Thanks guys for a very nice Naxxramas clear. For the second day of this weeks Naxxramas reset we had only Gothik, 4 Horsemen, Loatheb, Saphhiron and Kel’Thuzad left. After getting the 4 Horsemen down and another Seal of the Damned, we killed Loatheb, Sapphiron, Kel’Thuzad at one go.
Finally we got our first Kingsfall which is anothe big improvement for the raid’s dps. We got Kingsfall, Gressil – Dawn of Ruin and the Hungering Cold. Its about time we get some phats for our casters.
All in all I am a bit dissappointed in the maces perfomance on Loatheb. I was way down on the damage meter, but I missed 2 Spore buffs. On the other bosses it was not so bad, especiallly in the Kel’Thuzad encounter I did decently compared to the other Rogues also not directly on Kel’Thuzad.
Often I do not get battleshout, Hunter aura and am still lacking 150 attack power to catch up to the other Rogues. This is a difference of roughly 500 Attack Power alltogether. Well we will see the next weeks, how it will turn out.
Thanks for a nice Naxxramas farming this week.