Heroic: Lich King (25 player) killed by PuG

Lich King 25 heroic, PuG, Light of DawnLight of Dawn

The Treebearman Pick up Group on EU-Ravencrest has completed another Milestone, Arthas – The Lich King has been defeated on heroic difficulty in 25 player mode.

The group’s raiding schedule, Fridays & Saturdays from 15:00-18:00, did not leave much time for practice.

3-4 weeks ago I had been complaining to a friend that we would never kill this Boss, especially with this group. I complained about the focus and the lack of killing spirit. Apparently I was proven wrong and everyone pulled themself together and improved focus many times over.

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Cataclysm: Epic Ride into the Maelstrom

epicus maximus undead on raptor on shark with lazerbeamsA few days ago I uploaded this video to YouTube. After completing Hyjal or Vashir you will reach Level 82 and be eligible to help Thrall at the Maelstrom.

When this area first opened players complained that this experience wasn’t epic enough and that they were disappointed. Then the Top people at Blizzard had a meeting on how to increase the epicness of the Maelstrom.

Enjoy this, you will be able to visit Thrall only once. I haven’t found a way to get back there again.

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Cataclysm: Glyph Changes

glyph uiThe current Cataclysm Beta build shows some very interesting changes to the glyph system.

On live Realms you need to use a fresh glyph each time you want to change glyphs. However the most recent changes allow you to learn a glyph and add it to your character’s spellbook instead.

To swap a glyph you just use the ability in your spellbook and after a 5 second cast it will add or replace a glyph in your characters currently active dual spec.

At the moment the glyphs still look somewhat messy and unordered and I suppose they will get their own spellbook tab or ui at some point.

„Cataclysm: Glyph Changes“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: Fun Quest in Uldum

Uldum Fire Sphere QuestEven though Uldum is still closed in the latest Cataclysm Beta build it is possible to enter via the „back entrance“ in south western Tanaris, close to the descent to Un’goro Crater.

It is clearly visible that Uldum is still „work in progress“ and it is pretty much empty for now. However while poking around I found a single Quest and just had to test it out.

At first I though „WTF is this ?!?!?“ as I turned into a glowing ball of fire!

„Cataclysm: Fun Quest in Uldum“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: New Launcher!

New Cataclysm LauncherOne of the biggest improvements for Cataclyms in my opinion is the new Launcher blizzard introcudes. For people like me with slow connections it is a very good way to get back into the game as soon as possible, even while downloading a patch. With my awesome 70kb/s download here (don’t laugh) I had major concerns about this feature at first, but it turns out to be a very nice change.

„Cataclysm: New Launcher!“ weiterlesen

Shadowmourne for Retribution Paladin

Daisan ChaosbaneIn case you did not know, as Retribution Paladin you might consider clicking off the Chaos Bane Buff to increase your dps.

„Your melee attacks have a chance to drain a Soul Fragment granting you 30 Strength. When you have acquired 10 Soul Fragments you will unleash Chaos Bane, dealing 1900 to 2100 Shadow damage split between all enemies within 15 yards and granting you 270 Strength for 10 sec.“

„Shadowmourne for Retribution Paladin“ weiterlesen

Daisan Progression update: Putricide 25 heroic!

Professor PutricideThe last 2 resets we tried to get Professor down in our PuG. We had a very good try the first week with only 400k hp left on Professor Putricide the endbboss of the Plaguewing in Icecrown Citadel. But since our PuG is on limited time we kind of had to stop. Our hopes were high for the reset after but we had many new players and some others were unable to attend.

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