This the face I got from Ninja when asking for an unexpected break. „What is goi…

This the face I got from Ninja when asking for an unexpected break. „What is going on?“-face
It is the time I needed to recover from some issues we are facing, wishing I could talk about in public.
It is as it is and we are going to make the best of it. There are no problems with Ninja and I am also healthy… As You may know we are trying to make a living of this and it is not so easy as I thought it would be. Mostly legal issues, authorities annoyances and the likes.
These things suck all energy out of me and demotivate me a lot. Which is weird, because it would be in the benefit of everyone if they did not always roll obstacles in the way.
So I took some time of to tank energy and to think about solutions and get the obstacles out of my way.
Enough of that though… We have a beautiful day, and a bit of snow… I hope you like the moody Forest picture of the one that is always there for me, Ninja ❤️


ninja.vom.wolfstor on Instagram

9 Antworten auf „This the face I got from Ninja when asking for an unexpected break. „What is goi…“

  1. @ninja.vom.wolfstor oh nice! I will start with the a6000 though (I’m on a budget and just starting) but maybe if this becomes a real passion I’ll go for a6400

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