Soloing Molten Core, reduce Fall Damage

With current health pools soloing Molten core for  Gold/Recipes/Reputation/Legendaries is not a problem anymore. The biggest threat seems to be fall damage. Now that a heal no longer fills up all our health it makes Baron Geddon and Ragnaros more difficult than before 😀 While they aren’t really a challenge you can still minimize the incoming damage.

A couple of times players mention the fall damage in these encounters but there is an easy way to avoid it all. I have some screenshots with positioning.

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State of Enhancement!

Shaman Healing Rain UtilityDon’t you love Enhancement Shaman now? The past weeks before Cataclysm were pretty much a downer for us. Very low dps – compared to other classes – and lots of breaks ibetween abilities. I saw a good bunch of players abandon the class, despite pinting out that Unleash Elements would give us a lot more of the TBC glory back.

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Cataclysm: Peparation, 25 Dailies to boost XP

cataclysm prep questmapIf you plan to  get to Level 85 as fast as possible you will most likely want to stock up quests to turn in. Once the XP gain is activated on December 7th you will be able to have a nice bunch of xp waiting for you.

A lot of things changed on the PTR, quests like „Sealed Vial of Poison“, „Damaged Necklace“, „XXX  Must Die!“ weekly raid quest no longer yield XP.

These selected quests will bring you roughly 35%-40% into Level 80 with minimal travel time.

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Cataclysm Digital Download

There are currently a lot of rumors about the Digital Download for Cataclysm. When I first heard about it at Blizzcon I thought it was a great idea. Even though I am German I live as far away as you can imagine from anything like a midnight sale or let alone have DHL (our german parcel service) have improtant delivieries on time.

Also my connection speed is no option to be able to compete for Realm First Level 85 Shaman, etc with Patches and downlaod being part of the Installation.

This is why I decided to preorder the digital download.

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Patch 4.0.1 Feedback

Enhancement DPS SaurfangIt has been a good 2 resets that we could test the new 4.0 content and one thing has become clear. Enhancement DPS definitely went down. During the first reset I was a bit disappointed to see, despite the new abilities and the new hard hitting Lava Lash, tha tI lost a good 1-2k DPS. At first I blamed screwed up rotaion and similar silly mistakes for it, but with this weeks reset and a lot more practice it has become evident that we indeed lost a good chunk of dps.

I recall Blizzard promises when they first announced the changes for 4.0 – „Your DPS will NOT GO DOWN“, but in fact all Melee classes took a big hit the first 1-2 days.
We had our Warriors, who did 18-20k DPS prepatch, doing less 10k dps and then 1 day later after a massive uproar in the Forum were back to their prepatch dps, maybe even a bit higher. This Fix also gave Retribution Paladins and Feral Cats, who are at 22-23k DPS in their BIS gear now btw, some buffs. Leaving us pretty alone at the lower end of the DPS Meter.

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Total Gold Acquired: October 2010, 1 400 000 Gold

Lots of Gold!Happy Birthday Achievement System! It has been introduced exactly 2 years ago with the Pre-Wrath of the Lich King Patch. Aside new talents the new Achievements were highly anticipated. Countless achievements, have popped up since then.

A rather interesting feature is the statistics tab under achievements. It is a fine summary on your character’s stats and makes it very easy to track your gold flow.

People know that I made a lot of gold andare curious about the amount of gold I currently have. It is not as easy to say and thus I sum up the grand total once in a while.

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