Earning Gold on a New Realm

People often wonder how to start earning Gold on a new Realm. It is really not difficult to start out. When 3.3 launched 4 weeks ago I created a little Orc Shaman on EU-Ravencrest. Originally I intended to move Myrddin from Eu-Magtheridon, but I do not want to pay Blizzard money for a Realm Transfer.

I leveled the Char up to level 9 until I had about 8 Silver and went to Orgrimmar, asked a Guard for the Enchanting Trainer and bought 1 Strange Dust and put it on AH for 45/90S buyout. It sold quite fast actually and I was able to buy more Strange Dusts and put them on AH.

I took the Zeppelin to Thunderbluff and bought the Strange Dusts there, too … and also started to buy the Essences and the 2 Green Recipes from each Enchanting Supplier and put them up for 8.5/12.5G Buyout.

As you can see, money adds up quite fast. From my first 5G spare I bought a Portal to Dalaran. This way you can buy Dust in Thunderbluff, Hearthstone to Dalaran and then head to Orgrimmar. You end up with 2 Green Recipes, about 6-8 Strange Dust and about 4-6 lesser Magic Essence (~30G)

It is nice for starters, but the more lucrtative stuff is Illusion Dust/Greater Eternal Essences. The reason for it is that those can’t realyl be farmed easily. There are only Wicked Leather Headbands that DE into Illusion Dust and Greater Eternal Essences. All other items require hard to find rare and expensive materials to craft.

To level Enchanting there is no way around Illusion Dust and Greater Eternal Essences, so it is a good way to get some money from players who level Enchanting.

It is often possible to buy Greater Eternal Essences for 10-12G, but since the low cost Formulas to level enchanting require LESSER Eternal Essences some people really overlook the greater ones 😀

So you buy Greater Eternal Essences up to 15-16G and turn each into 3 Lesser Eternal Essences and sell them in Stacks of 10 for 84.5-89.5G.

Then you can expand to other Dusts and Essences. Vision Dust, Arcane Dust, Dream Dust would be the ones I’d go for.

Now after 4 Weeks it looks like this: 1450G cash, 156G average earned per day (Level 9!! )

Inclusive materials the Char’s worth is about 5 000 Gold, which isn’t bad for a char that you log once a day for 5 minutes.

With that much gold – and the speed you earn it increases each day – it is no problem to start playing and have enough to level the character up.

Requested: Sound on Maelstrom Weapon Stacks

I get a lot of questions on how to create A sound for Maelstrom Weapon Stacks. In my opinion it is a nice helper in norder to not have to watch buffbars all the time and get full focus on the encounter.

At first I chose a fast mp3 sound that I will definitely not ever hear ingame and it will thus be easy to differ from other sounds. I created a folder named „Audio“ inside the „InterfaceAddons“ Folder. For example on my pc the full path is: „C:GamesWorld of WarcraftInterfaceAddOnsAudio“ and the file name „laser.mp3“

There are lots of files to choose, but I think Soundbible.com has a suitable Laser or Laser Blaster sound.

It is quite easy to add a sound like that to SCTScrolling Combat Text – by creating a custom Event. Just open the options menu, select SCT Custom Event, create „New Event“.


In the next Window enter the Values below:

  • Name: Maelstrom Gain
  • Event Type: Aura Gains
  • Display: *1
  • Target: Player
  • Search: Maelstrom Weapon
  • Wave Sound: InterfaceAddOnsAudiolaser.mp3
    the location is relative to your WoW Folder
  • Aura Count: 5
  • Make Critical

and then „Save Event“


This is all, your sound should now be working, have fun! An example YouTube Video is here:

3.3 Shaman Changes, Fire Nova

Patch 3.3 has been applied to the Public Test Realm. The Fire Nova Totem wil be removed and instead we get an AoE fire Nova Spell. You can find the complete Patch Notes here.


  • Fire Nova Totem: This totem has been replaced with a new spell, Fire Nova, which is available at the same ranks as the old Fire Nova Totem. Existing characters will automatically learn this new spell in place of the totem. With a Fire Totem active, shamans will be able to use Fire Nova (fire magic) to emit the same area-of-effect damage as the old Fire Nova Totem from the active Fire Totem, not consuming the totem in the process. Fire Nova will activate a 1.5-second global cooldown when used and has a 10-second spell cooldown. The caster must be within 30 yards of the totem to use this ability, but does not need to be within line of sight of the totem.
    • Elemental Combat
      • Improved Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Improved Fire Nova. This talent now provides an additional 10/20% damage to the spell and reduces the cooldown by 2/4 seconds.
  • Glyph of Fire Nova Totem: Renamed Glyph of Fire Nova. This glyph now reduces the cooldown of Fire Nova by 3 seconds.

Since these changes are quite interesting I have been to the PTR and made a little video demonstrating the new Fire Nova spell.

Since Fire Nova, costs about 1k Mana it is really no option as enhancement to use it glyphed, while the Talents with 20% more damage sound quite interesting. Especially since we will end up with a 6 second cooldown which will blend in nicely to lava lash and our shocks. As you can see I am busy pressing buttons all the time so I am not sure if the new glyph will do enhancement any good.

I used the following Talents as a quick test:


Fire Nova each 6 sec will cost 10k Mana per minute. For this reason I took talents like Improved Storm Strike and Elemental Focus, which seems to be the only way to keep enough Mana to be able to use it each cooldown.

Basically I used 2 points from Lightning Shield and put them in into Improved Fire Nova, not sure where to use the last Talent Point. Either 1 point in improved Storm Strike, Elemental Focus.


Edit: On the recent ICC tests it seems that we are much more competetive now in damage again.

3.2.2 Shaman Changes: Totem of Quaking Earth

After the recent complains about the bugs and general power of our Enhancement Totem of Quaking Earth they changed the proc to be 400 AP instead of 200 AP. I have a link to the MMO-ITEM DB here.

It is kind of odd that no other shaman changes are listed for now, but well the improvement of the Totem will be a nice boost and we Enhancement Shamans will no longer run around with the Elemental Totem anymore.


  • Totem of Quaking Earth: Each time you use your Lava Lash ability, you have a chance to gain 400 attack power for 18 sec.
    (Up from 200 Attack Power)

It is not yet in any official Patch Notes, but some Shamans confirmed this change already in the PTR Forum. Don’t forget to save up some emblems for the coming Patch!

Cataclysm: No Worgen Shaman!

Not that I am particularly eloquent, but I have no words to express my disappointment with the newly announced race and class combinations for the coming expansion Cataclysm for World of Warcraft.

Race and Class Matrix

I was so looking forward to play Worgen Shaman, could already see that menacing Worgen, wielding fierce weapons in his claws, blood smeared over his mail armor, spreading slobber all around while baring his fangs ready to tear the enemy’s throat out – ROOOOAAARR!!!!11!!!.

It would fit so perfect … but now we get lol Priestlol Worgen and Roguelol Worgen … I personally find that they do not fit the class at all. And we have enough races that can do those already. ZzzzzzZ. Now I can dust in the Horde Orc Shammy I prepared to Faction Change into Worgen once it would become available – Awwwww!

The same goes for Goblins, I saw them already in plate gear, casting holy spells, casting hammer of justice. Instead they become the 4th shaman race for the Horde. With all their attraction towards technical devices and gadgets I just don’t buy them as shamans.

Here is the list


[table id=3 /]


[table id=4 /]

Recent searches: “disrupt spell earth shock”

Looking through recent search queries I noticed some visitors that were lead here, but probably did not find what they were looking for.

„wow shaman disrupt spell Earth Shock“

Since 3.2 Earth Shock does no longer interrupt spellcasting. Instead it reduces Melee Attack Speed by 10%. Interrupts are now done by Wind Shear, which is off Global Cooldown. It is 1 buton more to use, but overall the better solution.

Since Wind Shear is off the global cooldown you can still use a macro like the one below to fake the old function:

/cast Wind Shear
/cast Earth Shock

You can also change it to Frost Shock for example for PvP.

„how to unmount vehicle wow“

Sometimes Vehicles in WoW bug and you can’t exit them, or some fancy addon prevents the action bar change. Here is a way to get around that:

/run if CanExitVehicle() then VehicleExit() end;

If you haven’t changed the default key bind „NumPad5“ to leave a vehicle then that might be an option for you aswell.

„best enchant for off hand shaman weapon“

current best Enhancement Shaman enchant for Off Hand is Berserking. Unless you mean Weapon imbues, then it would be Flame Tongue.

„Mount unmount Stealth Macro“

The best way to do this is most likely to enable „Auto Dismount in Flight“ in the Interface -> Options -> Control section. Then you can hit the stealth button and it will auto dismount you. If you really want a macro for that then:

/dismount [mounted]
/cast Stealth

If you want to add some mounts to the macro then this should work, too

/use [flyable, nomounted] Blue Wind Rider
/use [noflyable, nomounted] Armored Brown Bear
/dismount [mounted]
/use stealth

I would personally add the [nostealth] condition so I could mash it without becoming visible again:

/use [flyable, nomounted, nostealth] Blue Wind Rider
/use [noflyable, nomounted, nostealth] Armored Brown Bear
/dismount [mounted]
/use stealth

I hope that helped. You are free to add comments below.

Possible Class Leaks on Cataclysm Expansion

Boubouile at www.mmo-champion.com, put his speculations about the possible upcoming Cataclysm Expansion into a new post.

Basically he is claiming that the new Races for Alliance and Horde are going to be Worgen and Goblins. Also he says that additionally new available class combinations are:

New Possible Cataclysm Class Combinations

  • Human Hunter
  • Orc Mage
  • Night Elf Mage
  • Dwarf Mage
  • Blood Elf Warrior
  • Dwarf Shaman
  • Undead Hunter
  • Tauren Paladin
  • Tauren Priest
  • Gnome Priest
  • Troll Druid

This made me think, since stuff like Undead Hunter or Tauren Priest doesn’t really make sense to me. I noticed that Blizzard has been trying to even out numbers of mounts available for each faction, etc for quite some time.

So my speculation is what if you list up sum up current classes and add the ones listed above. Not like I am really sure about any of this, but it would not surprise me, especially since teh classes would fit quite well, too.

Worgen Druid

With the changes above Horde will have 2 druid races (Tauren,Troll), while Alliance has onlyNight Elves.

Alliance: Night Elf = 1
Horde: Tauren + Troll Druid = 2

Worgen would make perfect sense, as they are shapeshifters by nature and it would even out the numbers.

Worgen Hunter

Alliance: Night Elves, Dwarves, Draenei + Human Hunter = 4
Horde: Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Blood Elves + Undead Hunter = 5

Alliance is missing 1 race and it would make perfect sense, too.

Worgen Warlock

Alliance: Gnomes, Humans = 2
Horde: Orcs, Undead, Blood Elves = 3

Alliance is missing 1 race and Duskwood already has some of those.

Worgen Shaman

Alliance: Draenei + Dwarf Shaman = 2
Horde: Orcs, Tauren, Trolls = 3

Shamans are tied up with nature, so this would make some sense – and some wishfull thinking, because that would make me reroll for sure.

Goblin Paladin

Alliance: Humans, Dwarves, Draenei = 3
Horde: Blood Elves + Tauren Paladin = 2

Goblin Mages

Alliance: Humans, Gnomes, Draenei + Night Elf Mage + Dwarf Mage = 5
Undead, Trolls, Blood Elves + Orc Mage = 4

Goblin Priest

Alliance: Humans, Dwarves, Night Elves, Draenei + Gnome Priest = 5
Horde: Undead, Trolls, Blood Elves 3 + Tauren Priest = 4

Worgen Warrior, Goblin Warrior

Alliance: Night Elves, Dwarves, Draenei, Humans, Dwarves = 5
Goblin: Undead, Trolls, Orcs, Tauren + Blood Elf  Warrior = 5

This just as specualtion, since all races have warrior as class

Worgen Death Knight, Goblin Death Knight

Policy with Death Knights is „available to all races“ and I guess it wil stay that way.

Keep in mind that this is all speculation and just my personal thoughts about the listed changes on mmo-champion.com. I have left out rogues, because it would not make sense for either of these races and because their number is balanced.

Feel free to leave your thoughts below.

PvP Realm Restriction Removed

Quite surprisingly Blizzard lifted the faction restriction for PvP Realms. Prior 3.2 it was not possible to create a character of the opposing faction on the same PvP Realm. At first people wondered if it was a 3.2 glitch, but apparently the change was done in preparation to the coming faction change.

Quote from: Eyonix(Source) – PvP Realm Restriction Removed
As we’ve already discussed, we’re in the process of developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. To prepare for this new service, we’ve removed the restriction that prevents players from creating both Horde and Alliance characters on a PvP realm. For more information on our Faction Change service, please visit the following link.http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=18031079410&sid=1

Here is a little summary about the faction change:

Quote from: Wryxian (Source) – Faction-Change Service in the Works

We wanted to give everyone a very early heads-up that, in response to player requests, we’re developing a new service for World of Warcraft that will allow players to change their faction from Alliance to Horde or Horde to Alliance. There’s still much work to do and many details to iron out, but the basic idea is that players will be able to use the service to transform an existing character into a roughly equivalent character of the opposing faction on the same realm. Players who ended up creating and leveling up characters on the opposite factions from their friends have been asking for this type of functionality for some time, and we’re pleased to be getting closer to being able to deliver it.

As with all of the features and services we offer, we intend to incorporate the faction-change service in a way that won’t disrupt the gameplay experience on the realms, and there will be some rules involved with when and how the service can be used. The number of variables involved increases the complexity of implementing this service, but we plan to take the time needed to ensure that it lives up to expectations before officially rolling it out. We’ll go into much more detail on all of this here at www.wow-europe.com as development progresses. In the meantime, we wanted to let you know that because this type of functionality requires extensive internal testing well in advance of release, you may be seeing bits and pieces of the service in the test builds we use for the public test realms moving forward.

Updated: 01/07/09: Due to the many questions that have come up with the announcement of this new service, we wanted to take the time to answer the ones we can at this point in time.

Q. Will we be able to switch between the races on our own faction?
A.. No. Players will only be able to switch to a race of the opposite faction.

Q. Will I be able to choose the race on the opposite faction that I want to change to?
A.. Yes, but you will only be able to switch to a race that has your class type available to it. So if you play a human paladin, you’d only be able to change to a blood elf paladin.

Q.How much will it cost?
A.. We do not have further information on this at this point in time.

Q.Will I be able to switch back to my original faction but a different race?
A.. No. You will only be able to switch back to your originally chosen race.

Q.. How will the switch between reputation, gear, mounts, etc be handled?
A.. We’ll have more details for you at a later point in time, though we plan to keep these as close to a reflection of the other faction as much as possible.

Q.How often can you change your faction?
A..We do not have any information to share on this at this point in time, however we will have restrictions on the frequency by which players can change their faction.

Q. How will this affect the balance of Horde and Alliance on the realms?
A.. We are taking great care in how we implement this new service in order to maintain balance between the factions on the realms but do not have any further details to share.

We can only wonder what comes next. Personally I am expecting some change to cross faction mail. It just makes no sense that I have all these nice heirloom items on my main when I cannot use them on my chars on the same realm, just because I thought I might like to try out the other faction. Blizzards previous standing about the matter needs to be changed though 🙂

Quote from: Eyonix (Source) – Re: Time to allow cross-faction communication
We don’t allow cross-faction communication because the two factions are at war and we want to foster a sense of seperation. If you wish to communicate, you’ll have to do so with hand gestures, noises and movements (emotes).

Personally I welcome the change, somehow … I have created my Horde Orc Shaman and am going to draw the money out of my enemies pockets into mine.
What can be more satisfying than getting some whispers from the guy that camped your low level alt, until you turned the table and gave him some retribution.
He will be quite upset – which is already by itself worth it – and you will be able to report his insults to the game masters who do not have much tolerance with rude people.

Earning Gold: Glyphs

glyph salesRecently I started to write up all tips on how to earn Gold in WoW, but it was way too much for a single post. Thus I decided to make a category of posts dedicated to earning gold. You will be able to see all posts for this category by selecting the proper category on the right. More articles like this will follow.


Glyphs can be quite a lucrative business. They are really cheap to craft and can be sold for quite a fortune.
„Earning Gold: Glyphs“ weiterlesen

Patch 3.2 – Shaman Changes Summary

The release of Patch 3.2 seems to be imminent, a good moment to list the coming changes for the Shaman class. You can find the complete patch notes here.

Personally I am looking forward to see the Totem Bar, the ability to drop multiple totems at the same time. I am not so sure what to think of the Earth Shock change, yet. At least you can continue full dps while interrupting, at the cost of one more button on the action bar.

Quote from: WoW-Europe.com (Source)

Class Changes

  • Base health increased by approximately 7% to correct for shamans having lower health than other classes.
  • Ghost Wolf: Can now be learned at level 16. While in this form, snaring effects may not bring the shaman below base normal run speed.

Totem Bar

A customizable totem bar will now be available for shamans allowing the storing of 4 different totems. These totems can be placed on the ground at once in one global cooldown for the combined mana cost of all 4 totems. The naming scheme of the spells to summon the different totem sets has been changed to make it less confusing for players:

  • Call of Fire (Totem Bar 1, the first one gained at level 30) is now named Call of the Elements.
  • Call of Water (Totem Bar 2) is now named Call of the Ancestors.
  • Call of Air (Totem Bar 3) is now named Call of the Spirits.
  • Call of Earth (the spell to recall all summoned totems) is now named Totemic Recall.


  • All Shocks now have a default range of 25 yards, up from 20 yards.
  • Earth Shock: Redesigned. This spell no longer interrupts spell casting, but rather reduces melee attack speed by 10% for 8 seconds (exclusive with similar effects such as Thunder Clap).
  • Wind Shock: Has been renamed Wind Shear and no longer shares a cooldown with Flame, Frost or Earth Shock.
  • Convection now affects Wind Shear
  • Reverberation now affects Wind Shear.


  • Chain Heal: Jump distance increased by 25% to 12.5 yards. In addition, the amount of healing now decreases by 40% as it jumps to each new target, instead of 50%.
  • Ancestral Healing: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target’s armor.
  • Cure Poison and Cure Disease: Combined into a single spell, Cure Toxins.
  • Ancestral Healing: The buff from this ability now reduces the physical damage taken by the target by 3/7/10% instead of increasing the target’s armor.
  • Earth Shield: Dispel effects will now remove charges of Earth Shield rather than the entire aura.
  • Healing Way: Redesigned. Rather than providing a chance of increasing Healing Wave spells on a friendly target, this talent now innately increases the effectiveness of the shaman’s Healing Wave by 8/16/25%.
  • Mana Tide Totem: Totem health now equal to 10% of the shaman’s health.
  • Nature’s Guardian: Redesigned. Now has a fixed 100% proc rate, has a 30-second internal cooldown and increases the shaman’s maximum health by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 seconds.
  • Nature’s Swiftness: Cooldown is now 2 minutes, down from 3 minutes.
  • Tidal Waves: No longer reduces the cast time of Lesser Healing Wave by 30%. It instead now provides +25% critical strike chance to Lesser Healing Wave, along with the previous 30% cast time benefit to Healing Wave.
  • Improved Water Shield: This talent now has a 10/20/30% chance to be triggered by Chain Heal, and the charges of Water Shield are no longer consumed by this talent.


  • Maelstrom Weapon: Now also has a chance to reduce the cast time of Hex.
  • Shamanistic Rage: Cooldown is now 1 minute, down from 2 minutes. Successful melee attacks now have a chance to generate mana equal to 15% of the shaman’s attack power, down from 30%.

Tooltip changes and Fixes

  • Elemental Devastation: Tooltip revised to indicate it does not work with critical strikes from periodic damage.
  • Elemental Focus: Tooltip revised to indicate it does not work with critical strikes from periodic damage.
  • Elemental Oath: Tooltip revised to indicate it does not work with critical strikes from periodic damage.
  • Flametongue Weapon: Fixed tooltip error.
  • Frostbrand Weapon: Fixed a bug where rank 9 was not scaling properly with a shaman’s spell power.