Patch 4.3 introduced the perfect way to raid for your alts, looking for raid – lfr. Personally I enjoy having the possibility to raid a bit with my alts, even with low experience or bad gear. You don’t need to be in a guild, there is no pressure with consumables or people raging on vt – just plain simple and kind of fun raiding. It helped me improve my skills and motivated me enough to level up 2 of my alts I haven’t touched since vanilla. But how do we use the LFR system to our advantage?
Crazy Sales
I know people are always doubting if my business model in wow really works. What I am doing it to keep stuff at a high price at the auction house and never undercut anyone. In fact my prices are often 5-8 times higher than normal and people often write me nice mails that I am crazy … but what can I say … it works!
Enhancement Shaman solos Void Reaver
My fans (rawr yeah!) on YouTube got the request to fraps more soloing and I thought this would be an interesting Boss to show. The issue with Void Reaver, the 3rd Boss in Tempest Keep The Eye, is that he fires big balls of electrity that do a large radius AoE silence. While being in a 25 man raid it won’t matter that much, however soloing you will be targeted each and every time ending up more or less chain silenced.
How to create a Raid for Soloing
To enter raid instances you obviously need to be in a raid. Especially late at nights or early mornings it is not easy to find a player that will help you with that. Joining your raid means, loss of queue for battlegrounds or instances, players can’t do their daily quests (since you cannot do most quests while in a raid) or people are simply afk. So what is the best way to get a raid up?
Bind on Account – Heirloom Enchants
Borked has hit Level 20 past week end, meaning we were able to get Heirloom Helms now. If you remember,
to screw twink chars over – oops … to balance enchants for lower level characters, Blizzard reworked all enchants and added minimum levels during Wrath of the Lich King. This was done to prevent too strong enchants on lower level characters. But which are the best enchants you can use on your BoA Gear?
Total Gold Acquired: February 2011, 2 000 000 Gold
Lately I have been repeatedly asked if I already breached the 2 million total gold acquired mark. As you may know I specialize in overpricing stuff and prefer to sell 1 auction for 100 gold, than 2 for 50 gold. It is not the quick sale I am aiming at, but the lazy, unprepared customer who doesn’t care a lot what he pays for and wants item xy right NOW.
The launch of Cataclysm has given my price model a huge boost, even expensive materials do not seem expensive compared to some of the normal prices we see these days, at least on Ravencrest.
„Total Gold Acquired: February 2011, 2 000 000 Gold“ weiterlesen
Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage
With current health pools soloing Molten core for Gold/Recipes/Reputation/Legendaries is not a problem anymore. The biggest threat seems to be fall damage. Now that a heal no longer fills up all our health it makes Baron Geddon and Ragnaros more difficult than before 😀 While they aren’t really a challenge you can still minimize the incoming damage.
A couple of times players mention the fall damage in these encounters but there is an easy way to avoid it all. I have some screenshots with positioning.
Enhancement Shaman Soloable Bosses
Now that everyone had a good start into the cataclysm, reputations have been farmed, some gear has been acquired and people look at other ways to spend their time I found it interesting to check which Level 70 raid bosses can be solo’d for fame and fortune.
Some Preparations for the Launch
Cataclysm will be launched within a few hours, most players wait with anticipation for midnight. But what can you do till then?
Cataclysm Digital Download
There are currently a lot of rumors about the Digital Download for Cataclysm. When I first heard about it at Blizzcon I thought it was a great idea. Even though I am German I live as far away as you can imagine from anything like a midnight sale or let alone have DHL (our german parcel service) have improtant delivieries on time.
Also my connection speed is no option to be able to compete for Realm First Level 85 Shaman, etc with Patches and downlaod being part of the Installation.
This is why I decided to preorder the digital download.