Cataclysm: ZG Removed, Mounts removed, Pet removed

Swift Zulian Tiger goneBlizzard has finally published detailed plans on the future of raid mounts. They recently announced that they intend to remove mounts in cataclysm, but kept the how and when rather vague.
I still don’t quite understand why they have to close down Zul’gurub, an instance that I ran since opening, nearly each reset. The atmosphere inside is just so amazing with all the details places at various places and by far my favourite raid instancem. Sure polygons are and textures aren’t up to wotlk, but still it has an unmatched flair to attached …

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The Enhancement Shaman 4.0 Guide

Enhancement 4.0While Deathwing is going to break lose and tearing Azeroth apart the coming Cataclysm will bring many improvements for us Enhancement Shamans. Patch 4.0.1 will include many class changes while the world changes – the actual cataclysm will come live with patch 4.0.3 at a later date.

In a nutshell we get to choose more utility, get some glyph and ui enhancements which make the class more fun to play. Many changes are also coming statwise, many buffs get spread to more classes and we will get many changes to our Totems.

„The Enhancement Shaman 4.0 Guide“ weiterlesen

Archaeology: Fossilized Raptor, Fossilized Hatchling

Look what I found on Beta. Some guy was in Stormwind with a Fossilized Raptor and a Fossilized Hatchling as companion and I was able to make sone Screenshots before he dissapeared.

After seeing the DK flying mount which looks more like a gnawed off „Wiesnhendl“ from the October Fest than some scary flying beast, I am glad that this looks much better.

They look better than they appear on the Screenshots.

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Cataclysm: Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina

Ancient Sinew Wrapped LaminaA nice change for hunters is coming up on beta (if you still have the item) is that the Ancient Sinew Wrapped Lamina got converted into a 24 Slot Bag!

Apparenty other Ammo Pouches have been converted aswell, but I am kind of surprised to see that they upgraded the Level 60 Quiver to a 24 Slot Bag. Considering Haris Pilton sells the Portable Hole, also a 24 Slot Bag, at 3000 Gold this is indeed a nice change.

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Personal: Helicopters

Alouette II

In 1991-1996 I have been part of the German Army Aviation Forces. I had the choice to waste 1 year of my life as conscript or actually get something back from the army. I decided to become offcier, helicopter pilot and study at the University of German Armed forces in Hamburg. Back then you had to sign up for 14 years for this career.

In 1994/1995 however I noticed that my real interest was computers and also my professor told me I was too intelligent to „waste my life in the army“ 😀
Fortunately the forces got reduced at the time and the Bundeswehr was happy for each pilot that was willing to go sooner. For economic reasons they decided to dust in 30% of their helicopters in order to have the reamining ones 10 years longer in service.

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Cataclysm: Emblem Conversion explained

Currency Conversion Emblems


Blizzard changed the conversion rates, read the update at the end of the post.

Blizzards announced a while back that they were in the process of redesigning the currency system. The idea is to make things much easier by having only 2 PvE and 2 PvP currencies in the game. A lower, easier to obtain currency – Justice Points – and a higher valued currency that is similar to the current Emblem of Frost – Valor Points.

Once a new tier of gear becomes available Valor Points would be merged into Justice Points. Basically this is what will happen when Patch 4.0.1 goes life.

Older emblems and badges will be converted into gold.

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Macro: Equip 2 of the same Weapons

Dualwielding macro smallA common problem for dual wielding classes is that they are using 2 weapons with the same name. The normal /equip macros usually bug or place the wrong weapons or don’t change the offhand at all.

Fortunately I stumbled over a neat script sometime somewhere to return an equip itemcode for your current equipped weapons. You can use that for your own macros and it will work flawless for your macros.

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