XCom 2 Character Booster. Simply enter the name of your Soldier and select a class. The script will return the console commands that you need to enter to buff your soldier.
Skyrim Cheats and Console Commands
Awww … so tempting. Usually I start cheating in a game after I played it through, just to find out how the game is with a maxed out character. But there was this vendor Item I really wanted and I started looking into console commands. For now I have come up with a pretty impressive list of stuff.
Create Enchanted Item Codes via Dropdown Menu
There are a lot of items and enchants in the game, to ease the process of fiddling around with IDs I thought this Dropdown Menu would make it much easier to do!
Create Skyrim Weapon/Armor/Item ID’s per Dropdown Menu
To make it easier to add items in Skyrim you can use this Item ID Creator. I have all Weapons, Cloth, Light and Heavy Armors, Ammunition, Jewelry, Food, Ingredients and more to come. Check back!
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Wasteland 2, Save Game and Characters
Wasteland 2 is a cool fun game that cam out a couple of days ago. I love old school RPG (Role Playing Games) and reading through well written dialogs. But I am not so much a fan of tedious fighting. Hence I took a look at the save games during beta and the custom characters. here is what I came up with.
Wildstar Warrior Gameplay
When I first heard about Carbine Studios glorious idea to start their class game-play streams during BlizzCom I had to chuckle. No doubt Carbine delivers amazing videos and the game looks solid, but there have been quite an amount of little things that are very annoying. And this is definitely one of them …
Worldfirst Level 90 reinstated to FS after 6 months
Blizzard has just reverted their account action versus Fs. He was the world first to reach level 90 in 4 hours time, by killing off Mistweaver Shamans. Fs always claimed he used no exploit, did not act versus the rules of conduct, but Blizzard took aways his achievement and set him to level 87.
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It has been a blast!
You probably wondered why I haven’t posted about World of Warcraft in a while. The simple truth is that my motivation has been steadily declining with the lack of updates and content. Just do the math, from November ’11 to Sept’12 that is 10 months and fees without new content …
Wildstar Footage Combat Telegraphs
This week Jeremy Gaffneys talks about Combat Telegraphs. The Combat-UI in Wildstar displays the area of effect for hostile actions as red paintings on the floor. Jeremy Gaffneys shows these combat elements in a video on various examples. Enjoy!
Participate in the REDkit beta!
Head over to the Witcher 2 Website if you want to take part in the upcoming closed beta test of the REDkit. This is a mod tool that will make it easy to create your own Witcher 2 mods.