Total Gold Acquired: October 2010, 1 400 000 Gold

Lots of Gold!Happy Birthday Achievement System! It has been introduced exactly 2 years ago with the Pre-Wrath of the Lich King Patch. Aside new talents the new Achievements were highly anticipated. Countless achievements, have popped up since then.

A rather interesting feature is the statistics tab under achievements. It is a fine summary on your character’s stats and makes it very easy to track your gold flow.

People know that I made a lot of gold andare curious about the amount of gold I currently have. It is not as easy to say and thus I sum up the grand total once in a while.

„Total Gold Acquired: October 2010, 1 400 000 Gold“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina

Ancient Sinew Wrapped LaminaA nice change for hunters is coming up on beta (if you still have the item) is that the Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina got converted into a 24 Slot Bag!

Apparenty other Ammo Pouches have been converted aswell, but I am kind of surprised to see that they upgraded the Level 60 Quiver to a 24 Slot Bag. Considering Haris Pilton sells the Portable Hole, also a 24 Slot Bag, at 3000 Gold this is indeed a nice change.

„Cataclysm: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina“ weiterlesen

Cataclysm: Emblem Conversion explained

Currency Conversion Emblems


Blizzard changed the conversion rates, read the update at the end of the post.

Blizzards announced a while back that they were in the process of redesigning the currency system. The idea is to make things much easier by having only 2 PvE and 2 PvP currencies in the game. A lower, easier to obtain currency – Justice Points – and a higher valued currency that is similar to the current Emblem of Frost – Valor Points.

Once a new tier of gear becomes available Valor Points would be merged into Justice Points. Basically this is what will happen when Patch 4.0.1 goes life.

Older emblems and badges will be converted into gold.

„Cataclysm: Emblem Conversion explained“ weiterlesen

Macro: Equip 2 of the same Weapons

Dualwielding macro smallA common problem for dual wielding classes is that they are using 2 weapons with the same name. The normal /equip macros usually bug or place the wrong weapons or don’t change the offhand at all.

Fortunately I stumbled over a neat script sometime somewhere to return an equip itemcode for your current equipped weapons. You can use that for your own macros and it will work flawless for your macros.

„Macro: Equip 2 of the same Weapons“ weiterlesen

Brewfest Ram Racing

ram racing walkthroughTo get the most out of the daily Brewfest Ram Racing you need to ride at full speed all the time. If you haven’t noticed there are these Apple Kegs at certain Points that will remove your fatigue. So basically you can ride full speed all the timeand each time you complete your delivery you get 30 seconds bonus time. If you follow the path below you will use 40 seconds for delivery, so you can do basically around 24 rounds = 48 Brewfest Prize Token.

„Brewfest Ram Racing“ weiterlesen

Macro: Disenchanting, Milling, Prospecting

Myrddin disenchantingMacros are the perfect way to ease mass production of Disenchanting, Milling and Prospecting materials without relying on addons. The best suited macro command for this is /use. Basically always when you get a target cursor, like when you click on disenchant you can set a target with /use item or /use itemid. This one click macro is a great time saver.

The only limit that you should look out for is if you have 1-4 leftover ores or herbs, the macro will get stuck at some point. It will target material you but since the number is lower than 5 it cannot prospect/mill it. To get around this I mail uneven numbers of materials to a different character.

„Macro: Disenchanting, Milling, Prospecting“ weiterlesen

Addons: Mail Opener, Bulkmail2Inbox

Mail OpenerNice! Mail Opener cam in a vew Version with many nice features. For the Characters I am playing with I use Bulkmail2Inbox, but my AH Characters use Mail Opener. The big benefit of Mail Opener is the automatic opening of your mails.

It can be quite bothersome to get around the 50 mails per 60 seconds limit and more than once I totally forgot about these mails. Like right now I like to alt-tab and do something productive when emptying the box 😀

„Addons: Mail Opener, Bulkmail2Inbox“ weiterlesen

Total Gold Acquired: August 2010

Lots of Gold!It has been a while since the last summary. Concedingly I slacked with auctions, lost mats worth a 100-200k in expired mails on Magtheridon and Ravencrest. In addition there was the Lich King progression, soccer championship, hot summer, etc. Once you get to a point where gold becomes pointless it is becoming increasingly difficult to be motivated to have auctions up, etc 😀

„Total Gold Acquired: August 2010“ weiterlesen

Total Gold Acquired: March 2010

Lots of Gold!It has been a while since the last report and as you can easily see, I slacked. There is no real use for anymore gold and it doesn’t make much sense to use so much time on the auction house.

I have cut down massively posting glyphs and enchanting mats, sparing me 3000 auctions per 48 hours. On the other hand it means that even doing only minimal AH Business it is merely impossible to not gain masses of gold these days. Often I am even to lazy to relog alts to send materials and rather buy them expensive on the auction house.

„Total Gold Acquired: March 2010“ weiterlesen

Earning Gold on a New Realm

People often wonder how to start earning Gold on a new Realm. It is really not difficult to start out. When 3.3 launched 4 weeks ago I created a little Orc Shaman on EU-Ravencrest. Originally I intended to move Myrddin from Eu-Magtheridon, but I do not want to pay Blizzard money for a Realm Transfer.

I leveled the Char up to level 9 until I had about 8 Silver and went to Orgrimmar, asked a Guard for the Enchanting Trainer and bought 1 Strange Dust and put it on AH for 45/90S buyout. It sold quite fast actually and I was able to buy more Strange Dusts and put them on AH.

I took the Zeppelin to Thunderbluff and bought the Strange Dusts there, too … and also started to buy the Essences and the 2 Green Recipes from each Enchanting Supplier and put them up for 8.5/12.5G Buyout.

As you can see, money adds up quite fast. From my first 5G spare I bought a Portal to Dalaran. This way you can buy Dust in Thunderbluff, Hearthstone to Dalaran and then head to Orgrimmar. You end up with 2 Green Recipes, about 6-8 Strange Dust and about 4-6 lesser Magic Essence (~30G)

It is nice for starters, but the more lucrtative stuff is Illusion Dust/Greater Eternal Essences. The reason for it is that those can’t realyl be farmed easily. There are only Wicked Leather Headbands that DE into Illusion Dust and Greater Eternal Essences. All other items require hard to find rare and expensive materials to craft.

To level Enchanting there is no way around Illusion Dust and Greater Eternal Essences, so it is a good way to get some money from players who level Enchanting.

It is often possible to buy Greater Eternal Essences for 10-12G, but since the low cost Formulas to level enchanting require LESSER Eternal Essences some people really overlook the greater ones 😀

So you buy Greater Eternal Essences up to 15-16G and turn each into 3 Lesser Eternal Essences and sell them in Stacks of 10 for 84.5-89.5G.

Then you can expand to other Dusts and Essences. Vision Dust, Arcane Dust, Dream Dust would be the ones I’d go for.

Now after 4 Weeks it looks like this: 1450G cash, 156G average earned per day (Level 9!! )

Inclusive materials the Char’s worth is about 5 000 Gold, which isn’t bad for a char that you log once a day for 5 minutes.

With that much gold – and the speed you earn it increases each day – it is no problem to start playing and have enough to level the character up.