This is one of my favorite videos. . I still remember a time where Ninja and Had…

This is one of my favorite videos.
I still remember a time where Ninja and Had...

This is one of my favorite videos.
I still remember a time where Ninja and Hadez did not get along well. It was not one pack, it was Kaihu, Hadez, Roja and Ninja as an outsider. Hadez and Ninja tolerated each other ( 2 intact males ) but a situation could quickly escalate. My behaviour did not help. I tried being louder and more present, but it just added more friction. This stressed me out, which mirrored even more on the dogs.
Respecting Hadez, not trying to confront him or to push him into doing what I ask of him, made us become friends. I can easily redirect him into something useful instead of trying to stop an unwanted behaviour.
When I see them now, as one pack, caring for each other it does make me happy and shows me how far we have come. This is why this video is so special to me.
I ask if the dogs want to go outside. When Ninja is happy he throws his legs forward in joy.
There happened to be a little chair in front of him where he landed throwing his legs forward.
Ninja is not sure what happened and continues the happy behaviour with his legs. Puts his leg on top of Hadez’s head.
Hadez and Kaihu wonder what is going on, while Ninja continues.
I think, Hadez wonders if Ninja has eaten something and licks his muzzle. This turns into affectionate licks. It makes me happy 😊



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Nach etwas über einem Monat BARF ist es nun Zeit für ein erstes Fazit. . [Werbun…

Nach etwas über einem Monat BARF ist es nun Zeit für ein erstes Fazit.
. [Werbun...

Nach etwas über einem Monat BARF ist es nun Zeit für ein erstes Fazit.
. [Werbung/Ad]
Es ist schon eine Umstellung vom bequemen Trockenfutter auf BARF, doch für uns hat es sich gelohnt. Zwar verbringe ich nun deutlich mehr Zeit mit der Vorbereitung, aber irgendwie macht es mir mehr Spaß, außer donnerstags!
Ninja und Hadez sind beim Thema Futter etwas heikel, ein Grund weshalb wir auf BARF umgestellt haben. Die erste Fleischsorte die wir getestet haben hat den beiden nicht wirklich geschmeckt, während Kaihu und Roja es verschlungen haben. Wir haben in allen Varianten probiert. Wir haben das Fleisch warm/kalt, mit/ohne Gemüse, mit/ohne Früchte, mit/ohne Lachs-Öl (und so weiter…) probiert.
@lico.nature hat uns Alternativen geschickt. Diese essen Hadez und Ninja sehr gerne.
Ich denke, dies war unsere erste Lektion. Fleisch ist Geschmackssache, nicht jeder Hund mag jedes Fleisch.
Auch die Fütterung an sich haben wir im Laufe der Wochen angepasst. Während wir am Anfang alles zusammengegeben haben, haben einige der Hunde Blähungen bekommen und haben es in 2 Mahlzeiten aufgeteilt .
Vor dem Schlafen tauen wir nun die Knochen auf. Diese füttern wir am Morgen. Es handelt sich hierbei um Rinderknochen aus der Brust, denn die sind nicht zu hart (keine tragenden Knochen füttern) und gut zu kauen. Oftmals sind zwischen den Rippen leckere Fleischstückchen, die die Hunde besonders gerne mögen. Nun sind die Hunde beschäftigt und die Knochen werden tagsüber verdaut.
Abends gibt es dann den Rest. Das sind je nach Fütterungsplan Fleisch, Fett, Innereien, Blättermagen, Gemüse, ganzes Ei, Hüttenkäse, Früchte, gemahlene Sonnenblumenkerne und Lachs-Öl.
Die Verdauung hatte sich nach 2 bis 3 Wochen umgestellt. Die Hunde machen nur noch ein Häufchen am Tag.
Gerade Ninja hat ein extrem weiches fluffiges Fell bekommen. Zusätzlich halten die Knochen und Kauartikel die Zähne sauber.

Ich denke die Hunde lieben den Umstieg und würden ihn jederzeit wieder machen.


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On a moody, foggy morning we chose to hike along a beautiful meadow. The grass w…

On a moody, foggy morning we chose to hike along a beautiful meadow.
The grass w...

On a moody, foggy morning we chose to hike along a beautiful meadow.
The grass was partially covered in frost and I really like these white patches.
Hadez was with us and was rolling in the frosty grass. As Ninja was extremely responsive I let him off-leash. Ninja was super happy, more because of the cold than being able to run free.
He even started to play with Hadez. Hadez was a bit startled and growled at the unusual behaviour 😆
This did not stop Ninja from dashing around. Even when I wanted to take pictures, here with these tall trees in the background, it was difficult for him to stand still. You can see the way he tries to lean to the side 😆
The area is often covered by a dense fog and I was hoping to be further ahead when the sun was going to breach the fog..
But the sun was not strong enough to breach the fog… We waited a bit and I tried to make pictures of Ninja on the meadows. My feet got soaked by water and eventually I decided to head back home.
I like the moody pictures but the area is designated to glow in a fiery fog, when the sun is starting to breach… The tree lines will most likely cast beautiful shadows and God Rays… Wish I could be there every morning to eventually be there at the right time for amazing pictures.
Well at one point it will be fine 😊


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Over the years Ninja has become a very routined dogmodel. He follows my commands…

Over the years Ninja has become a very routined dogmodel. He follows my commands...

Over the years Ninja has become a very routined dogmodel. He follows my commands, waits patiently and even enjoys the interaction.
Here You can see 2 pictures, the second picture shows the command ‚Look‘ and the first one is Ninjas face when he hears the camera click and interprets my reaction to his posing.
This day we had taken 1013 pictures and this was one of the last ones.
He did well over the day and got lots of praise. He knows he did good and even before he got another ‚Fine!‘ he reacted with this sovereign expression.
He is not as excited as he was the beginning of the day, because he realized what I wanted from him.
It worked do well that I was able to let Ninja run off-leash in a totally new forest… He just reacts instantly, when I ask him to come ‚here‘ or ‚closer!‘
Also when I stop, Ninja will notice within a few steps and check for the reason to our stop. You may recognize these situations from our stories.
How does Your dog handle off-leash in the forest? Want to share your tips for taking pictures with Your dogs?
What would You like to know about us? Is there something special You’d like to see or a topic to cover?


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Offline I have been busy with looking at old snow pictures to create a new prese…

Offline I have been busy with looking at old snow pictures to create a new prese...

Offline I have been busy with looking at old snow pictures to create a new preset that will pop Ninja a bit more than what I have been managing the past week.
The problem with snow picture is that my usual way of taking pictures does not work. The amount of ‚light tones‘ due to snow will often result in a skewed histogram where the camera tries to expose for a balanced histogram and often it will turn out a bit dark. Usually I underexpose by 0.5-1 stop and this will create even darker results that at times come with a weird color cast in the dark parts of the picture.
In addition it is often difficult for my camera to properly focus as the dark parts are just too dark to quickly find focus… So I notice that the algorithm prefers to focus on higher contrast areas, which is more Ninjas chest or tail than his face.
You can see it in this picture, where the focus lies on Ninjas chest rather than his face. Bummer.
I still love Ninjas expression in this picture and chose it, because he looks so cute and the tiny lack of sharpness might not bother most people. Maybe you would not have noticed, had I not mentioned it.
Looking at his happy face just makes me smile and happy… Don’t know how it is for You, but I just want to hug him.
It just started to have a tiny bit of snow down here so I will head out with Ninja before it melts away and gets dark.
The only thing that is better than a picture or video of a happy Ninja is to see a happy Ninja and to be able to give him a pat 🤗🐺❤️
Edit: Oh I forgot… But I have hundreds of messages awaiting an answer. I apologize for the delay and promise to fix this soon.


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Ninja simply loves the snow. . While our polar dogs are well adjusted to our sum…

Ninja simply loves the snow.
While our polar dogs are well adjusted to our sum...

Ninja simply loves the snow.
While our polar dogs are well adjusted to our summers, they do not like to be super active in summer.
When it is warmer than 15°C//60°F we do not do bike-jöring, because it is simply too warm.
But as it gets colder you can see how the dogs are full of energy and the lethargy of lazing in summer vanishes. They are active and hop around and as it gets colder become really active.
With first freezing temperatures they usually start dashing around like mad, full of joy.
This is why I was so looking forward once more to take Ninja and Hadez into to the snow this week.
… and of course because I love snow as well 😊
Hopefully we will have more of it, soon. I certainly would not mind.
After all the summer pictures it was difficult to find a nice setting and edit for the snow pictures. Hope you like it.
Does Your dog like the colder temperatures? Snow?
Hadez for example looked for a slope and rolled in the snow, sliding down and climbing up again, he loves the snow 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

2 videos, swipe! Yesterday we have been to the Black Forest. I was picking up o…

2 videos, swipe!

Yesterday we have been to the Black Forest. I was picking up o...

2 videos, swipe!

Yesterday we have been to the Black Forest. I was picking up our new delivery of raw meat and noticed that the trees at the very top of the mountain were covered in frost. So I decided to make a little detour in hopes of finding some snow.
The dogs love snow… Hadez loves to roll in the snow and to slide down a slope sideways laying on he ground.
Ninja was also very happy to dash around in the snow.
We did 3 different hikes… One at a lower region at the river Rhein and one at the snow border, with just a few patches of snow and then one higher up with loads of snow.
Ninja was super responsive so I could let him roam free, while Hadez after some time smelled a fresh trail of game and I preferred to keep him leashed.
I made more than thousand pictures so we did not really walk a long distance. Instead I had to try to keep the dogs attention on me.
It is pretty easy with Ninja, usually when I stop, he stops as well and checks what I am doing, and comes if he is uncertain what to do.
This required a lot of training when I first got Ninja and still requires a few refreshers now and then.
So I love to play these games… I wanted to see Ninja fool around or growl. He often does that when I let Ninja walk backwards. He was very calm and there was not much protesting, but you can see how a tired Ninja ( it was our third hike after all within 6 hours ) enjoyed the interaction.
Hadez ( @kaihu_und_hadez ) was very indifferent to all this. Probably wondered why Ninja was all of a sudden goofing around like this.


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Here is another picture from out trip to the Feldberg. In the background you can…

Here is another picture from out trip to the Feldberg. In the background you can...

Here is another picture from out trip to the Feldberg. In the background you can see lots of fallen trees, branches and rocks from the Bannwald.
A piece of the forest that does not get maintained in any way. I love these kinds of forests and enjoyed that day a lot.
Today we are going to pick up a new delivery of BARF in the Black Forest again. We started off at the sunny and foggy riverside of the river Rhein where we took our first walk. Then we proceeded deeper into the black forest. I noticed that the very top of the mountains had a frosty fir trees and decided to drive towards the Schluchsee and Menzenschwand where we finally found snow.
I wanted to go hike, but underestimated the cold in the chilling wind 😆 I had left my amazing „arctic expedition“-jacket at home.
So we were hiking in a warmer region with just a little ground snow and protected from wind. That was really fun. We took 670 pictures so far.
We returned to the car to warm up a little 😄 and then I’ll have another try at a walk in the snow… I auppose remember how well and natural Ninja looks in the snow 😊 I can’t wait to look at the pictures.
Wish You a fun day 😊😊


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The first snow we have seen this coming winter. We drove to the tallest mountain…

The first snow we have seen this coming winter. We drove to the tallest mountain...

The first snow we have seen this coming winter. We drove to the tallest mountain in the area, the Feldberg, when we hear that even below 1000m snow was supposed to fall.
Expectantly there were a lot of people at the top of the mountain, especially with kids that were sledding at the slopes of the mountain.
So we decided to hike a bit further away from the crowds and noticed the little lake. We were pretty early and the descend on the extremely picturesque and rocky path was covered in ice.
The further we followed the path downwards the better it became.
It was despite the ice a very nice hike as I love those rockY paths and the „Bannwald“. These are parts of forests that won’t get maintained and growth and decay will be left to nature.
If you followed me for some time, you will know that I love this kind of nature reserves.
When we arrived at the Feldsee, the lake was very calm without any wave and was mirroring the the trees and the slopes on the other side, which was very beautiful to look at. But you were able to see this on yesterday’s story already.
Needless to say that we stopped to take pictures. Ninja was modeling great as usual, even here in the cold water. I like the crop here for Instagram, but will attach the whole picture as a story for 24h. Because it is just so much more beautiful.
Hope you had an equally beautiful weekend.
If you have questions or feedback leave them below. Ha e a good start into the week.


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Sorry for the absence the past days. I am busy doing paperwork and I really don’…

Sorry for the absence the past days. I am busy doing paperwork and I really don'...

Sorry for the absence the past days. I am busy doing paperwork and I really don’t like paperwork.
I do not have any proficiency with paperwork and I have a hard time reasoning when I am out of my comfort zone.
But this time it is important stuff – i fact the future of this site depends on it – and I am quite nervous hoping to make the deadline.
But no worries, I have reached out to a lawyer to help. I just need to write everything down so he can reword it as required.
It is just difficult to focus on anything else, because my mind is always on the stuff ahead.
I think Ninja takes note and appreciates any form of attention or affection even more than usual.
He is such a good boy and it does help to relief the stress associated with it.
He is so nice asking every evening to come to bed early, which results usually in waking up in the middle of the night 😆 But Ninja is really so sweet it’s heartwarming…
This morning Frank and Raphaela went to do bike-jöring with the dogs, fortunately they let me sleep.
If the weather is right tomorrow we will go to Bernau into the snow 😊 looking forward to that.
What are Your plans? Happy weekend!


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