Theme Showcase

As some of you may know I sometimes create wordpress themes. Once in a while you run across a design, that doesn’t fit the goal you had in mind, but at the same time is too nice to just thrash. There are probably a a couple of people who can use these and finish customization for themselves.

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Enhancement Shaman vs Teron Gorefiend

On of the best models and fun raid encounters in World of warcraft was Teron Gorefiend in Black Temple. The fight mechanics with killing of players and turning them into ghosts still is a pretty unique gimmick. Many guilds used this fight to compete on DPS during the burning crusade when wwscoreboard was still live.
I have always enjoyed this fight, but wasn’t sure if I could do it, due to the gimmick mechanics … and there was the fear about the thrash guarding Teron 😀 But you never know how things turn out if you don’t at least try!

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Enhancement Shaman vs Archavon the Stonewatcher

I happened to do dailies at the Argent Tournament, when Wintergrasp Battle was about to start. I figured, I could just join up for the free honor and looked into Vault of Archavon to pass the time. Previously I wondered how hard the trash would be here now or if I could even take down a Boss. The Trash looked surprisingly doable and I thought, even with the upcoming battle, it would not hurt to at least see how hard the encounter would be like. Before thinking about it, I rushed in.

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Enhancement Shaman vs Hydross the Unstable

Hydross the Unstable is the first boss in Serpent Shrine Caverns, Zangar Marsh, Outlands. My quest to solo raid encounters brought me to SSC last week already to kill „The Lurker Below“. I hesitated a bit to try other bosses since they seem to have mechanics that make these fights somewhat tricky.
Hydross seemed the easiest, but it turned out I underestimated the fight a tiny bit 😀

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Patch 4.0.6: Enhancement Shaman Windfury Changes

As many of you know Patch 4.0.6 has some changes for shamans incoming. Blizzard hopes to get us away from using caster weapons in main hand for good. They will reduce the damage from Flame Tongue by 20% and add an additional swing to Windfury, basically increasing its damage by 50%.
While I do not like that they again increase the RNG in our dps by reducing the reliable steady damage from Flame Tongue, it looks like this is a slight buff for us. Let us look at some fights.

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