New Videos, Firelands and PTR

In case you aren’t subscribed to my Youtube Channel here are some videos I have uploaded the past weeks. Beth’tilac, Shannox 10 man heroic in Firelands and the 4.3 PTR Instance End Time.

Shannox, Firelands

Shannox is probably the easiest 10 man heroic mode in Firelands. This is an Enhancement Shamans PoV and yep our Owl got trapped (rumors say it is not the first time, ha ha)


Beth’tilac is probably the hardest 10 man heroic mode after Ragnaros in Firelands. This is an Enhancement Shamans PoV and yep I know I fell down 😀

End Time, 4.3 PTR

Here is a quick Preview of End Time on of the newly introduced Instances on 4.3 PTR from an Enhancement Shaman Point of View.

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