PTR Testing, Icecrown Citadel

As European we are quite used to be limited to second class treatment by blizzard. There are hardly responses from the European Community Manager Team or even straight answers from Developers.

Icecrown PTR testing seems to peak at total unfairness. Why does Blizzard invite Players to the PTR, but then doesn’t enable Bosses, keeps doors locked or provides testing at different times than announced.

I mean there is lot of interest in testing Icecrown Citadel as you can easily see here:


But the for most people the evening ends like this, looking at closed doors, while some selected guilds get special treatment and personal GM help. Blizzard, you could handpick invitations to PTR if you can’t handle the load and prevent people from staring at the doors all evening.


Interesting encounter, eh? 😀

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