Instance Farming: Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj (AQ 20)

An instance that I particularly like to farm for gold are Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj. At level 80 the level 60 raid mobs do not really pose any threat and make a quick run quite lucrative.

A typical run takes about 45 min and averages about 250 gold profit, even if you just vendor all the drops you find. Here is a little screenshot from this afternoons AQ 20 run.

Ruins of Ahn'Qiraij Profit

As you can see there is not so much gold from bosses, but the real goodies are the skillbooks for the Level 60 abilities that drop 1-2 per boss and can be vendored for 10g each. In addition, I just vendor the Blues/Epics since the value of shards is not worth disenchanting.

Further interesting drops are recipes/formulars that sell for huge prices on AH. For example the Blacksmith Patterns from Moam go for around 80g each.

Now about the mobs, here is a small list of tips that might make your gold farming a little easier!


Trash you should avoid are the Oozes, when they are low on hp they swallow you and regain hp while you lose yours … until you die … except if you have some dot that will outdamage its heal. It is best to avoid them and basically you only need to kill one if you are going for Buru.

You need to clear the anubisath trash before Ossirian. The anubisath guardians may cast meteor which hits for 10k+ damage. However there are some ways to reduce the damage taken. The damage is split by all targets it hits … if you have a pet out you only take half damage. You can resist a lot of the damage, since they are only level 62, but some kind of fire resistance is highly effective, too.


Kurinaxx is the first boss inside. He has 2 abilities that can be quite annoying.

  1. Mortal Wound, an cleave attack that reduces healing taken by 10% and stacks up to 100%.
  2. Sandtrap, spawns under a player and if he doesn’t move out reduces his chance to hit by 75% and silences for 20 seconds

The trick to do this solo is to use your cooldowns early, try to be at a high percentage of health when you are at about 70% healing reduction and try to outlive his hits. Once healing reduction hits 100% it resets to 0% and you can heal up.

At 30% he enrages and hits a bit harder.

Also if you continually move backwards then sandtrap will not hit you and is no threat.

General Rajaxx

Before starting the fight, make sure that the reinforcements from Cenarion Circle,  Lieutenant General Andorov and his 4 Kaldorei Elite, come to help you. If you defeated Kurinaxx close to General Rajaxx they might not appear and you may need to ride back to the stairs leading down to Kurinaxx.

Lieutenant General Andorov will provide 200 hp/3 sec and an 10% haste aura (amplify magic can increase the healing)

Some people like the fight, some hate it. Since I am a friend of zerging down hordes of mobs I really enjoy this part as 7 waves of thrash come and you are to defeat them.

The 8th Wave is General Rajaxx himself. It is all tank and spank, just that his thundeclap reduces your current by 50%. do not forget to loot the corpses of the officers as they sometimes have some blue items that vendor nicely.


Moam is pretty easy to solo. If youa re a mana user he will drain 500 mana each few seconds, so you might like to avoid high mana spells and focus on your mana regeneration.

If you kill him too slow he will spawn 3 Elementals that do arcane explosions, but the elementals are only level 62 and will miss a lot with their spells. You can continue dps after you killed them.

Buru the Gorger

I am skipping Buru the Gorger because the fight takes forever, he will always chase you and thus you will not have a lot of time to actually dps the eggs that will blow him up and make him vulnerable. Definitely doable, but it takes a lot of time. If you are going for it, make sure he does not hit you, the eggs have a nice blast radius, because his hit will place a stacking dot on you which can kill you fast.

Ayamiss the Hunter

I am skipping Ayamiss aswell. the first phase is an „air phase“ and as melee that sucks. Actually haven’t even tried her as enhancement shaman or paladin.

Ossirian the Unscarred

The Ossirian fight is quite fun. He is very strong and hits for about 3-4k, if he is not weakened. If you look around the area you will notice that there are prisms on the floor. You click them when Ossirian is close he will be weakened for around 30 seconds and also become vulnerable to certain schools of magic.

Basically you pull him on mount to the first prism and then you need to locate the next prism and move him there.

He casts a cyclone spell on you, but it will break on first hit. It is just an issue if you aren’t soloing him, because he will cyclone the tank and go for second on threat, which means the tank will be cycloned for the whole duration.


If you are getting used to the instance you can easily solo it in less than 1 hour, making it quite profitable, depending on drops. An easy 500g each week.


Garwal, Worgen Pet tameable!

To get this awesome Worgen as Hunter Pet you need to prepare a few things.

Garwal has 14k hp and he turns from wolf to worg at 50%. If you tame him before he transforms then he will stay a gray worg, if you tame him right after he transforms he will turn into the humaoid form then and then right into a worg.
You need to make sure you get him to 50% hp when the taming proces finishes. A simple way to do this is to use the ability Wyvern Sting.

A stinging shot that puts the target to sleep for 30 sec.  Any damage will cancel the effect.  When the target wakes up, the Sting causes Nature damage over 6 sec.

So you bring garwal to 52% hp (7400) and then use Wyvern sting on him. with about 15 seconds left on the Sleep start to tame. 5 seconds before the tame is finished it will start ticking and thus bring garwal to transform just in time.

  • Garwal is Level 71, so you need to be at least Level 71
  • The Quest „Alpha Worg“ (Alliance; Horde) in Howling Fjord. If you completed that quest you will not be able to see the worg and thus not be able to tame it.
  • Some way to manage damage to Garwal when the tame is being finished – wyvern sting, a friend damaging him to 50% or whatever method you choose.


And finally the Video here:

Good luck and have fun with this awesome pet!

P.S. I know the UI sucks and that the hutner sucks, I played her las tin 2005 in molten core and she still has some T1 😉 But when I heard of this I could not resist 🙂

UPDATE: Garwal has been fixed by Blizzard, but something jsut doesn’t seem right. His size is is extremely large as can easily been seen in the new video:

Shaman Changes for Patch 3.2 and Totem Bar

Following release of the Shaman Q&A past week Blizzard will Implement some changes already in 3.2. You can find the complete Patchnotes here.


  • A customizable totem bar will now be available for shaman allowing the storing of 4 different totems. These totems can be placed on the ground at once in one global cooldown for the combined mana cost of all 4 totems.
  • All Shocks now have a default range of 25 yards, up from 20 yards.
  • Base health increased by approximately 7% to correct for shamans having lower health than other classes.
  • Chain Heal: Jump distance increased to 10 yards. In addition, the amount of healing now decreases by 40% as it jumps to each new target, instead of 50%.
  • Ghost Wolf: Can now be learned at level 16. While in this form, snaring effects may not bring the shaman below base normal run speed.
  • Talents
    • Enhancement
      • Shamanistic Rage: Cooldown is now 1 minute, down from 2 minutes. Successful melee attacks now have a chance to generate mana equal to 15% of the shaman’s attack power, down from 30%.
    • Restoration
      • Ancestral Healing: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target’s armor.
      • Cure Poison and Cure Disease: Combined into a single spell, Cure Toxins.
      • Earth Shield: Dispel effects will now remove charges of Earth Shield rather than the entire aura.
      • Healing Way: Redesigned. Rather than providing a chance of increasing Healing Wave spells on a friendly target, this talent now innately increases the effectiveness of the shaman’s Healing Wave by 8/16/25%.
      • Mana Tide Totem: Totem health now equal to 10% of the shaman’s health.
      • Nature’s Guardian: Redesigned. Now has a fixed 100% proc rate, has a 30 second internal cooldown, and increases the shaman’s maximum health by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 seconds.
        Nature’s Swiftness: Cooldown is now 2 minutes, down from 3 minutes.
      • Tidal Waves: No longer reduces the cast time of Lesser Healing Wave by 30%. It instead now provides +25% critical strike chance to Lesser Healing Wave, along with the previous 30% cast time benefit to Healing Wave.
      • Improved Water Shield: This talent now has a 10/20/30% chance to be triggered by Chain Heal, and the charges of Water Shield are no longer consumed by this talent.

Some more details on the Totembar has been released here.

Totem Bar

There comes a time in all shaman’s lives when they must learn to harness the power of nature and wield powerful totems. As they grow in power, so do the opportunities to use these instruments of healing, protection, and destruction. In the upcoming content patch, Call of the Crusade, the shaman will be able to quickly place totems of each element, aiding them in managing these powerful focuses of nature.

We wanted to provide some insight regarding the upcoming shaman-specific interface addition, the Totem Bar. Shaman will be able to utilize this new bar to manage their fire, earth, water, and air totems in a more accessible and convenient way. This bar will appear on the left-hand side above the standard toolbar, similar to warrior stances or druid forms. The bar contains space for four totems of the player’s choice, one of each element. Clicking the respective button will drop that totem. To the right of the four totems is a button for Totemic Call, which we have renamed Call of Earth. To the left of the four totems is a new ability named Call of Fire which will drop all four totems on the bar at once. The mana cost is the same as if the shaman dropped all four of the totems one at a time. However, it takes but a single global cooldown.

Questing shaman will be able to quickly move their totems of choice forward, while a shaman in an instance, Arena, or Battleground will be able to replace their totems if they have to move or if the totems are destroyed.

Shamans will also be able to customize their bar to set Call of Fire to drop less than four totems if they choose. Access to this functionality is made available at the same level as Call of Earth (currently level 30.) At higher levels, Shaman will gain two additional spells, Call of Air and Call of Water. These function exactly the same as Call of Fire, essentially giving the shaman three different sets of totems that can be placed at once. New key bindings will also be made available for all of these slots.

As with all new content under testing, we want to caution players that, as a new part of the interface, there may be additional changes during the period of the PTR until the release of the Call of the Crusade content patch. We look forward to constructive feedback once it is available for testing.

How to play Enhancement Shaman and use Rotations

This Guide has been written in 2009 when Ulduar was the highest Instance. Now that Cataclysm has been incoming I suggest you take a look here for updated Information:


The Enhancement Shaman Guide 4.0


A lot of search queries here seem to be related to questions about how to play an Enhancement Shaman and which Rotations to use. I will try to summarize this from my own experience, so do not expect any scientific approach and trust my gut feeling 😉

With 3.0 Developpers promised to make Enhancement Shaman „less mathy“, but the opposite is the fact. Noone knows exactly what is best at the moment, everybody has a different statweight for his character and his playstyle. No simulator can actually help with that. While we believe to know all theories on how our strikes and spells are being calculated, simulators are only as good as their programmers. They also do not take things in count like tanks moving out of totem ranges, or the occasional offheal, placing totems new situational totems. I guess not even for a static fight like Patchwerk they are 100% accurate. However if you have no idea which stats you should be looking for then you should use one of the known Simulators which will give you a rough estimate how many points each stat is worth for you!


Personally I go for:

  1. Attack Power
  2. Crit Rating
  3. Hit Rating
  4. Expertise

All other stats I take as they come. I prefer longer lasting proc effects than short ones, due to the nature of our spells. If our wolves last 45 seconds then a trinket like Fury of the Five Flights will make them stronger for the whole duration while mirror of truth will only boost them for a short time.

Except for Attack power, which will never cap, these stats become less powerful the higher they are for you.

I prefer slow weapons in main and offhand, and imbue the offhand with Flame Tongue Weapon. I simply like the burst these weapons give, but a bad slow offhand is worse than a good fast one. Just test it out on a target dummy what works best for you!

Let us look at some Talents:

Elemental Devastation:

Elemental Devastation Talent

This is the reason I prefer crit rating over Agility. While Agility will only benefit our melee crit rating (and Attack Power), ciritcal strike rating will also rovide us with spell crit, which we need to get Elemental Devastation running.

Personally I aim for at least 25% spellcrit and use Glyph of Flametongue Weapon as third major glyph, because I think in the end we will benefit a lot form this.

Since we cast about 3-4 Spells per 10 seconds we should have a buffed spellcrit chance of 33% or more.

Often overlooked is the benefit of focus magic, if you have a mage in your raid/group have it cast on you.

Focus Magic

Focus Magic

Each time you critically hit with melee weapons, totems or spells he will get a 3% spellcrit buff. In a 12 second timeframe we are – even with slow weapons – talking about ~7 melee auto attacks, ~2-4 stormstrikes, ~2 shocks, ~2 Lava Lash, ~1-2 Lightning bolts, ~4 Flame Tongue hits, ~6 Magma Totem pulses. This averages out at 2 possible procs per second, which I doubt any other class can provide, especially not with our average physical critical hit chance of 45-52%.

On the other hand, the benefit of crit chance is also limited, too much of it is as bad as too little. I think at around 28% spellcrit chance (selfbuffed) you can stop using enchants like Icewalker and replace them with Attack Power.

Maelstrom Weapon:

Maelstrom Weapon Talent

This talent scales very nice with Haste and Hit Chance, it can proc also from Windfury Attack, Lava Lash, Stormstrike. Sometimes you see it stack up in less than 5 seconds, while it takes a lot longer at other times. This talent makes shaman very fun to play, but its randomness also destroys any kind of rotation we may have.

Enhancement Shaman Rotation:

So how are we going to priorize our abilities?

  1. Five Stacks of Maelstrom Weapon -> Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning
  2. Stormstrike
  3. Shocks
  4. Lava Lash
  5. Renew Static Shock

This seems to work out best for me.

Lightning Bolt has a better coefficient than Chain Lightning, which means that with more spellpower it will hit harder than chain lightning. Ofc if there are multiple targets you use chain lightning, as each target may be critically hit and proc elemental devastation.

The difference between a good and a bad shaman?

It is kind of hard to say and people have different views on this. In my opinion as Shaman we are still support characters and there are plenty of situations where we can help out.

Place totems, change totems situational, don’t be shy to throw a heal here or there, If you can interrupt or purge abilities, then do it. I think in general we should have a broader overlook over the whole situation.

With all our buff and proces we need to be aware of this might prove hard, so how can we make enhancement easier to play?

How to easen up the burden of 10000 abilities.

Combine senseful abilities into 1 key. For example Lava Lash and our Shocks have a 6 second cooldown. This makes it kind of easy to macro.

Earth Shock, Lava Lash macro:

/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Flame Shock
/castsequence reset=6target Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Earth Shock, Lava Lash, Lightning Shield, Earth Shock, Lava Lash

If you hit Shift or use the right Mousebutton, the macro will cast a Flame Shock, in any other case it will cycle, between Earth Shock, Lava Lash and after like 18 seconds renew the Lightning Shield – and each 30 seconds after.

I love this macro, since it removes all the need to look for cooldowns, to check if your Lightning Shield is still active. You can just spam the button and focus on more important stuff.

How to set up this macro:

Ingame type „/macro“ in your chat window, then the macro window appears. click on „New“, type in a name for the macro and select the „?“ as Icon.

Earth Shock and Lava Lash Macro

Then simply click „Okay“ copy & paste the text into the macro window and put it on your action bar.

Earth Shock and Lava Lash Macro

If you properly selected the red „?“ as Icon you will always see which spell is cast next.

Other Shaman Macro’s I use:

Stormstrike and Fishing in 1 Button:

/equipslot [worn:Fishing Poles,combat] 16 Calamity’s Grasp
/equipslot [worn:Fishing Poles,combat] 17 Angry Dread
/cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing
/stopmacro [worn:Fishing Poles]
/cast Stormstrike

It will cast fishing if you have a Fishing Pole equipped and should you get into combat, equip your weapons. If you have weapons equipped you will start to attack and cast Stormstrike.

Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst:

In relation to the Flame Shock from our cycling Lava Lash and Earth Shock Macro above here is the Lightning Bolt/Lava Burst Macro.

/cast [button:2][modifier:shift] Lava Burst
/cast Lightning Bolt

When you press shift you will see that Flame Shock and Lava Burst are easily available in those rare cases where you need it as enhancement Shaman.

Ghost Wolf Macro:

#showtooltip Ghost Wolf
/cast [nostance,nomounted,nobutton:2] Ghost Wolf
/use [nostance,nocombat,nomounted,noflyable,button:2][modifier:shift] Raven Lord; [nostance,nocombat,button:2] Plagued Proto-Drake
/dismount [mounted]
/cancelform [stance]

It will use Ghost Wolf if you press it, use Reins of the Ravenlord as ground mount and Plague Proto Drake and Flying Mount if you right click the macro. Notice that Wintergrasp and Dalaran are marked as Flyable, even though they are not. Also if you do not have Cold Weather Flying the area is still tagged as flyable and the macro will try to use the flying mount. If you right click the macro while holding shift it will always select the ground mount.

Windfury. Flame Tongue, Frost Brand and Earthliving Weapon

/cast [modifier:shift][button:2] Flametongue Weapon;[nomodifier] Windfury Weapon; [modifier:alt] Frostbrand Weapon; [modifier:ctrl] Earthliving Weapon

Totem Macro

/castsequence reset=combatshift6 Strength of Earth Totem, Windfury Totem, Magma Totem, Mana Spring Totem

SCT /Scroling Combat Text) and Maelstrom Weapon:

If you use SCT, you can easily set up a more visible Notification for Maelstrom Weapon. In the configuration Window, under Custom Events creater a „New Event“

Maelstrom Weapon Config SCT Scrolling Combat Text

Give the Event a Name, Maelstrom Gain, Event Type: „Aura Gains“, Display „*1“, Target „Player“, Search „Maelstrom Weapon“, select the Frame you want to see it in, and set the Aura Count to „5“. If you also select „Make Critical“ it will show larger and longer.

Maelstrom Weapon Gain SCT Scrolling Combat Text

And create another Event to see when you lose the Aura again (after a spellcast, e.g.).Name „Maelstrom Fade“, Event Type „Aura Fade“, Display „*1“, Search Maelstrom Weapon, Aura Count „0“

Maelstrom Weapon Fade SCT Scrolling Combat Text

Now you have a nice big green Message, when you gain 5 Stacks of Maelstrom Weapon clearly visible and easy access to your key spells. You no longer need to constantly loot at buffons and buffs and can easily focus what is happening around you.

Here is a great website that has more indepth information and a more mathy approach to the subject. It is a great place for information, just follow this link.

Most recent Borked Patchwerk Kill

Since I get asked a lot I have uploaded the most recent Patchwerk kill. It wasn’t our best kill, but nevertheless with 2:10 minutes a pretty decent one. Here is a link to the WWS.

As you can see I wasn’t prepared well and spent the first 10 seconds by putting up Totems, Heroism and wolves. I’ll upload a new Patchwerk kill if we have a faster one 🙂

We were going for Immortal, so the fight had an exciting start with one of the Tanks nearly dieing. Soon enough we got enough focus and made quick werk of him.


Getting Halaa Marks easy

These days when Halaa is abandonded and you are still need to get Halaa Battle Token, to get the Halaa PvP Talbuk Mounts for example, there is an easy way to get these Marks.

Alliance has it much easier since equipping the Crystal of Zin-Malor (Alliance Quest that starts in Winterspring) will damage and kill you. The Crystal of Zin-Malor „Deals damage and drains 100 to 500 mana every second if you are not worthy.“ If you die from this item you, and everyone else in your party, will get a Halaa Battle Token.

Alternatively you can bring a warlock who can lifetap and die to his own Hellfire, which will also result in a Halaa Battle Token for the warlock and everyone else in the party.

To speed things up I have a macro that will help with this. It will release your corpse and accept the Spirit Healers Spirit Resurrection.

/tar Spirit Healer
/script RepopMe();
/script RetrieveCorpse();
/script AcceptXPLoss();

Here is a little Video:


Which is the best Enhancement Shaman Off Hand?

There are a lot of discussions about the current available best Off Hand for Enhancement Shamans. Honestly I was expecting a totally different one than the one that made it in the end.

I used the usual testing method, autoattacking a test dummy. In a previous post I used Calamity’s Grasp and The Stray with autoattack to show that Totem of Splintering is not working and ended up with 1650 DPS.

I was hinted to test out Brunnhildar Axe as Off Hand with Flame Tongue. to be honest I was a bit startlet and did not consider even trying it. But in the end my curiosity won.

I tested it with Flame Tongue and to my surprise it was a 300 dps gain on autoattack. Suddenly my Flame Tongue damage was higher than the Windfury damage, even though the Weapon was so slow.

I tried to figure out why this is happening atm. It seems the extra frost damage the weapon does, chilling blow, also triggers flame tongue damage and that it can proc of itself.

Brunnhildar Axe Offhand.

As you can easily see I did 1144 melee attacks and 1432 Flame Tongue attacks, more Flame Tongue hits than melee. Also Chilling Blow hit more often than anyhow possible, since less than half attacks should come from offhand.

I bought 3 Brunnhildar Axe and enchanted them with Mongoose, Ice Breaker, and Fiery Weapon. I am not really sure if I was just unlucky but Mongoose came out last, while I reached 2250 DPS just autoattacking with Fiery Weapon, this is a 600 dps increase from The Stray.

The idea behind fiery Weapon is that it might also be able to proc more Chilling Blows and thus Flame Tongue.

Best combination seems to be Off Hand only (dual wielding those weaposn I ended up with 1600 DPS) and Fiery Weapon as enchant. I have included a WWS for your convenience here.

This has been reported so enjoy it while it lasts.

Edit: This has been now hotfixed 07.01.09 around 19:00

Enhancement Windfury Glyph 3.08

Patch 3.08 will bring the following Enhancement Shaman changes:

  • Static Shock has been swapped with Mental Quickness and moved to Tier 8.
  • Mental Quickness has been swapped with Static Shock and moved to Tier 9.
  • Mental Quickness PTR changes have been reverted and now properly scales from attack power again, increases your spell power by an amount equal to 10/20/30% of your attack power.

Glyph of Windfury Weapon changed from:

  • The attack power bonus on the additional attacks granted by Windfury Weapon is increased by 40%.


  • Increases the chance per swing for Windfury Weapon to trigger by 5%.

Since we are all wondering what this change will mean for us I decided to do an approximately 1 hour long fight, only autoattacks on a target dummy on Live and on PTR, using the same gear and only the same totems.


Swing (Physical) 4056153 damage 62 %
Windfury Attack (Physical) 1391211 damage 21 %
Flametongue Attack (Fire) 1059910 damage 16 %

Number of Windfury Attacks: 683


Swing (Physical) 3783135 damage 58 %
Windfury Attack (Physical) 1732833 damage 27 %
Flametongue Attack (Fire) 985742 damage 15 %

Number of Windfury Attacks: 854

As you can see the percentage of Windfury attacks has significantly increased. While on live realms Windfury procced only 683 times, the number of proccs raised to 854 on PTR with 3.08.
The overall damage was a bit lower, due to a higher missrate. This resulted in less normal melee damage and less Flame Tongue damage.

Another thing I noticed was the damage of Windfury Attacks:

Live Windfury Damage:

Avgerage hit: 1556; Max hit: 1850
Average crit: 3203; Max crit: 3788

PTR Windfury Damage:

Average hit: 1564; Max hit: 1906
Avgerage crit: 3212; Max crit: 3815

The glyph should lower the damage, but apparently the damage is exactly the same. This implies that the WF Glyph is currently not working on live Servers.

If these changes come live we can actually look forward to them.

Here are some more undocumented changes and hopefully incoming fixes:

  • Spirit Wolves
    „Just wanted to post a thanks and an update to the Shaman community that Feral Spirit is indeed scaling now with Attack Power and Crit in the PTR.“
    The patch notes tend to record larger changes to the way things work. We fix literally hundreds of bugs that don’t get incorporated into the patch notes. This one was just a bug.
  • Spirit Walk
    Spirit Walk is supposed to break roots and snares on the wolves and the shaman. I know we’ve had a bug on that. I’ll need to do some research to know if it’s fixed. (Source)
  • Mental Quickness
    Shaman talent Mental Quickness is currently bugged, it corretly works for spell damage (the tool tipway of 30% ap to sp conversion), but for bonus healing it is still calculating from 70% of the shaman’s agility (the old build’s model).
    We’ll look at it. Thanks.

Feral Spirit, Spirit Wolves at Level 80

I just finished uploading a new video of Spirit Wolves at Level 80. I am fighting 3 Elite Mobs, to show their DPS, Taunt and Spirit Hunt (heal on hit).

The last mob Kreug, in Dragonblight, is the target in a 5 man kill quest, with 120k hp and hits up to 5k.

All in all the talent is really awesome now. I love it. I aways hated, how other classes were able to solo some of the more difficult quests, while I had huge issues. This has been fixed and the wolves are a really amazing, in PvE and PvP. A nice change after all the recent nerfs.

On a sidenote, the Wolves did about 450-600 DPS, selfbuffed with totems and heroism on my tests.

„The last numbers I saw, the wolves did fairly nice dps. They do scale their strength, stamina and resistance from yours and inherit your hit. We can make sure nothing broke though.

They are intended to be burst damage, like the elementals. The root breaking is useful and the healing is a little bonus. The taunt will probably always be pretty situational, but the idea was you might be able to save the day sometimes if adds are running amuck.“

„From a quick glance, it looks like the wolves are not set up to scale the way the elementals are. This is a bug and we can get it fixed. And yes, it should be AP, not Strength.

Pets always showing up in autocast is annoying especially with so many pets now. We’re trying to decide whether to fix it or overhaul the whole autocast system.“Ghostcrawler

Thanks for reading.

Enhancement Shaman Abilities at level 80

With Lava Lash, Lava Burst and Flame Tongue still being somewhat unlear I was curious to test things out on one of the new target dummies in Stormwind. Since we are more hybrid now than ever – melee crits leading to an instant cast spell – and the new effect of Flame Tongue I thought it would be nice to show some data:

The build used for this Recount Report was this one. The idea was to have a daily live all around build, to get out of snares and keep isntant ghost wolf, while maximizing Lava burst damage.


I was using the Winfury, Stormstrike and Strength of Earth Totem Glyph. As you can see due to Elemental Fury the critical damage of Lava burst and Lava Lash were quite insane, averaging to about 2500 Lava Lash crit, and 6100 Lava Burst critical hits with Beginner Sunwell gear at Level 80. Grouping with a Mage my Lava Lash crits were way above 3k and Lava Burst reached 8k damage.

Even though Windfury should do way more damage now (with glyph 1650 ap bonus instead of 475ap at 70) it did way less damage than currently at live, so I think it is still bugged.

These are not RAIDING enhancement DPS values, just a short demosntration of how you look solo freshly dinged at level 80 in sucky gear (18.5% Melee crit, 16.5% spellcrit, etc etc)