Usually we duo/trio Doomwalker for a fast kill and easy cash, but a few days ago there was noone around that was willing to help to kill Doomlord Kazzak and Doomwalker so I decided to give it a try solo.
Doomlord Kazzak worked out nicely at the start but the constant mana drain and the need for dispells ended up in a heavy consumption on mana. Either I was not able to keep up the hp or the mana and I am not really sure how to counter that. After a few tries I decided to skip him and rather try my luck on Doomwalker.
Doomwalker was really easy, I could keep up nearly 100% hp using Judgement of Light and Seal of Vengeance, it just took some time to get him down 😀

At 20% however things start to become tricky, Doomwalker enrages and attacks harder and faster (hat some 10-12k hits).

Even with Sacred Shield, Seal of Light, Judgement of Light he was slowly wearing my HP down.

The Earthquake Phase during his Enrage is probably the best time to gain up some hp. Other than that I was slowly drained of HP, let Argent Defender keep me alive, saved LoH for the next time I was low on hp, to have Argent Defender available right after.

The fight took roughly 17 minutes, which is a long time on a PvP Realm. Fortunately people were busy hunting turkeys at the time 😀
The loot was 498G and 2 BoE Cloaks that I sold for 275g each, nothing to complain about!