting and we talked for quite some time, told her that Ninja was not really made for speed
he prefers long distance in his own pace, but that he has other advantages and showed off his skills.
What a bummer… by the way I found out that Leotie won’t be coming anymore. So …
What a bummer… by the way I found out that Leotie won’t be coming anymore. So if you want more updates of her you will get them on Leoties account ( @fox.leotie ). I have a bit more content of her tjat I wanted to post before we meet again, but I guess I can finish that up now.
It is beautiful outside, crispy cold (for Germany) had like -5°C /23°F but the sun is already up and we are heading out now 😊😊
We will be heading out for some bigger hikes the next weeks… shoot me a message if you want to join in.
The first time since december we have been able to get to my favorite spot in ou…
The first time since december we have been able to get to my favorite spot in our area again.
It had been flooded for 2-3 months… 3 weeks ago the water stood 2.5 m higher than it is now.
The water is still flowing over this little dam, which is supposed to keep some water in the little nature reserve, a beautiful sidearm of the river rhein, to the right.
Afterwards we moved along the riverside towards Budenheim… I was longing to get some chocolate 👀🍫
We met an old man who was eager to talk… I like to listen to old people… many of them feel lonely and are thankful when they can talk a bit… he was totally into Ninja and we ended up spending 90 minutes listening to him.
We were a bit too slow reach the pizzeria, they closed before we arrived 👀🍕
So we went home… took us 3.5 hours to cover the 10km 😁😁
When it rains or snows Ninja will set his ears back and squint his eyes. For a s…
When it rains or snows Ninja will set his ears back and squint his eyes.
For a shooting we placed a guy with an umbrella aside Ninja to protect him from water drops.
Here I did not have the luxury of an assistant 😁😁
And I took the picture because of the snow on his fur… to show how well it isolated the heat from outside cold.
If the fur would not keep his body warmth inside the snow would melt.
When we go shoot we end up with a ton of pictures… some are too far away, some…
When we go shoot we end up with a ton of pictures… some are too far away, some are too dark/too light and some of them are out of focus…
It was a difficult task for the camera to focus in bad light and snow… there is no blame. It is just to be expected.
Some out of focus pictures work on Instagram, due to the reduction of picture size, but not all of course…
Here is a series of shots that would otherwise have gathered dust on my hard drive.
I found them too cute though to just keep them to myself.
You’ll notice an immense difference in picture quality.
There is a big difference using a zoom lens 25m through fog and snow over a fast prime lens. This is why I love to use my 50mm lens… over the convenience of a zoom. It is a lot more forgiving in bad light and and a lot sharper.
Ninja is such a goof… always radiating his cheerfulness to the peoole around h…
Ninja is such a goof… always radiating his cheerfulness to the peoole around him.
People asked me how I trained Ninja. I am not a dog trainer, so I cannot give you real counsel.
Ninja grew up around dogs , not so much around humand… I adopted Ninja and feared he would not bond with me as a puppy would.
The first weeks I worked on making myself interesting, to tach him that humans can be fun, too… that it is worthwhile to pay attention to what I am doing.
I used boiled chicken hearts (cut into small pieces) that I dipped in salmon oil… all dogs in a 100m radius stopped obbeying their humans and approached me 😀😀
It was a very high value treat… but disgusting to touch. I gave him a piece each time Ninja looked at me…
Also I threw treats into the grass at the side of the path and stood still, pointed at the area… we would only move on when Ninja found the treat…
In the following weeks we made this a bit more difficult… and used more variety in…
Huskies are very curious, love to play and are easily bored.
Variety, doing different stuff… do unexpected things… like when you walk towards your house/parking lot, walk past it for a prolonged tour, he’ll be super excited (if he likes it)… that is basically what I based my training off…
Increase my „value“ to the dog and then continie with positive reinforcement/marker training from there.
Siberian Husky Obedience . – sponsored by – mit Unterstützung von . You pro…
Siberian Husky Obedience
– sponsored by @mein.dehner #ad
– mit Unterstützung von @mein.dehner #werbung
You probably know Ninjas goofy side all too well. I like to show him unruly and playful. I think it is a good way to show our relationship and it will deepen our relationship when I do not treat him as a machine and let him have fun in this way.
Ninja was already 2 years old when I adopted him 5 years ago and I feared that he would not bond with me, that he would miss his previous life after the adoption.
To do stuff and completing tasks as a team, plays -in my opinion- a big role in bonding. At first, I rewarded Ninja whenever he paid attention to me and hid goodies on our hikes for him to find.
He quickly realized that it was worth paying attention to me, we started basic training. I am a big fan of „hand-feeding“ and it seemed a good way to work side by side on basic commands 5-10 minutes a day, each day, persistently.
At the beginning, it was a chore but over time, the daily training became a ritual fun. Ninja loves showing off and to learn new tricks.
So, what is the point? When I talk to Ninja in a soft voice, he knows it’s time to be playful.
Aside the playful fun we also do proper training, with a stricter voice
so that he can differentiate when it is time to goof around and when I seriously expect obedience.
At first, I rewarded each trick with a high quality treat. After a time, I only rewarded each second or third treat with a reward (with 2x or 3x amount of treats). Eventually Ninja did 10 or 15 tricks without expecting a reward each time; because he knows, he will receive a reward.
When you reward often, you need high quality treats that the dog can swallow fast, like the @mein.dehner Wild Nature Hirschwürfel (deer in small dices), which can easily be tossed towards the dog.
For longer series of commands I prefer to give a reward Ninja can chew at with pleasure, like the @mein.dehner Wild Nature Lammohren (lamb ears)
The @mein.dehner Wild Nature series of products are 100% natural treats, free of artificial additives and that is why we have been using them for years, long before we got these products sponsored.
I just love these shots… they have again the „random encounter in the forest“-…
I just love these shots… they have again the „random encounter in the forest“-character.
One fun thing that happened this week is that Ninja learned that I love it when he pounces around.
So right now whenever I tell him to do something he does it with a pounce 😁😁😁
But Ninja can do more than just hop around playfully… he can actuall obbey commands very good. I’ll prepare a video of that.
#sony @sony #stunning #hikingadventures #fluffderwoche @instagramde #ps_wild @photoshop #watchthisinstagood @instagood #adobe_illuminate @adobe #weeklyfluff @instagram #dogsofinstaworld @dogsofinstaworld #theglobewanderer @theglobewanderer #lifeofadventure @livefolk #tiere #hund #huskiesofinstagram #husky #wolfhund #wolf #tamaskan