One of the questions I always get is ‚How do You make pixtures?‘ . Well, today i…

One of the questions I always get is 'How do You make pixtures?'
Well, today i...

One of the questions I always get is ‚How do You make pixtures?‘
Well, today it was really nice hazy. I thought I could get a nice picture of godrays in the forest.
I had Hadez ( from @kaihu_und_hadez ) and Ninja with me. Both were full of energy, which is kind of counter-productive when taking pictures. They just want to move on, so I did early stops on our hike.
I took pictures of the scenery, which you can see in our stories, and Ninja and Hadez got used to stopping… At my 5th stop they were already calm enough to take some pictures, e.g. to let them off-leash for a bit. They were not focused enough to pose well.
This took 3 more stops 😊
I knew that this spot was good. So I let Ninja off-leash and directed him roughly to where I wanted to take a picture.
Then I tied Hadez to a tree to be able to focus on Ninja.
Ninja was already bored from standing at the spot at moved a bit around. I let him sniff for a few minutes and praised him. The praise is really important, because he will look good only if he is self confident. If you are stressed or grumpy you can forget taking pictures as this reflects on Your dog.
If you want a majestic looking dog, don’t save on praise, do tricks or stuff he loves doing… and take your time…
Ninja was fine exploring the place and even Hadez was calm and sat down.
At first I used my 50mm lens, Out can compare the last 2 pictures that were taken with my ( crappy ) zoom and took some pictures.
If you compare the pictures You will realize that the first one is a lot sharper and more detailed. Ninja looks different, but also the background seems more open.
I added a video, of Ninja staying on this spot, it is really incredible how well he does it.
You can also see the command ‚Schau!‘ ( Look! ) in action.
Hadez had laid down by now and was super chilled. Which is why I took some pictures of him as well. As Hadez could run off I kept him on a leash that I had careful behind his back, so it was not visible.
After a while he relaxed and watched into the distance for a perfect shot.
The both did so well 😊
We stopped 2 more times before we headed home.
The dogs we’re dead tired and slept while I edited the pictures and video.


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Last week I was driving to Bernau in the Black Forest. On the way I made a short…

Last week I was driving to Bernau in the Black Forest. On the way I made a short...

Last week I was driving to Bernau in the Black Forest. On the way I made a short stop in Rheinfelden.
For our studio pictures I use an electric cigarette to create smoke. However all the heads were burnt over time.
It took me half a year to get to the shop and ask for a replacement.
Last week however the little store seemed empty and I went inside. While asking for a replacement head I mentioned that I need one to make a lot of smoke for some moody pictures. The lady in the store was like ‚Oh, I like to take pictures of my Wolfdog!‘
I was really surprised because wolfdogs are quite a rare sight in Germany and the scene is rather small.
She knew Hadez and Ninja and we probably talked for 30-46 minutes 😆
Imagine the odds to go into a random store and have people know you 😆
Tomorrow I will be close to Bernau again to pick up some frozen meat. @dhl_global managed to put the packages into the vehicle at 10:09 and decided at 10:10 that no one was at home to pick up the packages… Well 3 of the 4 ( it was one delivery), because the lightest package without frozen contents was delivered just fine, just 3 hours later ^^
The packages are even labeled as frozen delivery and they chose deliberately to deliver them to their store instead. DHL is just so insanely annoying. Fortunately the meat is well isolated and it should not be a problem, but it is still an annoying experience.
I was planning to spend today in the Black Forest but will do so tomorrow 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

There is such an amazing mood in the forest at this time of the year. The mornin…

There is such an amazing mood in the forest at this time of the year. The mornin...

There is such an amazing mood in the forest at this time of the year. The morning smelled like mushrooms and autumn… and Valerian. It was actually the first smell I noticed 🤢 But it does fit right into it.
I found the dance the falling Autumn leaves performed for us very enticing. It was like rain, just with leaves and the smell of autumn… The little noises the leaves did when they hit each other and when they were swept over the floor.
It was wonderful.

We had a couple of really busy days with the preparation of yesterday’s post.
Last evening I also started catching up with reporting close to 30 accounts that used 584 of my pictures without permission. Been wanting to do that for a long time and did not have a proper solution for it, sadly.
So I spent half the night programming a way where I can easily copy the URL’s of pictures that have been used without my consent.
Then I spend up to 04:00 catching up with all the reports you sent me.
‚Why didn’t you message us first? You should be happy that we use your pictures ( without attribution )‘ Of course it did not last till the insults came:’You ugly piece of shit!‘
I mean, honestly, this is why I don’t write and that I do not have the time to write You e.g. 84 messages for every picture you took. This took long enough the way it is already.
I really wish Instagram would come up with a solution, a content ID tool where I could whitelist or blacklist accounts to use my content… or a share function that leads people to the original creator.
It would move all these pages out of their illegal behavior and still retain the views for Instagram to show ads…
We will just have to see where the road leads us. So thank you very much for messaging me the pictures and Accounts.


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Heute in Deutsch ^^ . Wie Ihr bestimmt schon mitbekommen habt, haben wir nun ei…

Heute in Deutsch ^^ .
Wie Ihr bestimmt schon mitbekommen habt, haben wir nun ei...

Heute in Deutsch ^^ .
Wie Ihr bestimmt schon mitbekommen habt, haben wir nun einen Partner für Kausnacks und BARF/Rohfütterung in @liconature .
BARF steht für „Biologisch artgerechte Rohfütterung“ und orientiert sich an den Fressgewohnheiten von Wildhunden und Wölfen. Hierbei wird ein Mix aus frischem Fleisch, Innereien, Knochen durch Obst und Gemüse ergänzt. .
Ich führte mir immer wieder vermeintliche Vorteile von Trockenfutter vor Augen, wie z.B. Lagerung und Fütterung auf Reisen, mischte dennoch z.B. Fleisch unter, damit Ninja das Trockenfutter besser annimmt.
In einem unserer Live-Videos wurde ich darauf angesprochen und scherzte: „Falls ihr einen Sponsor kennt, würden wir gerne auf BARF umsteigen“. Nach unserem Live-Video schrieb mir Andrea von LICO Nature und schlug mir vor, ich solle doch mal mit Ihrem Chef Volker telefonieren, dieser hätte bestimmt Interesse an einer Kollaboration. LICO Nature’s Webseite und diverse Bewertungen hinterließen direkt einen guten Eindruck.
Mein Asperger macht es mir manchmal extrem schwer Kontakt aufzubauen und ich brauchte einige Wochen, bis ich mit Andrea schreiben konnte. Sie war unglaublich freundlich und nahm sich sehr viel Zeit. Dann konnte ich auch mit Volker telefonieren und wurde nach Gelsenkirchen eingeladen.
Während Volker die Hunde mit Kausnacks beim Frühstück verwöhnte schmunzelte ich, denn mir war klar, dass wir auf derselben Wellenlänge liegen. Dieser Eindruck verfestigte sich auch während des Gespräches. .
Danach besichtigen wir die hauseigene Produktion, von Anlieferung, Verarbeitung bis zum Versand. Ich schaute sehr genau hin. Alles war frisch, ohne Verfärbungen, ob Lunge, Leber, Rinderlefzen, Gemüse oder Gewürze. Auch die Kausnacks in der Trocknung waren frisch, z.B. Rindernasen (diese sind leichter zu kauen als z.B. Rinderkopfhaut) ohne den strengen Geruch, den man aus manchem Einzelhandel kennt. Sie rochen angenehm nach Fleisch.
Ich war so begeistert, dass ich tagelang jeden mit dem Thema genervt habe. Alle meine Bedenken wurden ausgeräumt. Wir haben einen auf die Bedürfnisse der Hunde zugeschnittenen Futterplan bekommen, z.B. mit besonders viel Zink für Ninja.
Hier ist Ninja’s erstes BARF.


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Yesterday I did not manage to get a picture that I thought was good enough to be…

Yesterday I did not manage to get a picture that I thought was good enough to be...

Yesterday I did not manage to get a picture that I thought was good enough to be posted here. It is odd… At times you spend hours editing pictures just to end up with pictures that you are not happy with.
Yeah, it is my own standards that get in the way at times, but without that there would be no progress.
I think it is difficult to post all kinds of different pictures and that other accounts do so much better. I am just not THAT creative, just look at e.g. @pupsonality who somehow always has new ideas.
So it is weird when you see that she has comparably few followers while I have so many. So yeah, it must be Ninja who is making up for my lack in creativity. Thank You Ninja 😆😆
I know I oversimplify stuff, but at the core I do not understand how things work here. Work 2 days on a video – the one at the abandoned road – and only 10% of the impressions even look at it, but those that watched it engage a lot more than ‚usual‘. Maybe it was just for the core fans, maybe the preview with the funny pose was enough for most…
These thoughts make it even more difficult to choose what picture to post…
…and now Frank is pissed at me, because it took so long to put this into words while 😕
I just don’t want to smear a few words such as ‚look at cute Ninja in the fallen tree root‘


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

It is always fun when people watch me taking pictures of Ninja. They are amazed …

It is always fun when people watch me taking pictures of Ninja. They are amazed ...

It is always fun when people watch me taking pictures of Ninja. They are amazed that he seems to know where I want to put him and how he is supposed to pose.
I usually direct him a little, he looks the direction I want to direct him to and interprets my command.
‚I think he wants me to go to that treestump!‘ and does exactly that.
I know the angles and the timing for the pictures.
Over the years we have become a pretty good team.
Taking pictures with a human is something I rarely do and it was awkward for me to actually talk about my ideas.
I warned Jasmin in advance that the shooting was exactly about that and there was no guarantee that we’d get a useful picture at all.
Often this scares off potential models, but not Jasmin. We have worked together a couple of times which made it easier for me to ask her.
I was happy that she agreed, without hesitation, and in the following week we met in Dietesheim at the Bruchseen to make some pictures.
As mentioned it was awkward for me at first, but Jasmin did not mind and helped me 😊
Eventually I got more secure and noticed how she enjoyed being with Ninja and that have me further reassurance.
We got a couple of real nice pictures -of course with a lot of room for improvement – but I am really happy with the results so far.
It is another wide picture and I will put up as a story because it looks so much nicer in a large format.
Thank You @jasminjanice


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

This picture is from last weekend’s trip to the Ermitage in Arlesheim. The spot …

This picture is from last weekend's trip to the Ermitage in Arlesheim.
The spot ...

This picture is from last weekend’s trip to the Ermitage in Arlesheim.
The spot is on the other side in the Grotto where the previous Rocky picture was taken.
I directed Ninja inside the to climb through the Grotto while I waited at the outside. He managed right away 😊
People were amazed how good he can be directed remotely… ‚Go back, a little left, look right! Closer, give paw!‘
People sometimes don’t understand that these commands, as cute as they are serve, a purpose.
With ‚Go back, or give paw!‘ for example you can untangle a leash or when posing as a model you can give Ninja a more natural pose as he will stand comfortably before executing the command.
It is not always successful, as e.g. here where I tried to make him ‚give paw!‘ to get both paws close on top of the little elevation. It would have resulted in getting both of his paws very close together which is essential if I want Ninja to pose wolfy.
But then I realized he looks all fluffy and cute and let it be.
I love these fluffy cheeks and love to grab Ninja by them and gently rub his face, which usually results in Ninja wanting to give kisses.
Meanwhile I know how quick he is with his huge tongue and just keep 3nough distance that he can kiss the sides of my throat or chin.
I am not really a big fan of this as Ninja gives all when he kisses. Other dogs are slow and careful, but Ninja kisses passionately with all of his tongue and he won’t hesitate if your mouth is open 😛😳
on the other side, it is how these animals show affection and I would never train that off. If people do not like it just do not bend towards Ninja or push him away 😊
I know that at times I have to simply endure this behaviour to increase the bonding process and let him do it.
Ninja is such a good boy 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

We have been walking the closed road in the Albtal Yesterday. It was a nice expe…

We have been walking the closed road in the Albtal Yesterday.
It was a nice expe...

We have been walking the closed road in the Albtal Yesterday.
It was a nice experience. We expected nature taking over more quickly, but here and there were a few spots where grass and moss grew rapidly.
If You followed the stories you night remember one or the other video.
The speciality of this spot is that no cars are allowed to cross and that you can walk along the road and through the tunnels.
So I wanted a cute picture of Ninja with road and tunnel. Which was more difficult than it looked. I have only a 50mm lens so I either need to be far away from tunnel and Ninja or he will not really stand out as much as I like.
It was fun testing around different sides and perspectives, but I am not super happy with the result.
While the last picture looks great in large, Ninja gets a bit lost on the Instagram version.
Hope You like it anyhow and I was able to cast a smile on You this Monday. Wish You a good start into the week ❤️
You can clearly see Ninja focused, doing ‚Schau!‘ and then the derpy energetic let go afterwards 😊



ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

Yesterday we had a visitors here. You already know that I always need to get use…

Yesterday we had a visitors here. You already know that I always need to get use...

Yesterday we had a visitors here. You already know that I always need to get used to that – each time – and need a little space to adjust.
So we split up at the beginning, they were going into the forest to BBQ ( yeah you can do that here in 🇨🇭, they often even provide the wood ) I was heading to the Erwmtigae in Arlesheim, a village close to us .
I had heard about the pretty caves, grottos and the castle and decided to give that a try.
It was a very picturesque location, had a medevial charm to it. There is a little path that leads through the caves up to the castle and down at the other side.
Ninja and me took our time exploring and I made some pictures. While dogs are not allowed off-leash, I payed a lot of attention and waited at one spot 30 minutes till it was completely empty. Then I let Ninja off-leash for a minute to make pictures, or until new visitors entered the area.
The little exploration took us neatly 3 hours as we took our time, at least further up away from the places that were less frequently walked by others.
It was really nice since there were often multiple ways to get to the same spot I could direct Ninja one way and wait at the other to make pictures of him 😊
This place was called the Grotto, a path leads past it at the right side and through it at the top to the other side. At the area behind Ninja they come together. As this spot was a bit aside the main path I spend most time there to take pictures.
Ninja was in a very good mood and loved to pose and make serious faces. He was also very focused, which is usually quite tiring.
Shortly after we arrived home Frank, Raphaela and our visitors returned from their trip as well. Later I joined them when we made our famous pizza. I think the dogs loved the extra attention from the kids but we’re dead tired in the evening. Usually they wake me up between 7:30 and 8:30 but today they slept till 9:30… 😆
It was a fun day 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

With yesterday’s post I wanted to raise awareness to the copyright infringement …

With yesterday's post I wanted to raise awareness to the copyright infringement ...

With yesterday’s post I wanted to raise awareness to the copyright infringement here on Instagram. Thank You very much for Your feedback and suggestions.
There is not really anything that You can do to help but to let the creators know about the sites. Also if you occasionally engage on the pages and feeds of the original creators it will help Instagram to rank their posts over the ones of the imposters.
My hopes were that I could raise a little awarenesses for the issue and I hoped that these bots would pick up the post and post it on their own feeds. I think that would be hilarious funny.
I did not expect the amount of support from You and other creators I got in the comments and in direct messages.
It has kept me busy all day, but in a good way 😊 Thank You ❤️
With a happy Ninja Face I send You to the weekend 😊


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram