Since the very first moment that Jeremy Gaffney talked about being the first MMO with a special social designer I have wondered what this person’s job was. To be honest I am not a real fan of facebook/twitter and co and I feared that it was some useless connect to these kind of social networks. Fortunately This week’s Wildstar Wednesday clears things up for us.
Wildstar Housing Teaser
This Week’s Wildstar Wednesday is really amazing! Carbine not only revealed that Wildstar will have housing, but they did it in their own unique way. If you want a peek at Carbine’s art style, humor and none the less at some housing options then read on below!
OffTopic Video: Lugosi sr
An Acquaintance of mine plays in a Punk Rock Band and they have asked me to help animate their video. We managed to get it published for Olympia as a Protest vs all the corruption, etc around the Games. Hope you like it!
Wildstar Friends and Family Video
The past weeks I have totally been sucked into Diablo, driving back his forces to hell. Nothing has been able to get me away from the game so far, even my World of Warcraft subscription ran out (finally). But this week I got a mail from Carbine with a preview of todays Wildstar Wednesday and I was totally blown away. If you recall my rant about Wildstar Wednesdays and suggestions on how to improve them you will realize that this week they show how I always imagined them!
MoP BETA: Glyph of (large) Spectral Wolf
Last night we got a new (surprise) Build – 15689. Main reason behind this build was to re-enable the 64-bit client that got bugged last week. Sadly since the shaman changes are scarce so there isn’t much to show, even this build has only some minor tweaks to glyphs. One of them being a new Ghost Wolf appearance, the large Spectral Wolf.
Q & A with Lead Client Engineer Jon Wiesman
Troy „Aether“ Hewitt
forced, erm pinched convinced Lead Client Engineer Jon „Underdog“ Wiesman to answer some questions for us at Wildstar Central.
Elder Scrolls Announcement Trailer
Following the Elder Scrolls Online Announcement Bethesda released trailer.
Elder Scrolls Online announced
The rumors you may have heard about an Elder Scrolls MMO have finally been backed up by an official announcement. Gameinformer features this amazing news in this month’s cover story.
Account-wide Mounts on Beta!
A feature we (at least me) have been waiting for a long time is account wide mounts. One of the few remaining really rare old epic mounts. The vanilla epic mounts did not look epic enough for Blizzard so they decided to add armor and stuff to it. Most people turned their mounts into the new ones which made them really really rare these days.
Since Myrddin was born in TBC he had no possibility to get the awesome old Black Saber and always envied Slant for this beauty. Now I can ride it, hooray!
State of Enhancement Shamans – Beta Build 15662
The last few builds did not have any major changes for Enhancement Shamans, nothing worthy a full post at least. But after 3 builds without comment I decided to share some of the experiences. The Beta Realms have been quite unstable. Crashes, lag-spikes, timeouts in minute intervals. Its slowly affecting motivation of experienced beta testers. Usually Blizzard is quite fast on fixing such builds, hence the delay on this post.
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