You do not have to be alike to be friends.
@ninja.vom.wolfstor ❤ @fox.leotie
Photography, Games, Wolves, Dogs and other Canines
You do not have to be alike to be friends.
@ninja.vom.wolfstor ❤ @fox.leotie
With that face you simply know he is up to something 😀😀
When I go shopping I usually make a long hike of it. Yesterday we took the tour through the Gemarkung, so that Smilla can do her digging, and were then heading to the shop.
I usually bind Ninja tight and Smilla loose, because if someone wanted to steal or harm them, they would have to deal with Smilla. She does her guarding work quite intimidating and I know noone would dare going close.
I always watch them through the window and as usually some people stopped and looked at the dogs but hurried away as Smilla drove them off 😀
When I returned from the shop a few peoole were admiring Ninja from afar, I did my usual education. No, it is not a wolf… Only 17% of huskies have blue eyes… Yes, is quite unique here in Germany, he comes from a renowned line in Finland…
While Ninja was constantly asking for cuddles and giving kisses Smilla kept evaluating if Ninja needed any help or if the passerbys were a threat. Always when they approached me I asked them to back off because I could hear her growl 😀
#sonya6000 #picoftheday #photoofday #letsgosomewhere #wandern #throughthepines #weeklyfluff @instagram #campingwithdogs @campingwithdogs #adventuredogsofficial @adventuredogsofficial #watchthisinstagood @instagood #bestwoof @bestwoof #thestatelyhound @thestatelyhound #animaladdicts @animaladdicts #animalsofig #tierfotografie #dogstagram #doglovers #dogsofig #dogphotography #husky #itsahuskything #huskyphotography #ilovehuskies #huskies #huskyoftheday #wolfdog #wolfdogs #wolfhund #tamaskan
Ninja and snow is always a perfect fit.
Final days are counting down, christmas is at the doorstep. I can’t feel it though, it feels like business as usual… somehow each year is just the same old…
Christmas has always been a family holiday. My ex-girlfriend has a huge family and each day was traditionally celebrated at a different branch.
Parents, Uncles/Aunts/Grandparents…
To me it was exhausting I feel better around dogs than around humans.
Each year the same questions… trying to explain my job, dreams future plans… to people that could not comprehend what fascinated me as pilot or later as consultant… It was as if two worlds collide.
Weirdly enough, after we broke up it was what I missed the most this time of the year.
Our family never celebrated like that. Now that I am the last, christmas is just business as usual… and I do not even mind.
What are your plans this year?
Our canidae all love eggs. We boil them and give them as treats maybe bi-weekly.
Ninja 0:00
Smilla 0:59
Leotie 1:14
One thing that I always find interesting are similarities and differences in behavior of dogs and I thought it would be a perfect example to demonstrate this with our pack.
At first, we have Ninja. He eats very slowly and carefully, it takes him almost a minute to eat the egg.
Secondly, we have Smilla. She has a different approach. You need to see this.
At last, we have Leotie. She started off, by securing the egg and looking for a place to hide it. After a bit she felt comfortable and realized her egg is secure. She started sniffing Ninja’s and Smilla’s eating spots to scan for leftovers. It takes her 50 seconds before she even starts eating the egg. As spoiled as she is, she splits the egg-white from the yolk. She eats the yolk and tries reluctantly again some egg-white. As surprise she left a little poop right there for me to clean up 😐
I find these variations in behavior very interesting, and always try to understand the behavior.
How do you interpret their behavior? Are such videos interesting to you?
Winter Mornings follow their own beauty.
You go outside and instantly feel the cold on your cheeks and ears… you can spot the last traces of the nightly frost melt away while You feel the morning sun warm your face.
It is still cold enough to see your breath, illuminated by the sun… I love these moments…
You can see a faint leftover of the night’s mist in the air… casting a beautiful ray, while Ninja’s breath slowly creates a misty aura around him…
I have shots taken a minute after 🌫🐺🌫😁
#sonyimages #acreativevisual #photoftheday #wanderer #throughthepines #hike #YourShotPhotographer @natgeoyourshot #adventuredognation @adventuredognation #diewocheaufinstagram @instagramde #wildlifephotography #ruffpost @ruffpost #petstagram #animals #petscorner #dogoftheday #adventuredog #mydogisbetterthanyours #woof #husky #huskyoftheday #siberianhusky #huskypuppy #ilovehusky #huskysofinstagram #sleddog #wolfhybrid #lobo #wolf #tamaskans
It is one of those days again… I have spent the past 2 hours contemplating which picture to post.
It had been muddy and raining since the snow melted a few days ago and I was unable to capture anything captivating… I have 54000 pictures of Ninja and yet, none seems good enough…
I even go to facebook to start an argument just to evade the decision. Now it is getting almost too late to post and it is either now or tomorrow.
The sad part is that I know what picture I want to post. It does simply fit my mood. Today, I stood at the very spot the picture was taken and wondered if I should reshoot it, maybe a few steps aside… but I already know that I do not want to… because to me it is perfect… I love the mood… cold, damp, wet…
But I already posted this a year ago… and struggle to repost… „dark, moody, small Ninja… it is not going to be popular and you already posted it!“
One should think that 54000 pictures of Ninja should yield plenty of amazing pictures. Yes it does, but often there are none that fit my current mood and then none seems good enough…
Anyway… here it is one of my top favorite shots…
On days like these, should I skip or rather post anyhow?
#sonyphotogallery #acreativevisual #photos #throughthepines #wandern #letsgosomewhere #thestatelyhound @thestatelyhound #campingwithdogs @campingwithdogs #natgeo @natgeo #YourShotPhotographer @natgeoyourshot #thegreatoutdogs @thegreatoutdogs #animalsmood #woods #animal #instadogs #dogphoto #dogphotography #dogmodel #huskylovers #husky #siberian #itsahuskything #workingdog #huskies #huskies_of_instagram #wolfshund #wolfpack #wolfdogsofinstagram #tamaskan
This picture is one of my all time favorites. Winter, back-light, fog, sun rays, and Ninja standing reasonably „ok“ 😀
It has been taken using the @sony Kit Zoom SEL55210 and despite the really difficult light it came out very good. However it took me long to get an edit that I was comfortable with.
What do you think? What are your favorite locations/settings?
#sony #photograph #photooftheweek #wanderer #wanderfolk #theoutbound #adventuredognation @adventuredognation #animaladdicts @animaladdicts #thestatelyhound @thestatelyhound #natgeowild @natgeowild #natgeo @natgeo #animalsofig #woods #petpic #hundefotografie #muttsofinstagram #rescue #model #husky #workingdog #myhusky #huskies #huskylovers #huskyrescue #workingdogs #wolf #wolfshund #wolfhybrid #tamaskan #lennebergwald
Often I get messages asking about my post processing… so today I will talk about that.
At first though… How do we SEE things?
We are wired the same… humans are attracted to certain areas of an image. Here in order:
1) the brightest part of an image
2) areas of contrast
3) human faces
4) the center
5) saturated areas, while 🌞>❄
6) patterns
7) big things
8) whatever is in focus
Here is what I do… Slide 2: a large oval mask with lower contrast, lower saturation, lower brightness… but all very subtle
Slide 3: a smaller Oval mask that covers the important parts of the picture, (2 if there are e.g. 2 dogs) with subtle adjustments for more sharpness, more contrast, more brightness
Slide 4: a tiny mask covering Ninjas face with more brightness, more sharpness, saturation and a slight dehaze (it pops colors, gives deep blacks)
Slide 5: now my new special trick that I use since the new @lightroom came out.
I use a luminance mask on the very dark parts of the subject and increase the darks, and sharpness a lot… this feels like drawing all contours with a black ink which pops them out. I really really love it.
So basically I cover all the points above by leading the eye to Ninjas face. Started this method 2 years ago and basically finetuned it… made it more subtle and I really like how it does play out atm. I think it does make an unique look…
What I am trying to work on is a brave adjustment to colors to induce more mood to my shots… I envy this in other photos… it is hard to leave my „natural“ look. I feel comfortable there…
Do you have any tricks for your post processing?
#sonycamera #capture #gramslayers #peoplescreatives @thepeoplescreatives #lastingvisuals @lastingvisuals #thegreatoutdoors #dailybarker @dailybarker #dogsofinstaworld @dogsofinstaworld #dogsthathike @dogsthathike #adventuredognation @adventuredognation #campingwithdogs @campingwithdogs #amazing_picturez_animals #animalsaddict #happy_pet #instagramdogs #dogphoto #adventurewithdogs #dogsofig #husky #huskylove #siberian #huskyphotography #workingdog #siberianhuskies #ilovehuskies #lobo #wolfdogsofinstagram #wolfdog #tamaskan
The perfect example of Husky disobedience 😀
Remember. One task for a Husky is to disobey the musher if his command makes no sense or is dangerous.
Here Ninja did just that. I wanted him to stand aside to the little tree stump because I felt this would look too posed.
But in the first years I made dozens of pictures like these and Ninja concluded that it would be what was expected of him now.
He was so certain to do everything right that he did not listen to my commands. It took maybe 15 commands to make him realize that i wanted him to stand aside 😀😀
I’ll post the face he made as story. It is priceless.
Does this mean that a Husky is stubborn and disobedient? Not for Ninja. He was convinced to do everything as commanded. He was following my orders and did as he interpreted them. It did not even occur to him that he was doing something wrong. Do you understand the difference?
Do you remember similar situations with your dog?
#sonyalpha #gramslayers #photooftheweek #wilderness #backpacking #hike #YourShotPhotographer @natgeoyourshot #ruffpost @ruffpost #wildlifephotography #adventuredogsofficial @adventuredogsofficial #dogsofinstaworld @dogsofinstaworld #instapet #petsofinstagram #woods #dogsoftheday #cane #instadogs #dogsonadventures #husky #huskylove #sleddog #huskygram #huskyphotography #workingdogs #agouti #wolfdoghybrid #wolfdog #wolfhund #tamaskansofinstagram
It took so insanely long to get me a nice wolfy looking snow picture. Of course Ni ja will never look like a real wolf or a mid-content or higher wolfdog, but with pictures like these I can blur the boundaries between low-content wolfdog and Husky.
To me, it is this face. The muzzle downwards and a sovereign, majestic facial expression, straight at the camera, the eyes squeezed a bit together, I love it…
What do You think?
#adobelightroom #photograph #photos #wandern #naturegram #wilderness #adventuredogsofficial @adventuredogsofficial #dogsthathike @dogsthathike #wildgeography @wildgeography #adventuredognation @adventuredognation #dogsofinstaworld @dogsofinstaworld #amazing_picturez_animals #woods #petscorner #topdog #instadogs #instagramdogs #paws #husky #huskiesofinstagram #huskyphotography #huskypuppy #siberianhusky #huskies #huskyoftheday #wolfdogsofinstagram #wolfdog #wolfdogs #tamaskan