Badge of Tediousy

Slant (NE Rogue, Ravencrest) is now Level 68, Slanty (Human Rogue, Ravencrest) 70, Pathfinder (NE Druid, Ravencrest) 70, Katya (NE Hunter, Ravencrest) 70 and Myrddin (Draenei Shaman Ravencrest) 70. Guess I am quite a nolife geek atm.

With the Introduction of Patch 2.1 I thought I'd play Slanty a bit more but the Druid love just draws me to playing the Druid all the time. Its just the stupid Badge of Tenacity that is so annyoing to grind. I have been grinding for 7 days in Blades edge now, killed at least 12k Mobs, most likely up to 15k, in the process – but the Badge did not drop, yet.


Its most likely the best Druid Tanking Trinket – so every Druid wants it. It is a drop limited to the Mobs in the 2 Blades Edge Plateau's and every mob has a chance to drop it. However the dropchance is very very very very low. As mentioned above I am on my 7th day of grinding and I really need a break.

A friend found his badge on the 5th kill but I find it kind of hard to be happy for him and think its kind of unfair that a 0.01 drop chance is the only way to get this item. It almost feels like Lineage II, where you had to had to grind thousands of mobs for items. I just wish Blizzard would wake up and introduce a better way to distribute this item. 

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