While I am mostly playing around with this site behind the scenes there are often needs for some tweaks. I’d like the different parts of the blog post to the main site. But not only my personal blogs are hosted here, also some blogs from friends. Hence I had the need to stop the amazing plugin „WordPress MU Sitewide Tags Pages“ to post certain blogs.
Server Upgrade! Centos & Plesk & APC
If you noticed the past weeks the speed of the server went down a bit, which was bugging me a lot. I am running Plesk 10 here and it is really annoying at times. Plesk is using its own system for everything and ofc it changes from version to version, which means it is often more luck than anything if you get things running right away. But I dared anyhow!
Tuning APC Opcode Cache
The past week I noticed errors and sometimes stalling performance of my PHP-applications. After some research I realized that the error might be related to some Linux distributions using only a small shared memory size which might cause APC to malfunction.