Guildwars 2 closed Beta Signup

This came just over Twitter: „The #GuildWars2 beta sign-up page is live! It will be open for 48 hours, so sign-up for a chance to get in!

I suggest you head asap over to sign-up for the closed beta. Hopefully we get lucky and can provide some proper in-game footage for you.

Myrddin solos Anub’Rekhan 10m

Previous tries did not work so well and I haven’t tried for a long time. Always thought with a bit better gear and some rng it would be possible at some point. This reset Anub’Rekhan, first boss of the Naxxramas Spiderwing was overdue. This was a messy kill and halfway through I was certain to die, ran towards the entrance to wipe. Next week I’ll give you a better kill.

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Myrddin solos Razorscale 10m

This kill is was actually much harder than expected. Initially I thought this was a walk-through, slash some adds, kill pinned down dragon that won’t even fight until 50% … but then he hits really hard around 20k per hit. Wanted to wait for some better gear since I am still in FL gear mostly, only have 2 Nokaled’s from Dragonsoul 😀 But yeah, I haven’t had much luck with loot.
Your requests for more kills encouraged me to try those bosses and here is how I ended up with a kill.

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