The debug console in Witcher 3 can be accessed via a mod at Nexusmods. There are a lot of commands available to add items, spawn monsters and to do other fun things. The information on this page is gathered from the comments on the mod-page and from my own research. Thought it would be convenient to gather the commands like this. You are welcome to contribute to this list.
How to install the Debug Console
- at Nexusmods download and install the ‚Debug Console‘:
Note: You might need to Install the Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from
//~ Microsoft here: - bring up the Debug Console using key ‘~’
- enter the commands in the debug console
All commands here are tested and work. If you encounter an error check character case, brackets, space, comma, dash and quotation marks. Some commands require you to target an NPC or do work differently as you think. Leave your questions below, even if I may not be able to answer, someone else might.
Some of these commands will alter your game, e.g. if you enable all MapPins this can’t be undone. Several items that you can pick up can’t be dropped, other commands may overwrite your current gear. A teleport may lead you to unsafe areas. Handle these commands with care and always save the game before playing around with these commands.
I will be adding commands as I stumble upon them and you are welcome to contribute to the list 🙂
[Long lists are hidden by default, click here to expand all lists][Long lists are now displayed, click here to collapse all lists]
- god – godmode (toggle, type god to turn off), there is also god2 and god3
- healme – heals the player
- killall – kill all enemies in sight, killall(50) kills all enemies in 50y range
- likeaboss – damage set to 40% of targets MAX health
- addabl(’name‘) to add a buff and rmvabl(’name‘) to remove it
- addabl(‚DamageBuff‘) – 200 Attack Power, 200 Spell Power
- addabl(‚ForceCriticalHits‘) – 100% Critical Chance
- addabl(ForceFinisher)
- addabl(ForceDismemberment)
- addabl(‚ConAthletic‘) – 1000 Vitality, 100 Stamina and higher Stamina Regen
- addabl(‚ConImmortal‘) – 998000 Vitality
- addabl(‚StatsRangedSuperLame‘) – increased aim duration
Geralt Abilities
- cleardevelop – CAUTION: resets Geralt to level 1, gives you starting gear
- witchcraft – CAUTION: gives you 1 of everything, the game may hang for a couple of minutes
- addexp(#) – adds „#“ experience
- setlevel(#) – sets level to „#“, leveldown not available
- levelup – increase level by 1
- addskillpoints(#) – increase skillpoints by „#“
- learnskill(’name‘) – teaches Geralt skill „name
e.g. learnskill(’sword_s1′) to teach Geralt Whirl
[click here to show all learnable skills][click here to hide all learnable skills]Skills
- learnskill(’sword_2′)
- learnskill(’sword_5′)
- learnskill(’sword_s1′)
- learnskill(’sword_s2′)
- learnskill(’sword_s3′)
- learnskill(’sword_s4′)
- learnskill(’sword_s5′)
- learnskill(’sword_s6′)
- learnskill(’sword_s7′)
- learnskill(’sword_s8′)
- learnskill(’sword_s9′)
- learnskill(’sword_s10′)
- learnskill(’sword_s11′)
- learnskill(’sword_s12′)
- learnskill(’sword_s13′)
- learnskill(’sword_s15′)
- learnskill(’sword_s16′)
- learnskill(’sword_s17′)
- learnskill(’sword_s18′)
- learnskill(’sword_s19′)
- learnskill(’sword_s20′)
- learnskill(’sword_s21′)
- learnskill(‚magic_1‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_2‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_3‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_4‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_5‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s1‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s2‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s3‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s4‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s5‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s6‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s7‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s8‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s9‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s10‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s11‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s12‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s13‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s14‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s15‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s16‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s17‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s18‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s19‘)
- learnskill(‚magic_s20‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s1‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s2‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s3‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s4‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s5‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s6‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s7‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s8‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s9‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s10‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s11‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s12‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s13‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s14‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s15‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s16‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s17‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s18‘)
- learnskill(‚alchemy_s19‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_1‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_1_day_ability‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_1_night_ability‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_2‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_3‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_4‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_5‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_6‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_7‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_10‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_11‘)
- learnskill(‚perk_12‘)
- Cat(1) – see in the dark, Cat(0) to turn it off
- Drunk(1) – drunk effect, Drunk(0) to turn it off
- buffme(’name‘,duration) – buffs Geralt with ’name‘ for ‚duration‘ seconds
e.g. buffme(‚EET_Cat‘,600) – buffs Geralt with Catseye for 600 seconds
[click here to show all buffs][click here to hide all buffs]Buff Effects
- buffme(‚EET_AbilityOnLowHealth‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AdrenalineDrain‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AirBoost‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AirDrain‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AirDrainDive‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoAirRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoEssenceRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoMoraleRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoPanicRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoStaminaRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoSwimmingStaminaRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AutoVitalityRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_AxiiGuardMe‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_BattleTrance‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_BlackBlood‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Bleeding‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_BleedingTracking‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Blindness‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Blizzard‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_BoostedEssenceRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_BoostedStaminaRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Burning‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Cat‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Choking‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Confusion‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_CounterStrikeHit‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_DoTHPRegenReduce‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_DoppelgangerEssenceRegen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Drowning‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Drunkenness‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Edible‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_EnhancedArmor‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_EnhancedWeapon‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Fact‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_FireAura‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Frozen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_FullMoon‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_GoldenOriole‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_HeavyKnockdown‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Hypnotized‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_IgnorePain‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Immobilized‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_KillerWhale‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Knockdown‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_KnockdownTypeApplicator‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_LongStagger‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_LowHealth‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_MariborForest‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen01‘,600) – Katakan
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen02‘,600) – Arachas
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen03‘,600) – Cockatrice
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen04‘,600) – Archgriffin
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen05‘,600) – Water Hag
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen06‘,600) – Nightwraith
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen07‘,600) – Ekimmara
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen08‘,600) – Chort
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen09‘,600) – Foglet
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen10‘,600) – Wyvern
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen11‘,600) – Doppler
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen12‘,600) – Troll
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen13‘,600) – Noonwraith
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen14‘,600) – Succubus
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen15‘,600) – Alghoul
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen16‘,600) – Fiend
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen17‘,600) – Forktail
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen18‘,600) – Grave Hag
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen19‘,600) – Wraith
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen20‘,600) – Earth Elemental
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen21‘,600) – Ekhidna
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen22‘,600) – Ancient Leshen
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen23‘,600) – Basilisk
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen24‘,600) – Werewolf
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen25‘,600) – Nekker Warrior
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen26‘,600) – Leshen
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen27‘,600) – Griffin
- buffme(‚EET_Mutagen28‘,600) – Reliever
- buffme(‚EET_OverEncumbered‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Paralyzed‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_PetriPhiltre‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_PheromoneBear‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_PheromoneDrowner‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_PheromoneNekker‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Poison‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_PoisonCritical‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Pull‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Ragdoll‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_ShrineAard‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_ShrineAxii‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_ShrineIgni‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_ShrineQuen‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_ShrineYrden‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_SilverDust‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Slowdown‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_SlowdownAxii‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_SlowdownFrost‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Snowstorm‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_SnowstormQ403‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Stagger‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_StaggerAura‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_StaminaDrain‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_StaminaDrainSwimming‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Swallow‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Swarm‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_TawnyOwl‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Thunderbolt‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Toxicity‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Undefined‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Unused1‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_Unused2‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_VitalityDrain‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WeatherBonus‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WellFed‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WellHydrated‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WhiteHoney‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WhiteRaffardDecoction‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WitchHypnotized‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_WraithBlindness‘,600)
- buffme(‚EET_YrdenHealthDrain‘,600)
- addabl(‚Rune veles lesser _Stats‘) – +2% Sign intensity
- addabl(‚Rune veles _Stats‘) – +3% Sign intensity
- addabl(‚Rune veles greater _Stats‘) – +5% Sign intensity
- activateAllGlossaryCharacters() – enable all characters in glossary
- activateAllGlossaryBeastiary() – enable all monsters in glossary
Character Looks
- addHair1
- addHair2
- addHair3
- addHairDLC1
- addHairDLC2
- addHairDLC3
- setbeard(0,0) – shaved
- setbeard(0,1) –
- setbeard(0,2) –
- setbeard(0,3) –
- setbeard(0,4) – long beard
- setbeard(1) – grows a beard
- settattoo(0) – hides the blue stripe tattoo from the Witcher 2 quest „Hangover“
- settattoo(1) – show the blue stripe tattoo from the Witcher 2 quest „Hangover“
- shave – removes beard
- WitcherHairstyle(‚1‘) – sets Hairstyle 1
- WitcherHairstyle(‚2‘) – sets Hairstyle 2
- WitcherHairstyle(‚3‘) – sets Hairstyle 3
- setcustomhead(’name‘) – changes Geralt’s Head, removecustomhead to reset
e.g. setcustomhead(‚head_robbery‘) – Geralt with the robbery mask
[click here to show all custom heads][click here to hide all custom heads]Geralt Heads
- setcustomhead(‚head_0‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_0_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_1‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_1_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_2‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_2_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_3‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_3_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_4‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_4_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_shaving1‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_shaving2‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_shaving3‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_robbery‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_robbery_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_5‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_5_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_6‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_6_tattoo‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_7‘)
- setcustomhead(‚head_7_tattoo‘)
Inventory and Items
- removeitem(’name‘) – removes the item „name“ from the player
- additem(’name‘,#,slot) – adds „#“ amount of items with the name „name“ to the „slot“ in players inventory. „#“ and „slot“ are nonmandatory.
e.g. additem(‚Autogen Armor‘) adds 1 Kaer Mohren Armor to your inventory, around your level Range
e.g. additem(‚Torlara‘,1,1) adds 1 Tor Lara Sword to the Witchers Steelsword Slot
[click here to show all gwent cards][click here to hide all gwent cards]Gwent Cards
- additem(‚gwint_card_albrich‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas_behemoth‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_archer_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_archer_support2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_assire‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_avallach‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ballista_officer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ballista‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_barclay‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_black_archer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_black_archer2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_botchling‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_bruxa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cahir‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_catapult‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_catapult2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_celaeno_harpy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ciaran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ciri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_clear_sky‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cockatrice‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_combat_engineer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_brewess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_weavess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_whispess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cynthia‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dandelion‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dennis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dijkstra‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_archer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_draug‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dummy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dun_banner_medic‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_earth_elemental‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eithne‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ekkima‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emiel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_endrega‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_esterad‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fiend‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_filavandrel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fire_elemental‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fleder‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fog‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fogling‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_forktail‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_frightener‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fringilla‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_frost‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_gargoyle‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_garkain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_geralt‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_grave_hag‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_griffin‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_harpy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_heavy_zerri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_horn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ice_giant‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ida‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_imlerith‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade4‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_iorveth‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_isengrim‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kaedwen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kaedwen2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_katakan‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kayran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_leshen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_letho‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam4‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam5‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_menno‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_milva‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_moorvran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_morteisen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_natalis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_philippa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_plague_maiden‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_puttkammer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rainfarn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_renuald‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_riordain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rotten‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_saskia‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_scorch‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_shilard‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siege_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siege_tower‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siegfried‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_stefan‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_stennis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_sweers‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_thaler‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_tibor‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_toruviel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_triss‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vanhemar‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vattier‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vernon‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vesemir‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_villen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vreemde‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_werewolf‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_witch_hunters‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_wyvern‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_yaevinn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_yennefer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_young_emissary‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_young_emissary2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_zerri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_zoltan‘)
[click here to show all weapons][click here to hide all weapons]
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Long Steel Sword‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 4‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 1 q2‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 1‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 2‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 3‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 4‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 4‘)
- additem(‚Rusty Nilfgaardian sword‘)
- additem(‚Rusty No Mans Land sword‘)
- additem(‚Rusty Novigraadan sword‘)
- additem(‚Rusty Skellige sword‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 4‘)
- additem(‚Short Steel Sword‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 4‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 5‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 6‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 7‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 8‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 4‘)
- additem(’sq304 Novigraadan sword 4′)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt sword 4‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Silver Sword‘)
- additem(‚Wooden sword‘)
- additem(‚Bear School Crossbow‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 1‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 2‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 3‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 4‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 5‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 6‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow 7‘)
- additem(‚Crossbow q206‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School Crossbow‘)
Relic Swords
- additem(‚Abarad‘)
- additem(‚Addandeith‘)
- additem(‚Aerondight‘)
- additem(‚Anathema‘)
- additem(‚Angivare‘)
- additem(‚Anth‘)
- additem(‚Arainne‘)
- additem(‚Arbitrator‘)
- additem(‚Ardaenye‘)
- additem(‚Ashrune‘)
- additem(‚Azurewrath‘)
- additem(‚Barbersurgeon‘)
- additem(‚Beannshie‘)
- additem(‚Blackunicorn‘)
- additem(‚Bladeofys‘)
- additem(‚Bloedeaedd‘)
- additem(‚Bloodsword‘)
- additem(‚Breathofthenorth‘)
- additem(‚Caerme‘)
- additem(‚Caroline‘)
- additem(‚Cheesecutter‘)
- additem(‚Cleaver‘)
- additem(‚Dancer‘)
- additem(‚Daystar‘)
- additem(‚Deargdeith‘)
- additem(‚Deireadh‘)
- additem(‚Deithwen‘)
- additem(‚Devine‘)
- additem(‚Dyaebl‘)
- additem(‚Fate‘)
- additem(‚Forgottenvransword‘)
- additem(‚Gloryofthenorth‘)
- additem(‚Gwestog‘)
- additem(‚Gwyhyr‘)
- additem(‚Gynvael‘)
- additem(‚Gynvaelaedd‘)
- additem(‚Harpy‘)
- additem(‚Harvall‘)
- additem(‚Havcaaren‘)
- additem(‚Headtaker‘)
- additem(‚Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword‘)
- additem(‚Inis‘)
- additem(‚Karabela‘)
- additem(‚Loathen‘)
- additem(‚Longclaw‘)
- additem(‚Lune‘)
- additem(‚Moonblade‘)
- additem(‚Mourner‘)
- additem(‚Naevdeseidhe‘)
- additem(‚Negotiator‘)
- additem(‚Princessxenthiasword‘)
- additem(‚Reachofthedamned‘)
- additem(‚Robustswordofdolblathanna‘)
- additem(‚Roseofaelirenn‘)
- additem(‚Tlareg‘)
- additem(‚Torlara‘)
- additem(‚Torzirael‘)
- additem(‚Ultimatum‘)
- additem(‚Virgin‘)
- additem(‚Vynbleidd‘)
- additem(‚Weeper‘)
- additem(‚WitcherSilverWolf‘)
- additem(‚Wolf‘)
- additem(‚Zerrikanterment‘)
Crafted Weapons
- additem(‚Arbitrator_crafted_Stats‘)
- additem(‚Beannshie_crafted_Stats‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚Blackunicorn‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚Harpy‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Longclaw‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚Negotiator‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 3_crafted‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 3_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 3_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 3_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 5_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 6_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 7_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 1_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 2_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 3_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 4_crafted‘)
- additem(‚q402 Skellige sword 3‘) – Winter’s Blade
- additem(‚Viper School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚Viper School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚Weeper‘)
NPC Weapons
- additem(‚Bandit Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Bandit Shield 02‘)
- additem(‚Bandit Shield 03‘)
- additem(‚Bandit Shield 04‘)
- additem(‚Baron Guard Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚bow_01‘)
- additem(‚bow_02‘)
- additem(‚bow_elven_01‘)
- additem(‚Caranthil Staff Broken‘)
- additem(‚Caranthil Staff‘)
- additem(‚crossbow_01‘)
- additem(‚Imlerith Mace‘)
- additem(‚Imlerith Shield‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaard Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaard Shield 02‘)
- additem(‚Novigrad Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Novigrad Shield 02‘)
- additem(‚NPC CyprianWhorenson sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Dandelion Short Steel Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Eredin Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Inquisitor sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Nilfgaardian sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Nilfgaardian sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Nilfgaardian sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC Nilfgaardian sword 4‘)
- additem(‚NPC No Mans Land sword 1 q2‘)
- additem(‚NPC No Mans Land sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC No Mans Land sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC No Mans Land sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC No Mans Land sword 4‘)
- additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 4‘)
- additem(‚NPC q402 Skellige sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC Rusty Nilfgaardian sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Rusty No Mans Land sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Rusty Novigraadan sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Rusty Skellige sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Scoiatael sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Scoiatael sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Scoiatael sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC Scoiatael sword 4‘)
- additem(‚NPC Short sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Short sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Skellige sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NPC Skellige sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Skellige sword 3‘)
- additem(‚NPC Skellige sword 4‘)
- additem(‚NPC Vesemir Silver Sword q403 upgrade‘)
- additem(‚NPC Vesemir Silver Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Vesemir Steel Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Wildhunt sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NPC Witcher Silver Sword q403 upgrade‘)
- additem(‚NPC Witcher Silver Sword‘)
- additem(‚NPC Witcher Steel Sword‘)
- additem(‚Q1_axe1h_mq2024_spirit‘)
- additem(‚Q1_axe1h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Axe2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_brokenSpear‘)
- additem(‚Q1_cleaver1h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_club1h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Guisarme2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Halberd2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Hammer2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_mace1h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Mage_Staff2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_pickaxe1h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Pitchfork2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Shield‘)
- additem(‚Q1_Spear2h‘)
- additem(‚Q1_ZoltanAxe2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_axe1h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Axe2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_cleaver1h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Guisarme2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Halberd2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Hammer2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_mace1h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Mage_Staff2h‘)
- additem(‚Q2_Spear2h‘)
- additem(‚Q3_DwarvenAxe2h‘)
- additem(‚Q3_DwarvenHammer2h‘)
- additem(‚Q3_Mage_Staff2h‘)
- additem(‚q505 crafted sword‘)
- additem(‚Redanian Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Brokvar Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Craite Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Dimun Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Drummond Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Heymaey Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Tuiseach Shield 01‘)
- additem(’sq303_blunt_sword‘)
- additem(‚Temeria Shield 01‘)
- additem(‚Zireael Phantom Sword‘)
- additem(‚Zireael Sword‘)
Test Weapons
- additem(‚Test Player Override Sword‘)
- additem(‚guisarme_test‘)
- additem(‚axe_test‘)
- additem(‚mace_test‘)
- additem(‚dwarven_hammer_test‘)
[click here to show all armor][click here to hide all armor]
Relic Armor
- additem(‚Heavy armor 01r‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 02r‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 03r‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 04r‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 05r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 01r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 02r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 03r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 04r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 06r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 07r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 08r‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 09r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 01r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 02r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 03r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 04r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 05r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 07r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 10r‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 11r‘)
- additem(‚Oathbreaker armor‘)
- additem(‚q108 Medium armor 10 _Stats‘)
- additem(‚Relic Heavy 3 armor‘)
- additem(‚Shadaal armor‘)
- additem(‚Shiadhal armor‘)
- additem(‚Thyssen armor‘)
- additem(‚Zireael armor‘)
Body Armor
- additem(‚Bear Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear Armor 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear Armor‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Armor 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Armor‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy armor 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 05_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 06_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 07_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Light armor 08_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Armor 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Armor‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Medium armor 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Relic Heavy 3 crafted‘)
- additem(‚Starting Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Thyssen armor crafted‘)
- additem(‚Bear Gloves 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear Gloves 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear Gloves 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear Gloves 4‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Gloves 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Gloves 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Gloves 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Gloves 4‘)
- additem(‚Heavy gloves 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy gloves 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy gloves 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy gloves 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Gloves 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Gloves 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Gloves 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Gloves 4‘)
Armor and Wearable Pants
- additem(‚Bath Towel Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Bear Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚Ciri pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 02‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 03‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy pants 04‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian Casual Pants‘)
- additem(‚Pants 01 q2‘)
- additem(‚Pants 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Pants 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Pants 02‘)
- additem(‚Pants 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Pants 03‘)
- additem(‚Pants 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Pants 04‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Casual Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige Casual Pants 02‘)
- additem(‚Starting Pants‘)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt pants 01‘)
- additem(‚Yennefers Dress‘)
- additem(‚Bear Boots 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear Boots 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear Boots 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear Boots 4‘)
- additem(‚Boots 01 q2‘)
- additem(‚Boots 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Boots 01‘)
- additem(‚Boots 012‘)
- additem(‚Boots 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Boots 02‘)
- additem(‚Boots 022‘)
- additem(‚Boots 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Boots 03‘)
- additem(‚Boots 032‘)
- additem(‚Boots 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Boots 04‘)
- additem(‚Boots 05‘)
- additem(‚Boots 06‘)
- additem(‚Boots 07_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Boots 07‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Boots 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Boots 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Boots 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Boots 4‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 01‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 02‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 03‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 04‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 05‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 06‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 07_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 07‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 08_crafted‘)
- additem(‚Heavy boots 08‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Boots 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Boots 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Boots 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Boots 4‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian casual shoes‘)
- additem(‚Radovid boots 01‘)
- additem(‚Skellige casual shoes‘)
- additem(‚Starting Boots‘)
[click here to show all upgrades, runes and mutagens][click here to hide all upgrades, runes and mutagens]
Horse Upgrades
- additem(‚Horse Bag 1‘)
- additem(‚Horse Bag 2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Bag 3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Blinder 1‘)
- additem(‚Horse Blinder 2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Blinder 3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 0‘)
- additem(‚Horse Harness 0‘)
- additem(‚Horse Hair 0‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 1‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 1v2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 1v3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 1v4‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 2v2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 2v3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 2v4‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 3v2‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 3v3‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 3v4‘)
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 4‘)
- additem(‚Horse skinned tail‘)
- additem(‚Horse apex tail‘)
- additem(‚Horse Universal Reins‘)
- additem(‚Horse Cutscene Reins‘)
Runes and Glyphs
- additem(‚Glyph aard greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph aard lesser‘)
- additem(‚Glyph aard‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii lesser‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni lesser‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen lesser‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden lesser‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun‘)
- additem(‚Rune quentin greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune quentin lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune quentin‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria greater‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria‘)
- additem(‚Dazhbog rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Dazhbog rune‘)
- additem(‚Devana rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Devana rune‘)
- additem(‚Elemental rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Elemental rune‘)
- additem(‚Forgotten soul rare‘)
- additem(‚Forgotten soul‘)
- additem(‚Morana rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Morana rune‘)
- additem(‚Perun rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Perun rune‘)
- additem(‚Philosophers stone rare‘)
- additem(‚Philosophers stone‘)
- additem(‚Phosphorescent crystal rare‘)
- additem(‚Phosphorescent crystal‘)
- additem(‚Shattered core rare‘)
- additem(‚Shattered core‘)
- additem(‚Stribog rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Stribog rune‘)
- additem(‚Svarog rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Svarog rune‘)
- additem(‚Triglav rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Triglav rune‘)
- additem(‚Veles rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Veles rune‘)
- additem(‚Zoria rune rare‘)
- additem(‚Zoria rune‘)
- additem(‚Greater mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Greater mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Greater mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Ancient Leshy mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Arachas mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Basilisk mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Cockatrice mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Czart mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Dao mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Doppler mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Ekimma mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fiend mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fogling 1 mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fogling 2 mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Forktail mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Grave Hag mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Katakan mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Lamia mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Leshy mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Nekker Warrior mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Nightwraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Noonwraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Succubus mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Troll mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Volcanic Gryphon mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Water Hag mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Werewolf mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Wraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Wyvern mutagen‘)
[click here to show masks and decorations][click here to hide masks and decorations]
Decorations and Masks
- additem(‚Geralt mask 01‘) – Wolf Mask
- additem(‚Geralt mask 02‘) – Harlequin Mask
- additem(‚Geralt mask 03‘) – Bird Mask
NPC Masks
- additem(‚Triss mask‘) – Triss Fox Mask, not equippable
- additem(‚Dijkstra mask‘) – Dijkstra’s Mask
- additem(‚Voorhis mask‘) – Voorhis‘ Mask
- additem(‚Albert mask‘) – Albert Vegelbuds Mask
- additem(‚Ingrid mask‘) – Ingrid Vegelbuds Mask
- additem(‚False Albert mask 01‘)
- additem(‚False Albert mask 02‘)
- additem(‚Frog mask‘)
- additem(‚Luiza mask‘) – Luisa la Valette’s Mask
- additem(‚Witch Hunter mask‘) – Voorhis‘ Mask
- additem(‚Dandelions crimson mask‘) – Crimson Avenger Mask
- assitem(‚Geralt robbery mask‘) – not visible, but 2 slots on it 🙂
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 01‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 02‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 03‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 04‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 05‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 06‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 07‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 08‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 09‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 10‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 11‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 12‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask man 13‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 01‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 02‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 03‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 04‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 05‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 06‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 07‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 08‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 09‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 10‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 11‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 12‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 13‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 14‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 15‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 16‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 17‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 18‘)
- assitem(‚Guest mask woman 19‘)
[click here to show all trophies][click here to hide all trophies]
- additem(‚mh101_cockatrice_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh102_arachas_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh103_nightwraith_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh104_ekimma_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh105_wyvern_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh106_gravehag_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh107_czart_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh108_fogling_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh201_cave_troll_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh202_nekker_warrior_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh203_water_hag_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh204_leshy_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh206_fiend_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh207_wraith_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh208_forktail_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh210_lamia_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh301_gryphon_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh302_leshy_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh303_succubus_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh304_katakan_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh305_doppler_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh306_dao_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh307_minion_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mh308_noonwraith_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mq0003_noonwraith_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mq1051_wyvern_trophy‘)
- additem(‚q002_griffin_trophy‘)
- additem(’sq108_griffin_trophy‘)
- additem(‚Werewolf Trophy‘)
[click here to show all schematics, books and notices][click here to hide all schematics, books and notices]
Schematics and Recipes
- additem(‚Arbitrator schematic‘)
- additem(‚ArmorRepairKit_1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚ArmorRepairKit_2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚ArmorRepairKit_3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Beannshie schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear Armor schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear Boots schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear Gloves schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear Pants schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear School Crossbow schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Blackunicorn schematic‘)
- additem(‚Blasting powder schematic‘)
- additem(‚Boots 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Boots 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Boots 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Boots 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Boots 7 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dark iron ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel ingot schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚Draconide leather schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven silver sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte ingot schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte ore schematic‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Elven silver sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gloves 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glowing ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph aard greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph aard lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph aard schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph axii schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph igni schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph infusion greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph infusion lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph quen schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Glyph yrden schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish silver sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gnomish sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Armor schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Boots schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Gloves schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon Pants schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Haft schematic‘)
- additem(‚Hardened leather schematic‘)
- additem(‚Hardened timber schematic‘)
- additem(‚Harpy schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Armor 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Armor 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Armor 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Armor 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 7 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Boots 8 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Gloves 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Gloves 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Gloves 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Gloves 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Pants 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Pants 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Pants 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Heavy Pants 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Infused crystal schematic‘)
- additem(‚Infused dust schematic‘)
- additem(‚Infused shard schematic‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Inquisitor sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Iron ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Leather schematic‘)
- additem(‚Leather squares schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 5 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 6 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 7 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Light Armor 8 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Linen schematic‘)
- additem(‚Longclaw schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Armor schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Boots schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Gloves schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx Pants schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School Crossbow schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Medium Armor 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Medium Armor 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Medium Armor 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Medium Armor 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite silver ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite silver plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚Negotiator schematic‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian sword 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚No Mans Land sword 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Novigraadan sword 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Pants 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Pants 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Pants 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Pants 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Relic Heavy 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Resin schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune dazhbog schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune devana schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune elemental schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune morana schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune perun schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune stribog schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune svarog schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune triglav schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune veles schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Rune zoria schematic‘)
- additem(‚Runestone greater schematic‘)
- additem(‚Runestone lesser schematic‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael sword 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Short sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silk schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver ingot schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Silver ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver ore schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 4 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 6 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Silver sword 7 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Skellige sword 2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools dwarven schematic‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools elven schematic‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools gnomish schematic‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools schematic‘)
- additem(‚Starting Armor Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Steel ingot schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Steel ingot schematic‘)
- additem(‚Steel plate schematic‘)
- additem(‚String schematic‘)
- additem(‚Thread schematic‘)
- additem(‚Thyssen Armor schematic‘)
- additem(‚Viper Silver sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚Viper Steel sword schematic‘)
- additem(‚WeaponRepairKit_1 schematic‘)
- additem(‚WeaponRepairKit_2 schematic‘)
- additem(‚WeaponRepairKit_3 schematic‘)
- additem(‚Weeper schematic‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone dwarven schematic‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone elven schematic‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone gnomish schematic‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Armor maintenance‘)
- additem(‚Beasts vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Beasts vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Boat vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Boat vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Book of Arachases‘)
- additem(‚Cursed Monsters vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Cursed Monsters vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Draconides vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Draconides vol 2‘)
- additem(‚flotsam_experiment‘)
- additem(‚Gear improvement‘)
- additem(‚Glossary Temerian Dynasty‘)
- additem(‚gp_prologue_bandit_note01‘)
- additem(‚gp_prologue_bandit_note02‘)
- additem(‚gp_prologue_bandit_note03‘)
- additem(‚gp_prologue_cultist_note01‘)
- additem(‚gp_prologue_cultist_note02‘)
- additem(‚Horse vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Horse vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Hybrid Monsters vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Hybrid Monsters vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Insectoids vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Insectoids vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Jacob of Varazze Chronicles‘)
- additem(‚Journey into the mind‘)
- additem(‚lore_about_the_fourth_witch‘)
- additem(‚lore_aleksanders_notes‘)
- additem(‚lore_an_seidhe_and_aen_elle‘)
- additem(‚lore_basics_of_magic‘)
- additem(‚lore_bells_of_beauclair‘)
- additem(‚lore_brother_adalbert_bestiary‘)
- additem(‚lore_cirilla_of_cintra‘)
- additem(‚lore_conjunction_of_spheres‘)
- additem(‚lore_cult_of_freyia‘)
- additem(‚lore_cult_of_hemdall‘)
- additem(‚lore_druids‘)
- additem(‚lore_elder_blood‘)
- additem(‚lore_elven_legends‘)
- additem(‚lore_elven_ruins‘)
- additem(‚lore_elven_sages‘)
- additem(‚lore_fall_of_wyzima‘)
- additem(‚lore_fate_of_temeria‘)
- additem(‚lore_goetia‘)
- additem(‚lore_hydromancy‘)
- additem(‚lore_imperial_edict_i‘)
- additem(‚lore_imperial_edict_ii‘)
- additem(‚lore_inteligence_report_about_ciri‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_1‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_2‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_3‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_4‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_5‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_6‘)
- additem(‚lore_journals_from_urskar_7‘)
- additem(‚lore_kovir‘)
- additem(‚lore_last_wish‘)
- additem(‚lore_lodge_of_sorceresses‘)
- additem(‚lore_monstrum‘)
- additem(‚lore_naglfar_demonic_drakkar‘)
- additem(‚lore_necromancy‘)
- additem(‚lore_nilfgaardian_empire‘)
- additem(‚lore_nilfgaardian_history_book‘)
- additem(‚lore_nilfgaardian_royal_dynasty‘)
- additem(‚lore_nilfgaardian_transport_orders‘)
- additem(‚lore_non_humans‘)
- additem(‚lore_novigrad‘)
- additem(‚lore_oneiromancy‘)
- additem(‚lore_oxenfurt‘)
- additem(‚lore_polymorphism‘)
- additem(‚lore_popiels_journal‘)
- additem(‚lore_principles_of_eternal_fire‘)
- additem(‚lore_prophecy_of_ithlinne‘)
- additem(‚lore_radovid_propaganda_pamphlet‘)
- additem(‚lore_radovids_rise_to_power‘)
- additem(‚lore_ragnarok‘)
- additem(‚lore_redania‘)
- additem(‚lore_redanian_secret_service‘)
- additem(‚lore_sands_of_zerrikania‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_broddr‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_grymmdjarr‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_modolf‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_otkell‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_sove‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_heroes_tyr‘)
- additem(‚lore_skellige_island‘)
- additem(‚lore_study_on_white_cold‘)
- additem(‚lore_summit_of_loc_muinne‘)
- additem(‚lore_the_great_four‘)
- additem(‚lore_theory_of_spheres‘)
- additem(‚lore_third_war_with_nilfgaard‘)
- additem(‚lore_tyromancy‘)
- additem(‚lore_unfinished_war_annals‘)
- additem(‚lore_velen‘)
- additem(‚lore_war_between_astrals‘)
- additem(‚lore_wars_with_nilfgaard‘)
- additem(‚lore_wild_hunt‘)
- additem(‚lore_witch_hunters‘)
- additem(‚lore_witcher_signs‘)
- additem(‚lore_witchers‘)
- additem(‚lore_yennefer_journals‘)
- additem(‚lw_bm6_merchant_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cb17_bandits_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp13_bandit_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp13_refugee_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp14_bandit_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp14_child_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp33_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp36_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_cp39_captains_log‘)
- additem(‚lw_de_wett_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_de11_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_de32_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gf2_white_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr_poi_042_letter‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr12_ferry_man_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr13_poppy_slaver_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr13_slaver_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr15_bandits_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr15_ghouls_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr29_bandit_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr34_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr39_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr40_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr41_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_gr7_soldiers_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_hs2_bandit_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_hs2_scoiatael_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_mp4_merchant_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_prologue_fallen_soldier_letter01‘)
- additem(‚lw_prologue_temerian_loot_manifest‘)
- additem(‚lw_prologue_temerian_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb12_pirate_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb13_smugglers_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb14_fisherman_letter‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb14_pirate_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb18_camps_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb2_base_camp_map‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb2_base_camp_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb2_sunken_ships_map‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb20_chest_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb24_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb3_camps_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb3_giggler_note_pirates‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb3_giggler_note_workers‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb5_giggler_leader_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk_poi_005_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk_poi_050_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk_poi_056_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk16_village_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk25_bandits_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk25_blood_countess_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk3_ship_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk30_villager_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk31_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk32_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk38_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk4_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk41_prison_island_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk42_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk57_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk86_guards_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_sk86_old_mans_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_tm_underwater_dungeon_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_tm12_bandit_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_tm15_treasure_hunter_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_tm5_villager_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_tm6_note‘)
- additem(‚Magical Monsters vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Magical Monsters vol 2‘)
- additem(‚mq1051_orders_note‘)
- additem(‚Necronomicon‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgard arms and tactics‘)
- additem(’noon_shadow_loot_note‘)
- additem(‚Norther Kingdoms arms and tactics‘)
- additem(‚Ogres vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Ogres vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Orders from Shilard‘)
- additem(‚Poems of Gonzal de Verceo‘)
- additem(‚poi_telescope_note‘)
- additem(‚poi_temerian_treasure_note‘)
- additem(‚Relict Monsters vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Relict Monsters vol 2‘)
- additem(’sk48_splintered_ships_note‘)
- additem(‚Skelige arms and tactics‘)
- additem(‚Specters vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Specters vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Theatre Glossary vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Theatre Glossary vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Vampires vol 1‘)
- additem(‚Vampires vol 2‘)
- additem(‚Weapon maintenance‘)
- additem(‚Wild Hunt‘)
- additem(‚br201_notice‘)
- additem(‚br202_notice‘)
- additem(‚br301_notice‘)
- additem(‚br302_notice‘)
- additem(‚cg_notice_baron‘)
- additem(‚cg_notice_mousesack‘)
- additem(‚cg_notice_sq306_maverick‘)
- additem(‚cg_notice_stjepan‘)
- additem(‚cg_notice_vivaldi‘)
- additem(‚ff100_notice‘)
- additem(‚ff200_notice‘)
- additem(‚ff300_notice‘)
- additem(‚hr101_notice‘)
- additem(‚hr200_notice‘)
- additem(‚item_name_mq1051_contract‘)
- additem(‚item_name_mq2052_contract‘)
- additem(‚item_name_mq3031_notice‘)
- additem(‚item_name_sq201_werewolf_contract‘)
- additem(‚item_name_sq210_notice‘)
- additem(‚mh101_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh102_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh103_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh104_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh106_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh107_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh108_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh201_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh202_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh203_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh206_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh207_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh210_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh401_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh402_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh403_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh404_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh405_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh406_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh407_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh408_contract‘)
- additem(‚mq0001_contract‘)
- additem(‚mq0003_contract‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_3012_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1006_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1011_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1013_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1016_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1022_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1043_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq1050_notice‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_notice_board_holmstein‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_notice_board_kaer_trolde‘)
- additem(‚mq2030_nithing‘)
- additem(‚poi_bandit_camp_3_note‘)
- additem(‚q301_notice_haunted_house‘)
- additem(’sq102_contract‘)
- additem(’sq104_werewolf‘)
- additem(’sq106_name_ekimma_contract‘)
- additem(’sq108_griffon_contract‘)
- additem(’sq204_forest_spirit_contract‘)
- additem(’sq305_notice‘)
[click here to show alchemy potions, oils, petards, mutagens, substances and recipes][click here to hide alchemy potions, oils, petards, mutagens, substances and recipes]
Alchemy Potions
- additem(‚Black Blood 1‘)
- additem(‚Black Blood 2‘)
- additem(‚Black Blood 3‘)
- additem(‚Blizzard 1‘)
- additem(‚Blizzard 2‘)
- additem(‚Blizzard 3‘)
- additem(‚Cat 1‘)
- additem(‚Cat 2‘)
- additem(‚Cat 3‘)
- additem(‚Clearing Potion‘)
- additem(‚Full Moon 1‘)
- additem(‚Full Moon 2‘)
- additem(‚Full Moon 3‘)
- additem(‚Golden Oriole 1‘)
- additem(‚Golden Oriole 2‘)
- additem(‚Golden Oriole 3‘)
- additem(‚Killer Whale 1‘)
- additem(‚Maribor Forest 1‘)
- additem(‚Maribor Forest 2‘)
- additem(‚Maribor Forest 3‘)
- additem(‚Petri Philtre 1‘)
- additem(‚Petri Philtre 2‘)
- additem(‚Petri Philtre 3‘)
- additem(‚Pheromone Potion Bear 1‘)
- additem(‚Pheromone Potion Drowner 1‘)
- additem(‚Pheromone Potion Nekker 1‘)
- additem(‚Pops Antidote‘)
- additem(‚Swallow 1‘)
- additem(‚Swallow 2‘)
- additem(‚Swallow 3‘)
- additem(‚Tawny Owl 1‘)
- additem(‚Tawny Owl 2‘)
- additem(‚Tawny Owl 3‘)
- additem(‚Thunderbolt 1‘)
- additem(‚Thunderbolt 2‘)
- additem(‚Thunderbolt 3‘)
- additem(‚Trial Potion Kit‘)
- additem(‚Village drink‘)
- additem(‚White Honey 1‘)
- additem(‚White Honey 2‘)
- additem(‚White Honey 3‘)
- additem(‚White Raffards Decoction 1‘)
- additem(‚White Raffards Decoction 2‘)
- additem(‚White Raffards Decoction 3‘)
Alchemy Oils
- additem(‚Beast Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Beast Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Beast Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Cursed Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Cursed Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Cursed Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Draconide Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Draconide Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Draconide Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Hanged Man Venom 1‘)
- additem(‚Hanged Man Venom 2‘)
- additem(‚Hanged Man Venom 3‘)
- additem(‚Hybrid Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Hybrid Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Hybrid Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Insectoid Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Insectoid Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Insectoid Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Magicals Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Magicals Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Magicals Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Ogre Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Ogre Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Ogre Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Relic Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Relic Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Relic Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Specter Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Specter Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Specter Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Vampire Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Vampire Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Vampire Oil 3‘)
Alchemy Petards
- additem(‚Alkali Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Alkali Bomb 2‘)
- additem(‚Alkali Bomb 3‘)
- additem(‚Dancing Star 1‘)
- additem(‚Dancing Star 2‘)
- additem(‚Dancing Star 3‘)
- additem(‚Devils Puffball 1‘)
- additem(‚Devils Puffball 2‘)
- additem(‚Devils Puffball 3‘)
- additem(‚Dragons Dream 1‘)
- additem(‚Dragons Dream 2‘)
- additem(‚Dragons Dream 3‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeritium Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeritium Bomb 2‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeritium Bomb 3‘)
- additem(‚Fungi Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Glue Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Grapeshot 1‘)
- additem(‚Grapeshot 2‘)
- additem(‚Grapeshot 3‘)
- additem(‚Salt Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Samum 1‘)
- additem(‚Samum 2‘)
- additem(‚Samum 3‘)
- additem(‚Shrapnel Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Silver Dust Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Silver Dust Bomb 2‘)
- additem(‚Silver Dust Bomb 3‘)
- additem(‚Snow Ball‘)
- additem(‚Tutorial Bomb‘)
- additem(‚Virus Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚White Frost 1‘)
- additem(‚White Frost 2‘)
- additem(‚White Frost 3‘)
Alchemy Mutagens
- additem(‚Greater mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Greater mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Greater mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Lesser mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Ancient Leshy mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Arachas mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Basilisk mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Cockatrice mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Czart mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Dao mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Doppler mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Ekimma mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fiend mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fogling 1 mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Fogling 2 mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Forktail mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Grave Hag mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Katakan mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Lamia mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Leshy mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Nekker Warrior mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Nightwraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Noonwraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Succubus mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Troll mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Volcanic Gryphon mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Water Hag mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Werewolf mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Wraith mutagen‘)
- additem(‚Wyvern mutagen‘)
Alchemy Substances
- additem(‚Aether‘)
- additem(‚Albedo‘)
- additem(‚Hydragenum‘)
- additem(‚Nigredo‘)
- additem(‚Quebrith‘)
- additem(‚Rebis‘)
- additem(‚Rubedo‘)
- additem(‚Vermilion‘)
- additem(‚Vitriol‘)
Alchemy Recipes
- additem(‚Recipe for Bear Pheromone Potion 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Black Blood 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Black Blood 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Black Blood 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Blizzard 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Blizzard 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Blizzard 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cat 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cat 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cat 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Czart Lure‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Full Moon 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Full Moon 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Full Moon 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Golden Oriole 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Golden Oriole 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Golden Oriole 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Killer Whale 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Maribor Forest 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Maribor Forest 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Maribor Forest 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Nekker Pheromone Potion 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Petris Philtre 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Petris Philtre 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Petris Philtre 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Pops Antidote‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Swallow 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Swallow 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Swallow 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Tawny Owl 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Tawny Owl 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Tawny Owl 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Thunderbolt 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Thunderbolt 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Thunderbolt 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Trial Potion Kit‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Honey 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Honey 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Honey 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Raffards Decoction 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Raffards Decoction 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Raffards Decoction 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Beast Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Beast Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Beast Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cursed Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cursed Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Cursed Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hanged Man Venom 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hanged Man Venom 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hanged Man Venom 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hybrid Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hybrid Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hybrid Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Insectoid Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Insectoid Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Insectoid Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Magicals Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Magicals Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Magicals Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Necrophage Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Necrophage Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Necrophage Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Specter Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Specter Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Specter Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Vampire Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Vampire Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Vampire Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Draconide Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Draconide Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Draconide Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Ogre Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Ogre Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Ogre Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Relic Oil 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Relic Oil 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Relic Oil 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dancing Star 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dancing Star 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dancing Star 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Devils Puffball 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Devils Puffball 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Devils Puffball 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dragons Dream 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dragons Dream 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dragons Dream 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Dwimeritium Bomb 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Fungi Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Glue Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Grapeshot 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Grapeshot 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Grapeshot 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Salt Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Samum 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Samum 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Samum 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Shrapnel Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Silver Dust Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Silver Dust Bomb 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Silver Dust Bomb 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Virus Bomb 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Frost 1‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Frost 2‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for White Frost 3‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Greater mutagen red‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Greater mutagen green‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Greater mutagen blue‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 1‘) – Katakan
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 2‘) – Arachas
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 3‘) – Cockatrice
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 4‘) – Archgriffin
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 5‘) – Water Hag
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 6‘) – Nightwraith
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 7‘) – Ekimmara
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 8‘) – Chort
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 9‘) – Foglet
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 10‘) – Wyvern
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 11‘) – Doppler
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 12‘) – Troll
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 13‘) – Noonwraith
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 14‘) – Succubus
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 15‘) – Alghoul
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 16‘) – Fiend
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 17‘) – Forktail
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 18‘) – Grave Hag
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 19‘) – Wraith
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 20‘) – Earth Elemental
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 21‘) – Ekhidna
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 22‘) – Ancient Leshen
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 23‘) – Basilisk
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 24‘) – Werewolf
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 25‘) – Nekker Warrior
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 26‘) – Leshen
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 27‘) – Griffin
- additem(‚Recipe for Mutagen 28‘) – Reliever
- additem(‚Recipe for Aether‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Albedo‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Hydragenum‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Nigredo‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Quebrith‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Rebis‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Rubedo‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Vermilion‘)
- additem(‚Recipe for Vitriol‘)
[click here to show all food, crafting materials, ingredients and quest items][click here to hide all food, crafting materials, ingredients and quest items]
Drinks and Food
- additem(‚Alcohest‘)
- additem(‚Apple juice‘)
- additem(‚Apple‘)
- additem(‚Baked apple‘)
- additem(‚Baked potato‘)
- additem(‚Banana‘)
- additem(‚Beauclair White‘)
- additem(‚Bell pepper‘)
- additem(‚Blueberries‘)
- additem(‚Bottled water‘)
- additem(‚Bread‘)
- additem(‚Bun‘)
- additem(‚Burned bread‘)
- additem(‚Burned bun‘)
- additem(‚Butter Bandalura‘)
- additem(‚Candy‘)
- additem(‚Cheese‘)
- additem(‚Cherry cordia‘)
- additem(‚Cherry Cordial‘)
- additem(‚Chicken leg‘)
- additem(‚Chicken sandwich‘)
- additem(‚Chicken‘)
- additem(‚Chips‘)
- additem(‚Cows milk‘)
- additem(‚Cucumber‘)
- additem(‚Dijkstra Dry‘)
- additem(‚Dried fruit and nuts‘)
- additem(‚Dried fruit‘)
- additem(‚Dwarven spirit‘)
- additem(‚Egg‘)
- additem(‚Empty bottle‘)
- additem(‚Erveluce‘)
- additem(‚Est Est‘)
- additem(‚Fish‘)
- additem(‚Fondue‘)
- additem(‚Free nilfgaardian lemon‘)
- additem(‚Free roasted chicken leg‘)
- additem(‚Fried fish‘)
- additem(‚Fried meat‘)
- additem(‚Goats milk‘)
- additem(‚Grapes‘)
- additem(‚Grilled chicken sandwich‘)
- additem(‚Grilled pork‘)
- additem(‚Gutted fish‘)
- additem(‚Ham sandwich‘)
- additem(‚Honeycomb‘)
- additem(‚Kaedwenian Stout‘)
- additem(‚Local pepper vodka‘)
- additem(‚Mahakam Spirit‘)
- additem(‚Mandrake cordial‘)
- additem(‚Mettina Rose‘)
- additem(‚Mushroom‘)
- additem(‚Mutton curry‘)
- additem(‚Mutton leg‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian Lemon‘)
- additem(‚Olive‘)
- additem(‚Onion‘)
- additem(‚Pear‘)
- additem(‚Pepper‘)
- additem(‚Plum‘)
- additem(‚Pork‘)
- additem(‚Potatoes‘)
- additem(‚Raspberries‘)
- additem(‚Raspberry juice‘)
- additem(‚Raw meat‘)
- additem(‚Redanian Herbal‘)
- additem(‚Redanian Lager‘)
- additem(‚Rivian Kriek‘)
- additem(‚Roasted chicken leg‘)
- additem(‚Roasted chicken‘)
- additem(‚Strawberries‘)
- additem(‚Temerian Rye‘)
- additem(‚Tirnalia potion‘)
- additem(‚Toffee‘)
- additem(‚Very good honey‘)
- additem(‚Vinegar‘)
- additem(‚Viziman Champion‘)
- additem(‚White Gull 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf liver‘)
Miscellaneous Items
- additem(‚an_skellige_map‘)
- additem(‚ard_skellige_map‘)
- additem(‚Armor maintenancet‘)
- additem(‚Armor repair kit 1‘)
- additem(‚Armor repair kit 2‘)
- additem(‚Armor repair kit 3‘)
- additem(‚ciris_phylactery‘)
- additem(‚Crowns‘)
- additem(‚Dismantle Kit‘)
- additem(‚faroe_map‘)
- additem(‚Florens‘)
- additem(‚hindarsfjal_map‘)
- additem(‚Illusion Medallion‘)
- additem(‚mh107_czart_lure‘)
- additem(‚Oil Lamp‘) – Powerful Lightsource
- additem(‚ore_oxenfurt‘)
- additem(‚Orens‘)
- additem(‚Potestaquisitor‘)
- additem(‚Q1_short_steel_sword‘)
- additem(‚q103_bell‘)
- additem(‚q203_eyeofloki‘)
- additem(‚q403_ciri_meteor‘)
- additem(’spikeroog_map‘)
- additem(‚undvik_map‘)
- additem(‚Weapon repair kit 1‘)
- additem(‚Weapon repair kit 2‘)
- additem(‚Weapon repair kit 3‘)
Crafting Materials and Alchemy Ingredients
- additem(‚Aether‘)
- additem(‚Albedo‘)
- additem(‚Alchemical paste‘)
- additem(‚Alchemists powder‘)
- additem(‚Alghoul bone marrow‘)
- additem(‚Alghoul claw‘)
- additem(‚Amber dust‘)
- additem(‚Amber flawless‘)
- additem(‚Amber fossil‘)
- additem(‚Amber‘)
- additem(‚Amethyst dust‘)
- additem(‚Amethyst flawless‘)
- additem(‚Amethyst‘)
- additem(‚Arachas eyes‘)
- additem(‚Arachas venom‘)
- additem(‚Ashes‘)
- additem(‚Axe head‘)
- additem(‚Bag of grain‘)
- additem(‚Bag of weed‘)
- additem(‚Bandalur butter knife‘)
- additem(‚Basilisk plate‘)
- additem(‚Basilisk venom‘)
- additem(‚Bear fat‘)
- additem(‚Bear pelt‘)
- additem(‚Berserker pelt‘)
- additem(‚Black pearl dust‘)
- additem(‚Black pearl‘)
- additem(‚Blasting powder‘)
- additem(‚Blunt axe‘)
- additem(‚Blunt pickaxe‘)
- additem(‚Book‘)
- additem(‚Bottle‘)
- additem(‚Broken paddle‘)
- additem(‚Broken rakes‘)
- additem(‚Calcium equum‘)
- additem(‚Candelabra‘)
- additem(‚Candle‘)
- additem(‚Casket‘)
- additem(‚Cave Troll liver‘)
- additem(‚Chain‘)
- additem(‚Child doll‘)
- additem(‚Chitin scale‘)
- additem(‚Coal‘)
- additem(‚Cockatrice egg‘)
- additem(‚Cockatrice maw‘)
- additem(‚Cotton‘)
- additem(‚Cow hide‘)
- additem(‚Crystalized essence‘)
- additem(‚Cyclops eye‘)
- additem(‚Czart hide‘)
- additem(‚Dark iron ingot‘)
- additem(‚Dark iron ore‘)
- additem(‚Dark iron plate‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel ingot‘)
- additem(‚Dark steel plate‘)
- additem(‚Deer hide‘)
- additem(‚Diamond dust‘)
- additem(‚Diamond flawless‘)
- additem(‚Diamond‘)
- additem(‚Dog tallow‘)
- additem(‚Draconide leather‘)
- additem(‚Dragon scales‘)
- additem(‚Drowned dead tongue‘)
- additem(‚Drowner brain‘)
- additem(‚Drum‘)
- additem(‚Ducal water‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeritium chains‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeritium shackles‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte ingot‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte ore‘)
- additem(‚Dwimeryte plate‘)
- additem(‚Dye‘)
- additem(‚Ekimma epidermis‘)
- additem(‚Elemental essence‘)
- additem(‚Emerald dust‘)
- additem(‚Emerald flawless‘)
- additem(‚Emerald‘)
- additem(‚Empty vial‘)
- additem(‚Endriag chitin plates‘)
- additem(‚Endriag embryo‘)
- additem(‚Endriag heart‘)
- additem(‚Erynie eye‘)
- additem(‚Feather‘)
- additem(‚Fiber‘)
- additem(‚Fiend eye‘)
- additem(‚Fifth essence‘)
- additem(‚Fishing net‘)
- additem(‚Fishing rod‘)
- additem(‚Fisstech‘)
- additem(‚Flask‘)
- additem(‚Flowers‘)
- additem(‚Flute_junk‘)
- additem(‚Fogling teeth‘)
- additem(‚Forktail plate‘)
- additem(‚Fox pelt‘)
- additem(‚Fur square‘)
- additem(‚Gargoyle dust‘)
- additem(‚Gargoyle heart‘)
- additem(‚Ghoul blood‘)
- additem(‚Glamarye‘)
- additem(‚Glass‘)
- additem(‚Glowing ingot‘)
- additem(‚Glowing ore‘)
- additem(‚Glyph infusion greater‘)
- additem(‚Glyph infusion lesser‘)
- additem(‚Goat hide‘)
- additem(‚Goblet‘)
- additem(‚Gold candelabra‘)
- additem(‚Gold diamond necklace‘)
- additem(‚Gold diamond ring‘)
- additem(‚Gold mineral‘)
- additem(‚Gold ore‘)
- additem(‚Gold pearl necklace‘)
- additem(‚Gold ring‘)
- additem(‚Gold ruby ring‘)
- additem(‚Gold sapphire necklace‘)
- additem(‚Gold sapphire ring‘)
- additem(‚Golden casket‘)
- additem(‚Golden mug‘)
- additem(‚Golden platter‘)
- additem(‚Golem heart‘)
- additem(‚Grave Hag ear‘)
- additem(‚Greater Rotfiend blood‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon egg‘)
- additem(‚Gryphon feathers‘)
- additem(‚Haft‘)
- additem(‚Hag teeth‘)
- additem(‚Hardened leather‘)
- additem(‚Hardened timber‘)
- additem(‚Harpy egg‘)
- additem(‚Harpy feathers‘)
- additem(‚Harpy talon‘)
- additem(‚Horse hide‘)
- additem(‚Hydragenum‘)
- additem(‚Infused crystal‘)
- additem(‚Infused dust‘)
- additem(‚Infused shard‘)
- additem(‚Inkwell‘)
- additem(‚Iron ingot‘)
- additem(‚Iron Lamp‘)
- additem(‚Iron oil candle‘)
- additem(‚Iron ore‘)
- additem(‚Jar‘)
- additem(‚Jug‘)
- additem(‚Jumping rope‘)
- additem(‚Ladle‘)
- additem(‚Lamia lock of hair‘)
- additem(‚Lead ore‘)
- additem(‚Leather squares‘)
- additem(‚Leather straps‘)
- additem(‚Leather‘)
- additem(‚Leshy resin‘)
- additem(‚Linen‘)
- additem(‚Lunar shards‘)
- additem(‚Lute‘)
- additem(‚Melitele figurine‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite ingot‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite ore‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite plate‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite silver ingot‘)
- additem(‚Meteorite silver plate‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous blood‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous bone‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous brain‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous claw‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous dust‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous ear‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous egg‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous essence‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous eye‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous feather‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous hair‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous heart‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous hide‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous liver‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous plate‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous saliva‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous tongue‘)
- additem(‚Monstrous tooth‘)
- additem(‚Mug‘)
- additem(‚Nails‘)
- additem(‚Necrophage skin‘)
- additem(‚Nekker blood‘)
- additem(‚Nekker claw‘)
- additem(‚Nekker eye‘)
- additem(‚Nekker heart‘)
- additem(‚Nekker warrior liver‘)
- additem(‚Nightwraith dark essence‘)
- additem(‚Nightwraiths hair‘)
- additem(‚Nigredo‘)
- additem(‚Nilfgaardian special forces insignia‘)
- additem(‚Noonwraith light essence‘)
- additem(‚Note‘)
- additem(‚Oil‘)
- additem(‚Old bear skin‘)
- additem(‚Old goat skin‘)
- additem(‚Old rusty breadknife‘)
- additem(‚Old sheep skin‘)
- additem(‚Optima mater‘)
- additem(‚Ornate silver shield replica‘)
- additem(‚Ornate silver sword replica‘)
- additem(‚Parchment‘)
- additem(‚Patchwork vest‘)
- additem(‚Pearl‘)
- additem(‚Perfume‘)
- additem(‚Phosphorus‘)
- additem(‚Pickaxe head‘)
- additem(‚Pig hide‘)
- additem(‚Platter‘)
- additem(‚Powdered pearl‘)
- additem(‚Pure silver‘)
- additem(‚Quebrith‘)
- additem(‚Quicksilver solution‘)
- additem(‚Rabbit pelt‘)
- additem(‚Razor‘)
- additem(‚Rebis‘)
- additem(‚Redanian special forces insignia‘)
- additem(‚Resin‘)
- additem(‚Rope‘)
- additem(‚Rotfiend blood‘)
- additem(‚Rotten meat‘)
- additem(‚Rubedo‘)
- additem(‚Ruby dust‘)
- additem(‚Ruby flawless‘)
- additem(‚Ruby‘)
- additem(‚Runestone greater‘)
- additem(‚Runestone lesser‘)
- additem(‚Rusty hammer head‘)
- additem(‚Salt pepper shaker‘)
- additem(‚Saltpetre‘)
- additem(‚Sap‘)
- additem(‚Sapphire dust‘)
- additem(‚Sapphire flawless‘)
- additem(‚Sapphire‘)
- additem(‚Scoiatael trophies‘)
- additem(‚Seashell‘)
- additem(‚Shell‘)
- additem(‚Silk‘)
- additem(‚Silver amber necklace‘)
- additem(‚Silver amber ring‘)
- additem(‚Silver candelabra‘)
- additem(‚Silver casket‘)
- additem(‚Silver emerald necklace‘)
- additem(‚Silver emerald ring‘)
- additem(‚Silver ingot‘)
- additem(‚Silver mineral‘)
- additem(‚Silver mug‘)
- additem(‚Silver ore‘)
- additem(‚Silver pantaloons‘)
- additem(‚Silver plate‘)
- additem(‚Silver platter‘)
- additem(‚Silver ruby necklace‘)
- additem(‚Silver sapphire ring‘)
- additem(‚Silver teapot‘)
- additem(‚Silverware‘)
- additem(‚Siren vocal cords‘)
- additem(‚Skull‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools dwarven‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools elven‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools gnomish‘)
- additem(‚Smithing tools‘)
- additem(‚Smoking pipe‘)
- additem(‚Specter dust‘)
- additem(‚Stammelfords dust‘)
- additem(‚Steel ingot‘)
- additem(‚Steel plate‘)
- additem(‚String‘)
- additem(‚Sulfur‘)
- additem(‚Temerian special forces insignia‘)
- additem(‚Thread‘)
- additem(‚Timber‘)
- additem(‚Troll skin‘)
- additem(‚Twine‘)
- additem(‚Valuable fossil‘)
- additem(‚Vampire fang‘)
- additem(‚Vampire saliva‘)
- additem(‚Venom extract‘)
- additem(‚Vermilion‘)
- additem(‚Vitriol‘)
- additem(‚Voodoo doll‘)
- additem(‚Water essence‘)
- additem(‚Water Hag teeth‘)
- additem(‚Wax‘)
- additem(‚Werewolf pelt‘)
- additem(‚Werewolf saliva‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone dwarven‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone elven‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone gnomish‘)
- additem(‚Whetstone‘)
- additem(‚White bear pelt‘)
- additem(‚White wolf pelt‘)
- additem(‚Wine stone‘)
- additem(‚Wire rope‘)
- additem(‚Wire‘)
- additem(‚Wolf pelt‘)
- additem(‚Wooden rung rope ladder‘)
- additem(‚Worn leather pelt‘)
- additem(‚Wraith essence‘)
- additem(‚Wyvern egg‘)
- additem(‚Wyvern plate‘)
Quest Items
- additem(‚cg100_barons_notes‘)
- additem(‚cg300_roches_list‘)
- additem(‚FeromoneBomb‘)
- additem(‚lw_sb13_note‘)
- additem(‚lw_temerian_soldiers_journal‘)
- additem(‚mh103_girls_journal‘)
- additem(‚mh103_killers_knife‘)
- additem(‚mh106_hags_skulls‘)
- additem(‚mh107_fiend_dung‘)
- additem(‚mh207_lighthouse_keeper_letter‘)
- additem(‚mh301_merc_contract‘)
- additem(‚mh305_doppler_letter‘)
- additem(‚mh306_mages_journal‘)
- additem(‚mh306_tenant_journal‘)
- additem(‚mh307_minion_lair_key‘)
- additem(‚mh308_dagger‘)
- additem(‚mq0002_box‘)
- additem(‚mq0003_girls_diary‘)
- additem(‚mq0003_ornate_bracelet‘)
- additem(‚mq0004_burnt_papers‘)
- additem(‚mq0004_frying_pan‘)
- additem(‚mq0004_thalers_monocle‘)
- additem(‚mq1001_dog_collar‘)
- additem(‚mq1001_locker_diary‘)
- additem(‚mq1001_locker_key‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_aeramas_journal_2‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_aeramas_journal‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_artifact_1‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_artifact_2‘)
- additem(‚mq1002_artifact_3‘)
- additem(‚mq1010_ring‘)
- additem(‚mq1014_old_mine_journal‘)
- additem(‚mq1015_hang_man_note‘)
- additem(‚mq1017_nilfgaardian_letter‘)
- additem(‚mq1019_oil‘)
- additem(‚mq1022_paint‘)
- additem(‚mq1023_fake_papers‘)
- additem(‚mq1028_muggs_papers‘)
- additem(‚mq1033_fight_diary‘)
- additem(‚mq1036_refugee_letter‘)
- additem(‚mq1050_dragon_root‘)
- additem(‚mq1051_spyglass‘)
- additem(‚mq1052_bandit_key‘)
- additem(‚mq1052_monster_trophy‘)
- additem(‚mq1053_letter_to_emhyr‘)
- additem(‚mq1053_martins_notes‘)
- additem(‚mq1053_report‘)
- additem(‚mq1053_skull‘)
- additem(‚mq1055_letters‘)
- additem(‚mq1056_chain_cutter‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_horn‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_journal_1a‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_journal_1b‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_journal_1c‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_journal_2a‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_journal_2b‘)
- additem(‚mq2001_kuilu‘)
- additem(‚mq2002_sword‘)
- additem(‚mq2003_bandit_journal‘)
- additem(‚mq2006_key_1‘)
- additem(‚mq2006_key_2‘)
- additem(‚mq2006_map_1‘)
- additem(‚mq2006_map_2‘)
- additem(‚mq2008_journal‘)
- additem(‚mq2010_lumbermill_journal_1‘)
- additem(‚mq2010_lumbermill_journal_2‘)
- additem(‚mq2010_lumbermill_journal_3‘)
- additem(‚mq2012_letter‘)
- additem(‚mq2015_kurisus_note‘)
- additem(‚mq2018_lugos_note‘)
- additem(‚mq2030_shawl‘)
- additem(‚mq2033_captain_journal‘)
- additem(‚mq2033_captain_note‘)
- additem(‚mq2033_tp_stone‘)
- additem(‚mq2037_dimun_directions‘)
- additem(‚mq2037_drakkar_chest_key‘)
- additem(‚mq2038_headsman_sword‘)
- additem(‚mq2039_Honeycomb‘)
- additem(‚mq2041_dexterity_token‘)
- additem(‚mq2043_conviction_token‘)
- additem(‚mq2048_guide_notes‘)
- additem(‚mq2048_ships_logbook‘)
- additem(‚mq2048_stone_medalion‘)
- additem(‚mq2048_waxed_letters‘)
- additem(‚mq2049_book_1‘)
- additem(‚mq2049_book_2‘)
- additem(‚mq2049_book_3‘)
- additem(‚mq2049_book_4‘)
- additem(‚mq2049_book_5‘)
- additem(‚mq3002_hidden_messages_note_01‘)
- additem(‚mq3002_hidden_messages_note_02‘)
- additem(‚mq3002_hidden_messages_note_03‘)
- additem(‚mq3012_noble_statuette‘)
- additem(‚mq3012_soldier_statuette‘)
- additem(‚mq3017_reds_diary‘)
- additem(‚mq3026_horse_racing_leaflet‘)
- additem(‚mq3026_varese_invitation‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_fluff_book_1‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_fluff_book_2‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_fluff_book_3‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_fluff_book_4‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_letter‘)
- additem(‚mq3027_my_manifest‘)
- additem(‚mq3030_trader_documents‘)
- additem(‚mq3031_mother_of_pearl‘)
- additem(‚mq3032_basilisk_leather‘)
- additem(‚mq3032_leather_boots‘)
- additem(‚mq3035_philppa_ring‘)
- additem(‚mq3035_talar_notes‘)
- additem(‚mq3039_loot_chest_key‘)
- additem(‚mq4001_book‘)
- additem(‚mq4002_note‘)
- additem(‚mq4003_husband_ring‘)
- additem(‚mq4003_letter‘)
- additem(‚mq4003_siren_ring‘)
- additem(‚mq4004_boy_remains‘)
- additem(‚mq4005_note_1‘)
- additem(‚mq4006_book‘)
- additem(‚q001_academic_book‘)
- additem(‚q001_bedroom_key‘)
- additem(‚q001_crystal_skull‘)
- additem(‚q001_letter_from_yenn‘)
- additem(‚q002_yenn_notes_about_ciri‘)
- additem(‚q101_candle_instruction‘)
- additem(‚q101_hendrik_notes‘)
- additem(‚q101_hendrik_trapdoor_key‘)
- additem(‚q103_about_eve‘)
- additem(‚q103_baron_dagger‘)
- additem(‚q103_botch_blood‘)
- additem(‚q103_curse_book‘)
- additem(‚q103_incense‘)
- additem(‚q103_letter_from_graden_1‘)
- additem(‚q103_letter_from_graden_2‘)
- additem(‚q103_love_letter‘)
- additem(‚q103_medallion‘)
- additem(‚q103_nilfgaardian_demand‘)
- additem(‚q103_safe_conduct‘)
- additem(‚q103_spinning_top‘)
- additem(‚q103_talisman‘)
- additem(‚q103_tamara_prayer‘)
- additem(‚q103_wooden_doll‘)
- additem(‚q104_aleksander_letter‘)
- additem(‚q104_avallach_notes‘)
- additem(‚q104_avallach_poetry‘)
- additem(‚q104_cure_recipe‘)
- additem(‚q104_eye_ink_recipe‘)
- additem(‚q104_oillamp‘)
- additem(‚q105_book_about_witches‘)
- additem(‚q105_johnnys_doll‘)
- additem(‚q105_marabella_receptions‘)
- additem(‚q105_ravens_feather‘)
- additem(‚q105_ritual_dagger‘)
- additem(‚q105_soltis_ear‘)
- additem(‚q105_witch_bones‘)
- additem(‚q106_alexander_notes_01‘)
- additem(‚q106_alexander_notes_02‘)
- additem(‚q106_alexander_notes_03‘)
- additem(‚q106_alexander_notes_04‘)
- additem(‚q106_anabelle_remains‘)
- additem(‚q106_anabelle_vial‘)
- additem(‚q106_magic_communicator‘)
- additem(‚q106_note_from_keira‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll_anna‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll1‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll2‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll3‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll5‘)
- additem(‚q107_doll6‘)
- additem(‚q108_necklet‘)
- additem(‚q109_popiels_formula‘)
- additem(‚q110_bill_of_exchange‘)
- additem(‚q111_ergot_beer‘)
- additem(‚q111_falkas_coin‘)
- additem(‚q111_fugas_top_key‘)
- additem(‚q111_imlerith_acorn‘)
- additem(‚q201_criminal‘)
- additem(‚q201_mead‘)
- additem(‚q201_mousesack_letter‘)
- additem(‚q201_pine_cone‘)
- additem(‚q201_poisoned_source‘)
- additem(‚q201_skull‘)
- additem(‚q201_wild_hunt_book‘)
- additem(‚q201_yen_journal_1‘)
- additem(‚q202_nails‘)
- additem(‚q202_navigator_horn‘)
- additem(‚q202_sail‘)
- additem(‚q202_shackles‘)
- additem(‚q203_broken_eyeofloki‘)
- additem(‚q203_broksvard‘)
- additem(‚q203_chest_key‘)
- additem(‚q205_avallach_book‘)
- additem(‚q205_gaelnos_root‘)
- additem(‚q205_hvitr_universal_key‘)
- additem(‚q205_mirt_green‘)
- additem(‚q205_mirt_yellow‘)
- additem(‚q205_swallow_green‘)
- additem(‚q205_swallow_yellow‘)
- additem(‚q206_arits_letter‘)
- additem(‚q206_arnvalds_letter‘)
- additem(‚q206_herb_mixture‘)
- additem(‚q206_wine_sample‘)
- additem(‚q208_heroesmead‘)
- additem(‚q210_avallach_lover_notes‘)
- additem(‚q210_avallach_notes_01‘)
- additem(‚q210_avallach_notes_02‘)
- additem(‚q210_letter_for_emhyr‘)
- additem(‚q210_solarstein‘)
- additem(‚q301_burdock‘)
- additem(‚q301_drawing_crib‘)
- additem(‚q301_drawing_oven‘)
- additem(‚q301_haunted_doll‘)
- additem(‚q301_magic_rat_incense‘)
- additem(‚q301_rose_remembrance‘)
- additem(‚q301_triss_parcel‘)
- additem(‚q302_casino_register‘)
- additem(‚q302_crafter_notes‘)
- additem(‚q302_dijkstras_notes‘)
- additem(‚q302_estate_key‘)
- additem(‚q302_igor_note‘)
- additem(‚q302_rico_thugs_notes‘)
- additem(‚q302_ring_door_key‘)
- additem(‚q302_roche_letter‘)
- additem(‚q302_roche_report‘)
- additem(‚q302_whoreson_letter_to_radowid‘)
- additem(‚q302_zdenek_contract‘)
- additem(‚q303_bomb_cap‘)
- additem(‚q303_bomb_fragment‘)
- additem(‚q303_contact_note‘)
- additem(‚q303_dudus_briefing‘)
- additem(‚q303_marked_bible‘)
- additem(‚q303_note_for_ciri‘)
- additem(‚q303_wine_bottle‘)
- additem(‚q304_ambasador_letter‘)
- additem(‚q304_dandelion_ballad‘)
- additem(‚q304_dandelion_diary‘)
- additem(‚q304_letter_1‘)
- additem(‚q304_letter_2‘)
- additem(‚q304_letter_3‘)
- additem(‚q304_priscilla_letter‘)
- additem(‚q304_rosa_lover_letter‘)
- additem(‚q305_dandelion_signet‘)
- additem(‚q305_script_comedy_title1‘)
- additem(‚q305_script_comedy_title2‘)
- additem(‚q305_script_drama_title1‘)
- additem(‚q305_script_drama_title2‘)
- additem(‚q305_script_for_irina‘)
- additem(‚q308_anneke_invite‘)
- additem(‚q308_coroner_msg‘)
- additem(‚q308_last_invite‘)
- additem(‚q308_nathanel_sermon_1‘)
- additem(‚q308_priscilla_invite‘)
- additem(‚q308_psycho_farewell‘)
- additem(‚q308_sermon_1‘)
- additem(‚q308_sermon_2‘)
- additem(‚q308_sermon_3‘)
- additem(‚q308_sermon_4‘)
- additem(‚q308_sermon_5‘)
- additem(‚q308_vegelbud_invite‘)
- additem(‚q308_vg_ethanol‘)
- additem(‚q308_vg_guillotine‘)
- additem(‚q308_vg_paraffin‘)
- additem(‚q309_glejt_from_dijkstra‘)
- additem(‚q309_key_letters‘)
- additem(‚q309_key_orders‘)
- additem(‚q309_key_piece1‘)
- additem(‚q309_key_piece2‘)
- additem(‚q309_key_piece3‘)
- additem(‚q309_mssg_from_triss‘)
- additem(‚q309_note_from_varese‘)
- additem(‚q309_three_keys_combined‘)
- additem(‚q309_witch_hunters_orders‘)
- additem(‚q310_backdoor_key‘)
- additem(‚q310_cell_key‘)
- additem(‚q310_explorer_note‘)
- additem(‚q310_journal_notes_1‘)
- additem(‚q310_journal_notes_2‘)
- additem(‚q310_lever‘)
- additem(‚q310_sewer_door_key‘)
- additem(‚q310_wine‘)
- additem(‚q310_yen_trinket‘)
- additem(‚q311_aen_elle_notes‘)
- additem(‚q311_lost_diary1‘)
- additem(‚q311_lost_diary2‘)
- additem(‚q311_lost_diary3‘)
- additem(‚q311_lost_diary4‘)
- additem(‚q401_avallachs_wisp‘)
- additem(‚q401_bread‘)
- additem(‚q401_bucket_and_rag‘)
- additem(‚q401_cheese‘)
- additem(‚q401_disgusting_meal‘)
- additem(‚q401_forktail_brain‘)
- additem(‚q401_sausages‘)
- additem(‚q401_trial_key_ingredient_a‘)
- additem(‚q401_trial_key_ingredient_b‘)
- additem(‚q401_trial_key_ingredient_c‘)
- additem(‚q401_triss_earring‘)
- additem(‚q401_yen_journal_2‘)
- additem(‚q403_treaty‘)
- additem(‚q504_fish‘)
- additem(‚q505_gems‘)
- additem(‚q505_nilf_diary_lost1‘)
- additem(‚q505_nilf_diary_lost2‘)
- additem(‚q505_nilf_diary_won1‘)
- additem(‚quest_test_ring‘)
- additem(’scrambled_eggs‘)
- additem(’sq101_letter_from_keira‘)
- additem(’sq101_safe_goods‘)
- additem(’sq101_shipment_list‘)
- additem(’sq102_dolores_diary‘)
- additem(’sq102_huberts_diary‘)
- additem(’sq102_loose_papers‘)
- additem(’sq104_key‘)
- additem(’sq104_notes‘)
- additem(’sq106_hammond_whereabouts‘)
- additem(’sq106_manuscript‘)
- additem(’sq107_vault_key‘)
- additem(’sq108_acid_gland‘)
- additem(’sq108_smith_tools‘)
- additem(’sq201_chamber_key‘)
- additem(’sq201_cursed_jewel‘)
- additem(’sq201_padlock_key‘)
- additem(’sq201_rotten_meat‘)
- additem(’sq201_ship_manifesto‘)
- additem(’sq201_werewolf_meat‘)
- additem(’sq202_book_1′)
- additem(’sq202_book_2′)
- additem(’sq202_half_seal‘)
- additem(’sq204_leshy_talisman‘)
- additem(’sq204_wolf_heart‘)
- additem(’sq205_brewing_instructions‘)
- additem(’sq205_brewmasters_log‘)
- additem(’sq205_fernflower_petal‘)
- additem(’sq205_moonshine_spirit‘)
- additem(’sq205_preserved_mash‘)
- additem(’sq206_sleipnir_formula‘)
- additem(’sq206_sleipnir_ingredient‘)
- additem(’sq206_sleipnir_potion‘)
- additem(’sq207_portal_stone_blue‘)
- additem(’sq207_portal_stone_green‘)
- additem(’sq207_portal_stone_red‘)
- additem(’sq208_ashes‘)
- additem(’sq208_herbs‘)
- additem(’sq208_letter‘)
- additem(’sq208_otkell_journal‘)
- additem(’sq208_portait_brodrr‘)
- additem(’sq208_portait_otkell‘)
- additem(’sq208_portait_saemingr‘)
- additem(’sq208_portait_tyr‘)
- additem(’sq208_raghnaroog‘)
- additem(’sq210_blank_brain‘)
- additem(’sq210_burnt_heart‘)
- additem(’sq210_conch‘)
- additem(’sq210_drm_brain‘)
- additem(’sq210_gog_book‘)
- additem(’sq210_gog_brain‘)
- additem(’sq210_gog_recipe‘)
- additem(’sq210_gold_token‘)
- additem(’sq210_golems_charged_heart‘)
- additem(’sq210_golems_heart‘)
- additem(’sq302_agates‘)
- additem(’sq302_crystal‘)
- additem(’sq302_eyes‘)
- additem(’sq302_generator_2′)
- additem(’sq302_generator_3′)
- additem(’sq302_philippa_letter‘)
- additem(’sq303_lesser_white_honey‘)
- additem(’sq303_robbery_speech‘)
- additem(’sq304_aluminium‘)
- additem(’sq304_chemicals‘)
- additem(’sq304_ferrum_cadmiae‘)
- additem(’sq304_ledger_book‘)
- additem(’sq304_monster_trophy‘)
- additem(’sq304_smithing_mtrls‘)
- additem(’sq304_thermite‘)
- additem(’sq305_conduct‘)
- additem(’sq305_trophies‘)
- additem(’sq306_sacha_letter‘)
- additem(’sq307_cat_accessories‘)
- additem(’sq307_cattrap‘)
- additem(’sq307_flower‘)
- additem(’sq308_martin_mask‘)
- additem(’sq309_girl_notebook‘)
- additem(’sq309_iorweth_arrow‘)
- additem(’sq309_mage_letter‘)
- additem(’sq310_ledger_book‘)
- additem(’sq310_package‘)
- additem(’sq311_spy_papers‘)
- additem(’sq312_medicine‘)
- additem(’sq313_iorveth_letters‘)
- additem(’sq314_cure_recipe‘)
- additem(’sq314_cure‘)
- additem(’sq314_var_rechte_journal‘)
- additem(’sq401_old_sword‘)
- additem(’sq401_orders‘)
- additem(’sq402_aether‘)
- additem(’sq402_florence_flask_with_water‘)
- additem(’sq402_florence_flask‘)
- additem(’sq402_hydragenum‘)
- additem(’sq402_ingredient‘)
- additem(’sq402_quebrith‘)
- additem(’sq402_rebis‘)
- additem(’sq402_vitriol‘)
- additem(‚th003_journal_wolf_part3‘)
- additem(‚th004_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th005_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th006_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th007_map_wolf_gloves_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th008_map_wolf_pants_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th009_map_wolf_boots_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th010_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th011_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th012_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th013_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade1‘)
- additem(‚th014_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th015_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th1001_journal_viper_part1‘)
- additem(‚th1001_journal_viper_part2‘)
- additem(‚th1003_ireneus_lab_key‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_cat_lady‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part1‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part2‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part3‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part4‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part5‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part6‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part7‘)
- additem(‚th1003_journal_lynx_part8‘)
- additem(‚th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1a‘)
- additem(‚th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1b‘)
- additem(‚th1003_map_lynx_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th1003_map_lynx_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part1‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part2‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part3‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part4‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part5‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part6‘)
- additem(‚th1005_journal_gryphon_part7‘)
- additem(‚th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1a‘)
- additem(‚th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1b‘)
- additem(‚th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part1‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part2‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part3‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part4‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part5‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part6‘)
- additem(‚th1007_journal_bear_part7‘)
- additem(‚th1007_map_bear_upgrade1a‘)
- additem(‚th1007_map_bear_upgrade1b‘)
- additem(‚th1007_map_bear_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th1007_map_bear_upgrade3‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part1‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part2‘)
- additem(‚vivaldis_bill_of_exchange‘)
- additem(‚yennefers_omelette_fantasie‘)
- additem(‚yennefers_omelette‘)
[click here to show DLC content][click here to hide DLC content]
DLC Items
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian Armor‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian Boots‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian Gloves‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian Pants‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian Armor‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian Boots‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian Gloves‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian Pants‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian HorseBag‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian HorseBlinders‘)
- additem(‚DLC1 Temerian HorseSaddle‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseBag‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseBlinders‘)
- additem(‚DLC5 Nilfgaardian HorseSaddle‘)
- additem(‚DLC13 Nilfgaardian Crossbow‘)
- additem(‚DLC13 Skellige Crossbow‘)
- additem(‚DLC13 Elven Crossbow‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige Armor‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige Boots‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige Gloves‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige Pants‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige HorseBag‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige HorseBlinders‘)
- additem(‚DLC14 Skellige HorseSaddle‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor 3‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Leather squares‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Gloves 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Gloves 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Gloves 3‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Boots 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Boots 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Boots 3‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Armor schematic‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Boots schematic‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Gloves schematic‘)
- additem(‚Wolf Pants schematic‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Jacket Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Boots Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Pants Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Witcher Wolf Gloves Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School steel sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 1‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2‘)
- additem(‚Wolf School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3‘)
- additem(‚Leather squares‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part1a‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part2a‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part3a‘)
- additem(‚th1009_journal_wolf_part4‘)
- additem(‚th1009_map_wolf_upgrade1a‘)
- additem(‚th1009_map_wolf_upgrade1b‘)
- additem(‚th1009_map_wolf_upgrade2‘)
- additem(‚th1009_map_wolf_upgrade2b‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC1 Temerian Armor‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC1 Temerian Boots‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC1 Temerian Gloves‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC1 Temerian Pants‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC5 Nilfgaardian Armor‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC5 Nilfgaardian Boots‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC5 Nilfgaardian Gloves‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC5 Nilfgaardian Pants‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC14 Skellige Armor‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC14 Skellige Boots‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC14 Skellige Gloves‘)
- additem(‚NGP DLC14 Skellige Pants‘)
- additem(‚NGP Starting Pants‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 01 q2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 02‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 03‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 04‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 01‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 02‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 03‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 04‘)
- additem(‚NGP Nilfgaardian Casual Pants‘)
- additem(‚NGP Skellige Casual Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚NGP Skellige Casual Pants 02‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bath Towel Pants 01‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Pants 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 01_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 02_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 03_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Heavy pants 04_crafted‘)
- additem(‚NGP Lynx Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Lynx Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Lynx Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Lynx Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚NGP Gryphon Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Gryphon Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Gryphon Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Gryphon Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bear Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bear Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bear Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bear Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Bear Pants 4‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Armor 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Pants 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Pants 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Pants 3‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Boots 1‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Boots 2‘)
- additem(‚NGP Wolf Boots 3‘)
Miscellaneous DLC Stuff
- addHairDLC1
- addHairDLC2
- addHairDLC3
- test commands to add each type of item once
[click here to show all inventory dev commands][click here to hide all inventory dev commands]Inventory Dev Commands
- addbolts
- addarmor
- addarmor2
- addbooks
- addboots
- addcharacterdecorations
- addcraft
- addcraftedboots
- addcraftedranged
- addcraftedsilver
- addcraftedsilverrelic
- addcraftedsteel
- addcraftedsteelrelic
- addcraftingingre
- addCraftingItem
- addcrossbows
- adddrinks
- addfood
- addgloves
- addherbs
- additemalchemy
- additemcrafting
- additemfood
- additemleather
- additemmetals
- additemmonstrous
- additemrunesupgrades
- additemsprecious
- addjunk
- addjunk2
- addkeys
- addlore
- addlore2
- addmiscaddhorseitems
- addmutageningredients
- addmutagenrecipes
- addmutagens
- addpants
- addquestitems
- addquestitems2
- addquestitems3
- addrecipesbombs
- addrecipesoils
- addrecipespotions
- addrecipespotions2
- addschematicsarmor
- addschematicsbolts
- addschematicsboots
- addschematicscomponents
- addschematicsgloves
- addschematicspants
- addschematicsupgrades
- addsets
- addsilverswords
- addsilverswords2
- addsteelswords
- addsteelswords2
- addtreasurehuntitems
- addtrophies
- addupgrades
- addvaluables
- addwolfdlc
- learnallschematics
- for more carryweight add the buffs from all 3 types of bags – use rmvabl(name) to remove them
- addabl(HorseBag1)
- addabl(HorseBag2)
- addabl(HorseBag3)
- addmoney(#) – adds „#“ amount of Crowns
- removemoney(#) – removes „#“ amount of Crowns
- additem(‚Horse Bag 3‘) – largest bag
- additem(‚Horse Saddle 4‘) – best saddle
- additem(‚Horse Blinder 3‘) – best blinder
- staminapony – unlimited stamina horse
- instantMount(‚horse‘) – puts player on a horse
NPC Commands
- dismember – dismembers an NPC
- appearance(name) – target an NPC and type the command
- Ciri – play as Cirilla, use ‚Geralt‘ to return to Geralt
- spawn(‚cirilla‘) – spawns Cirilla NPC
- addabl(CiriBlink) – give Ciri the blink ability
- addabl(CiriCharge) – give Ciri the charge ability
- addabl(Ciri_Rage) – give Ciri the rage ability
- additem(q403_ciri_meteor) – gives Ciri the meteor
- addabl(Ciri_Q205) – gain 250 vitality
- addabl(Ciri_Q305) – gain 500 vitality and 100 attack power
- addabl(Ciri_Q403) – gain 2000 vitality and 500 attack power
- addabl(Ciri_Q111) – gain 2500 vitality and 600 attack power
- addabl(Ciri_Q501) – gain 2500 vitality and 80 attack power
- appearance(ciri_winter)
- appearance(__q103_dirty)
- appearance(__q103_wounded)
- appearance(__q205_bandaged_naked)
- appearance(__q205_bandaged)
- appearance(__q205_bathtowel)
- appearance(__q205_naked)
- appearance(__q305_dudu)
- appearance(__q310_masked)
- appearance(__q505_covered_01)
- appearance(__q505_covered_02)
- appearance(__q505_hooded_02)
- appearance(__q505_hooded)
- spawn(‚triss‘) – spawns Triss Merrigold NPC
- appearance(triss)
- appearance(triss_dress)
- appearance(triss_hooded_01)
- appearance(triss_hooded_02)
- appearance(triss_lingerie)
- appearance(triss_naked)
- appearance(triss_tortured_bloddy_face)
- appearance(triss_tortured)
- spawn(‚yennefer‘) – spawns Yennefer of Vengerberg NPC
- appearance(yennefer_gown)
- appearance(yennefer_head_towel)
- appearance(yennefer_hooded)
- appearance(yennefer_hooded_02)
- appearance(yennefer_lingerie)
- appearance(yennefer_naked_no_hair)
- appearance(yennefer_naked_panties)
- appearance(yennefer_naked)
- appearance(yennefer_no_pendant)
- appearance(yennefer_travel_outfit)
- spawn(‚keira‘) – spawns Keira Metz NPC
- appearance(naked)
- appearance(naked_lingerie)
- appearance(keira_metz_sorceress)
- appearance(keria_metz)
- spawn(’name‘,#,x,true/false) – spawns „#“ amount of „true=hostile or false=friendly“ „name“-NPCs in distance „x“
e.g. spawn(‚wyvern_lvl2‘) – spawns 1 strong Wyvern
e.g. spawn(‚wyvern_lvl2‘,10,20,true) – spawns 10 hostile, strong Wyverns in distance 20
[click here to show all NPCs, Bosses, Monsters and Members of the Wild Hunt][click here to hide all NPCs, Bosses, Monsters and Members of the Wild Hunt]Humans
- spawn(‚witcher‘)
- spawn(‚vesemir‘)
- spawn(‚yennefer‘)
- spawn(‚triss‘)
- spawn(‚keira‘)
- spawn(‚grenn‘)
- spawn(‚cirilla‘)
- spawn(‚zoltan‘)
- spawn(’sorceress‘)
- spawn(‚witch1‘)
- spawn(‚witch_1‘)
- spawn(‚witch2‘)
- spawn(‚witch_2‘)
- spawn(‚witch3‘)
- spawn(‚witch_3‘)
- spawn(‚witch_q105‘)
- spawn(‚eredin‘)
- spawn(‚imlerith‘)
- spawn(‚caranthir‘)
Various Humans
- spawn(‚fists‘)
- spawn(‚fists_medium‘)
- spawn(‚fists_hard‘)
- spawn(’shield‘)
- spawn(’shield_axe‘)
- spawn(’shield_mace‘)
- spawn(’shield_hard‘)
- spawn(‚hammer2h‘)
- spawn(‚hammer2h_hard‘)
- spawn(‚axe2h‘)
- spawn(‚halberd2h‘)
- spawn(’spear2h‘)
- spawn(‚bow‘)
- spawn(‚bow_hard‘)
- spawn(’sword1h‘)
- spawn(’sword1h_easy‘)
- spawn(’sword1h_hard‘)
- spawn(’sword1h_super_hard‘)
- spawn(‚axe1h‘)
- spawn(‚axe1h_hard‘)
- spawn(‚club1h‘)
- spawn(‚club1h_hard‘)
- spawn(‚1hand‘)
- spawn(‚1handed‘)
- spawn(’sword2h‘)
- spawn(’shortsword_hard‘)
- spawn(‚bowman‘)
- spawn(‚bowman_hard‘)
- spawn(‚xbow‘)
- spawn(‚rider‘)
- spawn(’shovel_test‘)
- spawn(‚pitchfork‘)
Warriors of the Wild Hunt
- spawn(‚wildhunt_sword‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_axe‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_halberd‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_hammer‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_minion‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_spear‘)
- spawn(‚wild_hunt_sword‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_axe‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_halberd‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_hammer‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_minion‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_spear‘)
- spawn(‚ice_giant‘)
- spawn(‚icegiant‘)
- spawn(’siren‘)
- spawn(‚bees‘)
- spawn(‚black_troll‘)
- spawn(‚blacktroll‘)
- spawn(‚cave_troll‘)
- spawn(‚cavetroll‘)
- spawn(‚cockatrice‘)
- spawn(‚troll‘)
- spawn(‚troll_black‘)
- spawn(‚djinn‘)
- spawn(‚drowner‘)
- spawn(‚ddead‘)
- spawn(‚drowneddead‘)
- spawn(‚drowned_dead‘)
- spawn(’nekker‘)
- spawn(’nekker_warrior‘)
- spawn(‚bies‘)
- spawn(‚lessog‘)
- spawn(‚leszy‘)
- spawn(‚leshy‘)
- spawn(‚leshen‘)
- spawn(‚lessun‘)
- spawn(‚dao‘)
- spawn(‚ifryt‘)
- spawn(‚ifrit‘)
- spawn(‚golem‘)
- spawn(‚arachas‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_armored‘)
- spawn(‚armoredarachas‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_poison‘)
- spawn(‚poisonarachas‘)
- spawn(‚poisonedarachas‘)
- spawn(‚warewolf‘)
- spawn(‚werewolf‘)
- spawn(‚lycanthrope‘)
- spawn(‚lycan‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga‘)
- spawn(‚endrega‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_worker‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_tailed‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_spikey‘)
- spawn(‚wight‘)
- spawn(‚wyvern‘)
- spawn(‚basilisk‘)
- spawn(‚harpy‘)
- spawn(‚gryphon‘)
- spawn(‚griffon‘)
- spawn(‚wolf‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_alpha‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_white‘)
- spawn(‚evil_dog‘)
- spawn(‚wild_dog‘)
- spawn(’simulacrum‘)
- spawn(‚erynia‘)
- spawn(‚fogling‘)
- spawn(‚forktail‘)
- spawn(‚fugas‘)
- spawn(‚gargoyle‘)
- spawn(‚ghoul‘)
- spawn(‚ghoul_lesser‘)
- spawn(‚alghoul‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_mage‘)
- spawn(‚gravehag‘)
- spawn(‚miscreant‘)
- spawn(’nightwraith‘)
- spawn(’noonwraith‘)
- spawn(‚pesta‘)
- spawn(‚iris‘)
- spawn(‚volcanic_gryphon‘)
- spawn(‚wraith‘)
- spawn(‚waterhag‘)
- spawn(‚czart‘)
- spawn(‚willo_wisp‘)
- spawn(‚willowisp‘)
- spawn(‚katakan‘)
- spawn(‚katakan_large‘)
- spawn(‚katakanlarge‘)
- spawn(‚gravehag_barons_wife‘)
- spawn(‚baronswife‘)
- spawn(‚ekima‘)
- spawn(‚ekimma‘)
- spawn(‚lamia‘)
- spawn(‚bear‘)
- spawn(‚bear_black‘)
- spawn(‚bear_berserker‘)
- spawn(‚bear_grizzly‘)
- spawn(‚grizzly‘)
- spawn(‚bear_white‘)
- spawn(‚cyclop‘)
- spawn(‚cyclops‘)
- spawn(‚rotfiend‘)
- spawn(‚rotfiend_large‘)
- spawn(’succubus‘)
- spawn(‚heart‘)
- spawn(‚him‘)
- spawn(‚frozen_soldier‘)
- spawn(‚ice_golem‘)
- spawn(‚botchling‘)
- spawn(‚alghoul_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚alghoul_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚alghoul_lvl3‘)
- spawn(‚alghoul_mh‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_lvl2__armored‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_lvl3__poison‘)
- spawn(‚arachas_mh__poison‘)
- spawn(‚basilisk_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚bear_berserker_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚bear_lvl1__black‘)
- spawn(‚bear_lvl2__grizzly‘)
- spawn(‚bear_lvl3__white‘)
- spawn(‚bies_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚bies_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚bies_mh‘)
- spawn(‚black_mage_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚blood_flies‘)
- spawn(‚burnedman_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚cockatrice_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚cockatrice_mh‘)
- spawn(‚cyclop_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚czart_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚czart_mh‘)
- spawn(‚drowner_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚drowner_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚drowner_lvl3‘)
- spawn(‚drowner_lvl4__dead‘)
- spawn(‚elemental_dao_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚elemental_dao_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚elemental_dao_lvl3__ice‘)
- spawn(‚elemental_dao_mh‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_lvl1__worker‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_lvl2__tailed‘)
- spawn(‚endriaga_lvl3__spikey‘)
- spawn(‚fogling_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚fogling_lvl1__doppelganger‘)
- spawn(‚fogling_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚fogling_lvl3__willowisp‘)
- spawn(‚fogling_mh‘)
- spawn(‚forktail_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚forktail_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚forktail_mh‘)
- spawn(‚fugas_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚fugas_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚gargoyle_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚ghoul_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚ghoul_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚ghoul_lvl3‘)
- spawn(‚golem_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚golem_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚golem_lvl2__ifryt‘)
- spawn(‚golem_lvl3‘)
- spawn(‚gryphon_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚gryphon_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚gryphon_lvl3__volcanic‘)
- spawn(‚gryphon_mh__volcanic‘)
- spawn(‚hag_grave_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚hag_grave_lvl1__barons_wife‘)
- spawn(‚hag_grave__mh‘)
- spawn(‚hag_water_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚hag_water_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚hag_water_mh‘)
- spawn(‚harpy_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚harpy_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚harpy_lvl3__erynia‘)
- spawn(‚lessog_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚lessog_lvl2__ancient‘)
- spawn(‚lessog_mh‘)
- spawn(’nekker_lvl1′)
- spawn(’nekker_lvl2′)
- spawn(’nekker_lvl3__warrior‘)
- spawn(’nekker_mh__warrior‘)
- spawn(’nightwraith_lvl1′)
- spawn(’nightwraith_lvl1__doppelganger‘)
- spawn(’nightwraith_mh‘)
- spawn(’noonwraith_lvl1′)
- spawn(’noonwraith_lvl1__doppelganger‘)
- spawn(’noonwraith_mh‘)
- spawn(‚rotfiend_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚rotfiend_lvl2‘)
- spawn(’siren_lvl1′)
- spawn(’siren_lvl2__lamia‘)
- spawn(’siren_mh__lamia‘)
- spawn(‚troll_cave_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚troll_cave_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚troll_cave_lvl3__ice‘)
- spawn(‚troll_cave_mh__black‘)
- spawn(‚vampire_ekima_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚vampire_ekima_mh‘)
- spawn(‚vampire_katakan_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚vampire_katakan_mh‘)
- spawn(‚werewolf_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚werewolf_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚werewolf_lvl3__lycan‘)
- spawn(‚werewolf_lvl4__lycan‘)
- spawn(‚wild_dog_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_minion_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_minion_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚wildhunt_minion_mh‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_lvl1__summon‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_lvl1__summon_were‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_lvl2__alpha‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_white_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚wolf_white_lvl3__alpha‘)
- spawn(‚wraith_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚wraith_mh‘)
- spawn(‚wyvern_lvl1‘)
- spawn(‚wyvern_lvl2‘)
- spawn(‚wyvern_mh‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__bear_grizzly_honey‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__endriaga_spiral‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__fogling‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__godling‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__him‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__miscreant‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__miscreant_greater‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__noonwright_pesta‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__werewolf‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__witch_1‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__witch_2‘)
- spawn(‚_quest__witch_3‘)
- spawn(‚bat‘)
- spawn(‚cat‘)
- spawn(‚chicken‘)
- spawn(‚cow‘)
- spawn(‚crab‘)
- spawn(‚crow‘)
- spawn(‚deer‘)
- spawn(‚dog‘)
- spawn(‚fish_kingfish‘)
- spawn(‚fish_mackerel‘)
- spawn(‚fish_roach‘)
- spawn(‚fish_tuna‘)
- spawn(‚goat‘)
- spawn(‚goose‘)
- spawn(‚goose_leader‘)
- spawn(‚hare‘)
- spawn(‚mountain_goat‘)
- spawn(‚owl‘)
- spawn(‚pig‘)
- spawn(‚pigeon‘)
- spawn(‚ram‘)
- spawn(‚rat‘)
- spawn(‚rooster‘)
- spawn(’seagull‘)
- spawn(’sheep‘)
- spawn(’snow_deer‘)
- spawn(’snow_rabbit‘)
- spawn(’sparrow‘)
- spawn(’swallow‘)
- spawn(‚toad‘)
- spawn(‚whale‘)
Miscellaneous Stuff
- spawn(‚boat‘)
- spawn(‚playerHorse‘)
- spawn(‚horse‘)
- spawn(‚horse_manager‘)
- spawn(‚poison_cloud‘)
- spawn(‚rotfiend_explode‘)
- spawn(‚barrel‘)
- spawn(‚grapeshot‘)
- spawn(‚petard‘)
- spawn(‚beehive‘)
- spawn(’stand_puke‘)
- spawn(‚pawelmtest‘)
- spawn(‚projectile_rift‘)
- spawn(‚projectile_rift2‘)
- spawn(‚ground_rift‘)
- spawn(‚lure_cloud‘)
- spawn(‚yennefer_bubble‘)
- spawn(‚yennefer_bubble_2‘)
- spawn(‚yennefer_bubble_3‘)
- spawn(‚denied_area‘)
- spawnt(#) – spawns a group of hostiles
e.g. spawnt(64) – spawns a group of Novigrad Guards
[click here to show all spawnt groups][click here to hide spawnt groups]Spawn random enounter mobs
- spawnt(01) – Witcher Hunters; other numbers are 01-09
- spawnt(61) – Bandits; other numbers are 61, 63, 65
- spawnt(64) – Novigrad Guards; other numbers are 64, 68, 70, 73, 75, 80
- spawnt(67) – Thugs; other numbers are 67, 77
- spawnt(83) – Redanian Soldiers; other numbers are 83, 85-90, 92-99
- spawnt(100) – Skellige Bandits; other numbers are 100-104, 106-126, 128-133
- spawnt(134) – Wild Hunt Warriors; other numbers are 134-135, 137-140
Abilities, for playable Ciri
Appearances for Ciri
Gwent Game
- secretgwint – play a Gwent Game anywhere
- winGwint(true) – win current Gwent Game
- addgwintcards – adds 1 of each card, except ‚gwint_card_katakan‘
- additem(‘name’) – adds 1 „name“ card
e.g. additem(‚gwint_card_katakan‘,5) – adds 5 Katakan cards
[click here to show all gwent cards][click here to hide all gwent cards]Gwent Cards
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emhyr_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_foltest_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_francesca_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_gold‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_silver‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_bronze‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eredin_copper‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_impera_brigade4‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cynthia‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_letho‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_archer_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_archer_support2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_assire‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fringilla‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nausicaa3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_stefan‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_black_archer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siege_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_menno‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_moorvran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_tibor‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_albrich‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_morteisen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rainfarn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_renuald‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rotten‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_shilard‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_sweers‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vanhemar‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vattier‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vreemde‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cahir‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_puttkammer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_black_archer2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_heavy_zerri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_zerri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_combat_engineer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_young_emissary‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_young_emissary2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_natalis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_esterad‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_witch_hunters‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_catapult‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_catapult2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siege_tower‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ballista_officer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ballista‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_siegfried‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_blue_stripes3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crinfrid3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_stennis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_poor_infantry3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kaedwen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kaedwen2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_philippa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vernon‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dun_banner_medic‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_thaler‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dijkstra‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_eithne‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_iorveth‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_barclay‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dennis‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_milva‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ida‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_filavandrel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_yaevinn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_toruviel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_riordain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ciaran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam4‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_mahakam5‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_support3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_infantry3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_dwarf3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dol_archer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_havekar_nurse3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_saskia‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_isengrim‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_draug‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_kayran‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_imlerith‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_leshen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_forktail‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_earth_elemental‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fiend‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_griffin‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_plague_maiden‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_werewolf‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_botchling‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_frightener‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ice_giant‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_endrega‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_harpy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_gargoyle‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_celaeno_harpy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fire_elemental‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas_behemoth‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_nekker3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ekkima‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_whispess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_weavess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_katakan‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_bruxa‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_grave_hag‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_garkain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fleder‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_arachas3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fogling‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_wyvern‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul2‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ghoul3‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_crone_brewess‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_cockatrice‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_geralt‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_yennefer‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_vesemir‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_ciri‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_triss‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dandelion‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_zoltan‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_emiel‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_villen‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_avallach‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_scorch‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_horn‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_dummy‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_frost‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_fog‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_rain‘)
- additem(‚gwint_card_clear_sky‘)
World and Travels
- ShowKnownPins(1) – display all „?“ on the map
- ShowPins(1) – uncovercover all map pins
- ShowAllFT(1) – uncover fast travel pins
- AllowFT(1) – enables Fast Travel from anywhere
- gotoWyzima – portal to Wyzima
- gotoNovigrad – portal to Novigrad
- gotoSkellige – portal to Skellige
- gotoKaerMohren – portal to KaerMohren
- gotoProlog – portal to the Prologue Zone White Orchard
- gotoPrologWinter – portal to the Prologue Zone winterly White Orchard
- xy(posX,posY) – portal to the coordinates posx,posy – use god to survive the fall or type the coordinates again, just before you hit the ground
e.g. xy(104,140) – teleports player to Fisherman Village
[click here to show sample xy(coordinates)][click here to hide sample xy(coordinates)]XY Port Coordinates
- xy(11,10) – lonely_pine_crossroadUp; RoadSign
- xy(120,10) – lonely_pine_crossroadDown; RoadSign
- xy(574,12) – lonely_pine_crossroad_right; RoadSign
- xy(12,574) – lonely_pine_crossroadLeft; RoadSign
- xy(-40,-348) – lonely_pine; RoadSign
- xy(-31,-259) – lonely_pine_02; RoadSign
- xy(212,121) – ft_harbor_01; Boat
- xy(434,343) – ft_harbor_02; Boat
- xy(1024,1024) – wm_pin_NMLandNovigrad; WorldMap
- xy(1024,200) – wm_pin_Skellige_ArdSkellig; WorldMap
- xy(500,400) – wm_pin_Kaer_Morhen; WorldMap
- xy(200,300) – wm_pin_Prologue_Village; WorldMap
- xy(750,900) – wm_pin_Wyzima; WorldMap
- xy(200,1024) – wm_pin_Island_of_Myst; WorldMap
- xy(1000,200) – ard_hugtand_port; Boat
- xy(400,200) – kaer_trolde_port; Boat
- xy(355,266) – forest_verge; RoadSign
- xy(222,767) – valley_route; RoadSign
- xy(333,444) – fyresdal_village; RoadSign
- xy(545,667) – arinbjorn_village; RoadSign
- xy(7,-41) – kaer_trolde_crach_castle; RoadSign
- xy(100,356) – kaer_trolde_crach_castle_tunel; RoadSign
- xy(,) – e3d_startpoint; RoadSign e3 demo start
- xy(444,333) – druids; RoadSign
- xy(100,200) – DebugBidonRS1; RoadSign
- xy(200,100) – DebugBidonRS2; RoadSign
- xy(104,140) – FishermenVillage; RoadSign
- xy(44,242) – FerylundVillage; RoadSign
- xy(864,837) – e3_fake_crystal_cavern; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(677,929) – e3_fake_giant_cliff_islands; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(1441,131) – e3_fake_burners_village; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-1461,-6) – e3_fake_old_monastery; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-441,28) – e3_fake_upper_arinbjorn; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-537,197) – e3_fake_arinbjorn_quarry; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-222,617) – e3_fake_holmstein; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(126,496) – e3_fake_fyresdal; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(334,184) – e3_fake_hemmingur; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(164,-200) – e3_fake_mountain_passage; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-447,369) – e3_fake_skellige_tombs; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-287,-899) – e3_fake_dimun_village; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(840,-835) – e3_fake_nordbukt; RoadSign e3 demo fake fasttravel point
- xy(-1102,505) – skellige_undvik_road_sign; RoadSign Fast travel to igi beach
- xy(500,500) – DEBUG_wm_pin_April; WorldMap DEBUG FOR DROID REQUEST
- xy(600,600) – DEBUG_wm_pin_May; WorldMap DEBUG FOR DROID REQUEST
- SpawnHorse
- instantMount(‚horse‘)
- spawnBoatAndMount
- makeitrain – summons a storm
- stoprain – stops the rain
- changeweather(name) – change the weather to name
[click here to show all weathertypes][click here to hide all weathertypes]Default Weather
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Rain)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Snow)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
Island Mist
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
Kaer Morhen
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Vesemir_burial_hour_3_30)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Battle)
- changeweather(WT_Battle_Forest)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Snow)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Rain)
- changeweather(WT_Light_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Rain_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds_Fog)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_Wild_Hunt)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds_Dark)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Blizzard)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Storm)
- changeweather(WT_Clear)
- changeweather(WT_q501_Blizzard2)
- changeweather(WT_lessun_forest)
- changeweather(WT_q501_fight_ship_18_00)
- changeweather(WT_q501_storm_arena)
Template Spiral
- changeweather(Spiral_Eternal_Cold)
- changeweather(Spiral_Aen_Elle)
- changeweather(Spiral_Desert)
- changeweather(Spiral_Dark_Valley)
- changeweather(Clear)
- changeweather(Winter Epilog)
- changeweather(WT_Heavy_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- changeweather(WT_Mid_Clouds)
- settime(time) – sets time to time
- TM(number) – sets how fast time passes ingame
- fadeout() / fadein() – turns the screen black
- dlgshow() – turns the HUD off, also roots Geralt in place … use dlghide() to show the interface
- testpause() – pause the game, use testunpause() to continue
- ToggleCameraAutoRotation() – turn off camera auto-center
- added xy coordinates, taken from Witcher 3\bundles\game\fast_travel.csv
- added „Relic Armors“
- added „Crafted Weapons“
- added Beards, thanks to Florin Percembli, comment section below
- added spawnt groups, thanks to joosh1195 @Nexusmods
- added Masks and Decorations
- reworked Alchemy
- added customheads
- added DLC Content
- added trophies
- added Skellige DLC Content
- added buffme lists
- added monsters to mutagens
Also works with (‚2‘) and (‚3‘) … Not sure if there are anymore.
Awesome, thanks!
Awesome work here. Do you happen to know a command that hides all the HUD including the text that shows up when Geralt gets close to an object/enemy/npc? Typing dlgshow does it but it freezes Geralt and I can’t move so it’s not really helpful.
No sorry, but at Cheatengine, the Witcher3 Table has an option to hide the HUD, might be the most convenient way at the moment.
There are MANY of the posted debug console commands that won’t work for me that seem to work for others. That said, here are some entries from the full console dump text that pertain to the HUD… Maybe they will work for you (?) : (Try at your own risk!)
dont work with 1.07
Very helpfull
What about the Blood and Wine DLC? What are the appearance codes for Vivienne, Anarietta etc?
Contribute Commands Doesent Work on my game you placed only (Example)—> RepairAllItems without (Spawn) or something like that
Yeah, I was looking for people who help me find out of they work 😀 They are int he game and as such should be able to work somehow.
Is there a „legal“ way to get Bleidd (WicherSilverWolf) love the way it looks and seems its glitched gives me lagg in the controls and when you swing it it clashes against something invisible.
Actually I am not sure. I am not very far into the game, yet.
Actually I found it, the reward.xml lists as reward for quest „q403_03_new_gear“ „Devine“ and „WitcherSilverWolf“
Hi myrddin. I was the one on the nexus forums who discovered you can change character appearance using the appearance command and porvided those short lists (gona get pull together other characters lists when I get a chance). Just to inform you, the command does indeed work on spawned NPC’s too, not just original in-game characters. While I originlly thought it didn’t, it does work with spawns. You might want to edit that part. Thanks for gathering and putting a lot of the commands in one place though.
Was so glad that you found these commands, big thumbs up from my side. I tried a bit with a spawned Ciri, but wasn’t really patient with it, so I figured you were right.
As for this page, I like to gather the information and present it in a convenient way, so you won’t have to dig through dozens or even hundreds of forum pages. Think it is for the best of all. I did also find some commands and posted them on Nexusmods so all can participate, think that is in the best spirit 🙂
Hi where can i find all of the npc spawn codes. I would like to spawn some temerian soldiers or nilfgaardian soldiers and have a epic battle.
Thank you.
There are all the NPC spawncodes that are listed in the xml file. We do not, yet know hot so spawn different soldiers.
How do you „target the npc“ for those commands???
Walk very close in front of them and then hit „e“ to interact. Then you can change e.g. appearance for ciri, etc.
this works for Ciri but not for Yennefer and Triss why is that?
I’m completely new here (This is the first post I’ve read) so I don’t know how to officially contribute to the list, but I found a „Drunk(1)“ command (Remove quotation marks) and I’ve not seen it posted anywhere else. The command makes everything hazy, as if you crossed your eyes.
Awesome, thanks!
is there a command to make the spawned npc follow you? or spawn an npc that follows you as in the quests?
Can someone help me with godmode?
I can’t revert to non-godmode state.
Geralt is either killable, but have unlimited stamina, or he has limited stamina, but doesn’t take damage.
Also, sometimes godmode allows Geralt to take damage, but he never dies (HP never drops below 0).
I think i messed up with „god“ commands. I typing „god“ again to turn godmode off doesn’t actually disable it.
There is god, god2, god3 and I think staminaboy is an unlimited stamina toggle. You might like to test with these. It might also be that there are several „stages“ of god. Just tried „god“ and spawned some nekkers, was able to get back to lose stamina and health with no problems.
You can change beard by typing setbeard(0,0);(0,1);(0,2);(0,3);(0,4)
Thanks 🙂
It’s interesting that after every cutscene that god command will toggle back off if it’s on, it’s a bit annoying really. Any way to deal with this?
Do you lose Health too? Even in god mode i mean…
At times, it does reset.
Hey Myrddin, I was looking through the comments on the Nexus and saw where you said that the Ciri appearance commands work with out the two underscores at the beginning, but instead just one. I just wanted to tell you that you may want to add that those commands may require an extra underscore because mine only works with two and not one.
Thanks for the input.
I would like to know the commands to make this code: indeed the underscore key does not match the other? appearance (__ q205_naked)
Nothing for adding items works. Using 1.04. Tried every combo and not a damn thing. Been trying to add saltpeter, or any type of bombs.
These commands work just fine. There is no combo, add them just as they are entered here and it works.
witchcraft – CAUTION: gives you 1 of everything, the game may hang for a couple of minutes
everything = every item in the game? (quest item, gear, books, materials) EVERY item?
Not 100% sure if it is every item. Just look at addgwintcards, it is supposed to give you every card, but is in reality missing one of them. I suppose witchcraft calls each of the add commands individually. As usually, there is no harm in saving your game and then trying what it does 🙂
witchcraft – CAUTION: gives you 1 of everything, the game may hang for a couple of minutes
everything = every item in the game? (quest item, gear, books, materials) EVERY item?
Using f1 for flycam is my favorite but sometimes the zoom level for flycam gets stuck overly zoomed in and doesn’t reset until you close exit/not just reload. What key unzooms flycam to its original level?
Be careful with diagrams/all items. Some quests trigger by reading something and I know for a fact the scavenger hunts bug out in the journal if you already have the diagram as you won’t pick it up but instead random loot in its place.
Also be careful with restrictionless fast travel. Don’t use it during main quests as the game tunnels you at points and something scripted has to happen and if you fly off it won’t.
I’d like to know the noclip command for funz
Anyone knows how to force finish a quest with the debug console?
Does anyone know if we could use „learnskill“ or „addabl“ to force him to learn the defined skills the NPC’s use for their weapons? I’m currently attempting to add weapons that Geralt normally can’t use, like two handed axes, spears, halberds, Wild Hunt weapons ect. You can get them into his inventory, but he seems unable to attack with them.
I’m also curious if we can make Geralt shoot lightning like one of the mages this way.
how to get this steel sword×377-constrain.jpg
did anyone saw this silver and steel sword in the witcher 3 if u guys saw please tell me the location
I think those swords are Wolf and Bleidd, so the codes are
these swords were removed after the E3 Demo as you can see in def_items_weapons.xml there is a comment:
name ="Silver sword 3"
What does that mean? can it be brought back in by removing the comment slashes or asterisks (whatever are used to turn into comment)?
These are just comments in an xml file, you’d need to recompile the changed stuff, likr the addons do … and then i am not sure if these are the only things you’D have to comment out and if the actual files/moddels that are being used are still available. Doesn’t hurt to try though.
staminapony = Unlimited Horse Stamina isn’t working for me, but unlimited stamina for Geralt is. staminaboy.
staminapony is working during normal gameplay, but I noticed that it doesn’t work on several racing quests
For me is not working too, neither in normal gameplay or a race. Version 1.06 and all dlc´s from GoG (10 in total) installed. Rest of commands i´ve tried work properly.
I´ve tiped also several methods, staminapony (1), or staminapony (true) or stamina pony, but with no result.
I´ve added the three horse bags to roach, perhaps is this?
Someone have used this command and worked fine for him?
Works fine, outside races, for me.
These commands work just as CD-Project wants them to work.
Thanks for the comprehensive guide but I have a problem. I can add currency through the add money command but nothing else works.i can’t add items or skill points. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar issue?
It is working fine for me, not sure if you aren’t doing typing errors. That seems like the most common mistakes. Spaces, character case, dashes, quotation marks … they matter.
Man this compiled info is awesome, I spent a couple hours trying to figure out how to use something like the info here and combine it with autohotkey I finally got my first script to work perfectly in game. I made one that enters in every single crafting recipe. I tried the other commands but some of them kept getting shuffled over in the loading of the game. Now I will be able to work on a script for each section for a full blown mega cheat if i so desired. we’ll see.
Glad to hear that you found this useful 🙂
Good luck with your script 🙂
debug console stopped working after I updated my game. Recommend waiting for a new version of the mod till updating the game.
I am still running 1.04 😀
I’m on 1.05 :/
Debug console stopped working when I updated my game, recommend holding up on updating till the mod is updated as well
use one of these. its actually the same mod. just updated itself. added 5 minutes ago. works perfectly
Is there a command to make the spawned npc follow you?
I don’t see any item codes for oils… specter, necrophage, etc, or did I just over look it?
You are right, I’ll add them.
Are we able to add the plans for potions/bombs using this tool? I recall they do not actually appear in inventory so this may be hard?
Schematics can be added, they are under additems: all schematics, books and notices. I just noticed that recipes for potions and bombs aren’t in, yet. I’ll add them as I have time for it. Caution when adding recipes, it may hinder progress for „Treasure Hunt“ and other quests.
Took a bit, but alchemy is now complete with potions, oils, petards, mutagens, substances and recipes
I can not sell my trophies.
It seems to be locked.
Does anyone know the name to remove by the console?
EX: removeitem(‚Griffin Trophy‘)
Me have the same prob. Did you already find a solution?
There are several Griffin trophies, might want to try one of these: mh301_gryphon_trophy, q002_griffin_trophy, sq108_griffin_trophy
What is the difference between god2 and god3?
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::god(){
if (!thePlayer.IsInvulnerable());
thePlayer.SetImmortalityMode(2, 1, true);
thePlayer.AddBuffImmunity_AllNegative('god', true);
thePlayer.SetImmortalityMode(0, 1, true);
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::god2(){
function CStoryScenePreviewPlayer::god3(){
thePlayer.SetImmortalityMode(3, 1, );
how can i disable the „likeaboss“ cheat??
try likeaboss again? or likeaboss(0)
Is there a way to adjust the weight limit using the debug console?
So far I know only of
To manually add several saddle bag buffs on top to Geralt
The Ciri code to play as ciri does not work.
Works, just fine. Tried it a second ago, type „Ciri“
Make sure to use a capital C
Other Hairstyle code
Does somebody know how to tget the black panther mask via console that you wear in the Triss romance quest „A matter of life and death“? That thing is amazing. I want it forever. But can’t find its code. Please help!
this one? additem(‚Geralt mask 01‘)
The command console ShowALLFT(1) in The Witcher 3 doesn’t work for me. I’d really appreciate some help.
Thank You.
Caps do matter, try ShowAllFT(1)
Can you undo the map pins once you’ve done them? All I wanted was FT, and stupidly did the ShowPins(1) instead. I tried HidePins(1) just as an experiment, but no dice. Any suggestions, or am I stuck?
You’ll need to reload an older save game.
These might come in handy if you’re starting a new character at a higher level;
additem(‚Autogen steel sword‘) – Generates a rusty velen sword around your level
additem(‚Autogen silver sword‘) – Generates a version of Disglair around your level
Thanks, I’ll add it.
To turn off camera auto-center. Dont know if it is on the list of commands 🙂
Thanks, added it 🙂
additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 1‘) and additem(‚NPC Novigraadan sword 1‘) did not work anyone helppp pleaseeeeee
It is an NPC Weapon, not all can be equipped or show up in the inventory. The code works though. You do see a „received Novigrad Longsword“ text.
ya but it did not show at inventory
Is there a way to unlock all skillslots with the console?
how do you get the legal version of witcher silver sword what do you need to type in the debug
Anyone knows the code for „Assassins Armor“? Haven’t been able to find it yet…
does anyone know the code for the magic lamp you get from kiera metz
Here: q106_magic_oillamp
Please help, how to remove Candle lantern?
open inventory, click on it, type „r“ or drag and drop to „drop item“? Would help if you were a bit more specific.
Hi is there a full list of NPc spawn codes including nilfgaardian soldiers or temerian soldiers, bandits, etc.
Hey, any1 got the code for the griffin set and ursine?
You find them above under „gryphon“ and „bear“ items.
Ah, thanks good sir
Is there a way to add all the voices to the bestiary?
anyone know how to get the legal un glitched version of witcher silver wolf
Hi Sorry if this is out of topic but does anyone have a save game file with most sidequests completed just before the isle of mists quest? I used the debug console command for fast travelling from anywhere and skipped a favour for radovid after exiting whoreson’s residence accidentally. thus I cannot recruit Triss and have screwed up my playthrough. Any help would be much appreciated?
Triss shows up at Kaer Morhen regardless of whether you did her quest or not. Yennefer invites her.
Yes but sadly you get stuck afterwards when you have to go back to several people, like Triss, it says you still have to help her on some matters.
Thing is, if you teleport after killing the Bastard, you don’t get caught by the king’s guard, thus you don’t get the „favour for radovid“ quest nore the „ennemy number one of redania“. This one able Triss for the main quest…
So I’m like you KOBEGOAT, totally stuck… :'(
I’ve tried many things but nothing seems to trigger the radovid quest…
Please help if you think you have a solution!
Can you tell pls, is there a way to give Ciri abilities (such as Blnk, charge and rage) to Geralt?
myrddin do you know a command that blocks your beard? because i tried but i failed
I cant seem to type “ ` “ to get armor, is there another work around for this? thanks. If i press the ` button the console closes.
Can only advice to try out different keys. On my german keyboard I have to substitute the following keys (it is probably different for yours)
‚ on ä
( on )
) on =
_ on ?
Try pressing „~“ key.
hi all im still having problems with additem. ive tried a lot of things potions swords eg additem(‚black blood‘) or additem(‚black unicorn relic steel sword‘) ect but I cant seem to get any items to work…….could anyone help with the correct way u have to type stuff cheers……
Well, check the commands above. ‚Black Blood‘ won’t work as there are 3 typed of Black Blood.
same goes for ‚black unicorn relic steel sword‘ which does not exist. Scroll up, open weapons. You’ll find:
voilà 🙂
how do I add myself chernobog runestones? I’ve tried but haven’t hit the mark yet.
There are 2 versions for runes, try this one: additem(‚Rune elemental greater‘)
Is there anything for bolts? And or a high level crossbow? (40-60?)
I’ll rework weapons today. There are bolts, too 🙂
It’s been a couple of years now, so I don’t expect this to get updated, but I’d still love to know what the additem() ID is for bolts, particularly exploding bolts (relic quality).
Another year – but… I just looked for these recently, so maybe someone else will – THESE seem to be the highest level bolts – that I find anyway. The „Exploding“ and „Target Point“ are quite high dmg…near to 60 I think, and with the Toussaint Crossbow – definitely killer.
The exploding bolts are fantastic for Sirens/Ekhidna… they just drop… target practice can be fun, heh. Drowners too. I sometimes stand like 50 yards away from a bandit nest and start bombarding them with exploding bolts – it’s hilarious… their comments are a riot sometimes too. REMEMBER: Case matters — one letter wrong and ya get nothing.
additem(‚Explosive Bolt Legendary‘)
additem(‚Split Bolt Legendary‘)
additem(‚Target Point Bolt Legendary‘)
additem(‚Broadhead Bolt Legendary‘)
additem(‚Blunt Bolt Legendary‘)
Best crossbows I think:
additem(‚Toussaint Crossbow 2‘)
additem(‚Geralt of Rivia Crossbow‘) … there’s one for the Ravix identity too, but I’ve never tried it.
It seems not working after 1.05 patch… 🙁
There is a fix for 1.05
Hey can anybody tell me where you originally find these commands? e.g. : Drunk or changeweather or additem or settime?!?!
There is a file cooked.redscripts and I used this lua tool to extract the strings.
i dont understand this…there is no exe or smth…
do i need a programming application or something?
I use Windows
Man ur my personal hero, Thx for the Magic Lamp code, I had my game crashed and used Add All Armors and fucked my quest items :(. I really need at least a few of those if I wanna continue this amazing game but I don’t dare to use the Lua stuff, I’m very bad at programming things. Would u find and send me at least this item code: The Eye of Nehaleni code. I think with the Magic Lamp and the Eye of Nehaleni I might try to continue.
Nevertheless, my missing list of quest I haven’t found code objects yet is not so big if you think any of the following objects is important would u find that code for me too?:
Lizard Figurine
Bull Figurine
Dandelion’s Planner
Misterious Notes
Witcher Georges Journal
Dobromir’s Journal
Prince Adrien’s Journal
I believe here is a pastebin of the rewards.xml, it has all non DLC questrewards:
Hey, I had a look but can’t seem to find the Eye of Nehaleni in that .xml, any ideas as to what the code might be for that one? I lost mine and now cant complete some of my side quests!!
I’m in the same position. I’m looking for the Eye of Nehaleni code, I’ll look through the xml and see if I can find it.
BTW try to type TM(100) or TM(10) sets how fast the day goes by 😀
Latest DLC broke my console, hence I need to wait for it to check out 🙂 but I’ll add it, thanks a ton 🙂
noclip – player can pass through walls, extremely useful when stuck under terrain with goto command
Item adding is not working in my 1.04 version, i typed addarmor(Light armor 08r) but it didnt appear in my inventory
Because you are doing it wrong. wrong command and you also forgot the ‚ ‚, the command is exactly as shown above additem(‚Light armor 08r‘)
Was wondering something. After the get junior quest, I used the fast travel to get wherever i needed to be. That made me miss the A Favor For Radovid quest. Anyway to get it back? If not just a warning!
I can’t manage to type ‚ in the console. tried everything. need it for additem(‚Silver ingot‘)
Hey all! Just thought I would add some commands I found if I couldn’t find them here. Anyways just recently i noticed the alchemic ingredient „Ergot Seeds“ wasn’t listed here. I will add more as I find them!
In short, Ergot Seeds is:
additem(‚Ergot seeds‘)
one love
Hi Guys,
I have just stupidly used the reset code for the console to reset geralt to level 1. about 3 hours after this I realised I don’t have the Eye of Nehaleni anymore!!!! Does anyone know the console code for it? I looked through the Rewards.xml but cant find it??
Any help?
I’m searching for that as well. Best I can make out from the xml file is that it’s likely „q104_something_something“. But I’m no programmer, that’s just my assumption based off of the code for the magic lamp.
additem(‚Illusion Medallion‘)
Doesn’t work, with addmisc neither.. not even while typing it like this (illusion_medallion), any suggestion?
Try addmisc() for the eye of neheleni
For everyone wondering; the EYE OF NIHALENI is simply called the Illusion Medallion in the console. So you type in “ additem(‚Illusion Medallion‘) „
Thanks 🙂
Is there a different key for a PC Witcher3…I can’t open it with „~“ or should I be put in the whole of this and not just the middle one?
hay jack ass most of codes works but additem(‚Horse Bag 3‘) – largest bag dont even work same with the other,learn how to do things right you fuckwit
Judging from your typing I’d say its not your strongest trait and that the problem lies there. The code does work. Must be embarrassing after all the loudmouthing.

it would of helped showing every one how to make cap letters in debug,ok here how it goes in debug you do this hold the shift key and the letter H and you do the same for B
The ( ) _ ‚ and cap keys are different for each keyboardlayout and locale setting. Apart from being unable to install and test each of them it would totally blow the dimension of this page. That shift + letter does capital letters is basic computer knowledge.
Does anyone know how to remove items from inventory via console command?
replace additem by removeitem, while the # works for stackable items, it does remove maximum 1 stack per use.
tried additem(‚Weapon repair kit 1‘) -> gets Grindstone. Unable to locate the item in inventory.
tried additem(‚Armor repair kit 1‘) -> gets Basic armor enhancement kit. Also unable to locate them in the inventory.
Though I can’t find them in my inventory, my weight increase each time I add these items using console.
Anyone encounters the same problem as me?
I’m experiencing this with certain items. Weapon & armor repair kits don’t show up in my inventory, but after trying 10 times i’m now over-encumbered. Swords and stuff enter my inventory fine though.
All i wanted was some weapon repair kits because at my point in the questline I don’t have access to blacksmiths and I’m all out of them. 🙁
Cannot find additem() string for Light Essense. Do you know it? Thanks.
Help! I’m still looking for some way to add Light Essence to my inventory. I’ve tried every combination of additem() and additemalchemy() with every case and nothing seems to work. I ended up adding ‚Golden Oriole 1‘ to get the potion but would really prefer to mix it up. Thanks! Awesome work, it has added to my enjoyment of the game.
If you display all lists and use browser function to search for „essence“ it takes about 15 seconds to find it 😉 Not trying it to be a smartass, just want to show a convenient way to quickly scan through all items and thus find what you are looking for 🙂
additem(‚Noonwraith light essence‘)
Ack! Works like a charm 🙂 Who would guess that noonwraiths would have much to do with such an essence 🙂 Thanks again!
additem(‚Weapon repair kit 1‘) and additem(‚Armor repair kit 1‘), after entering these commands you’ll get a Grindstone and Basic armor enhancement, but they can’t be located in inventory.
Anyone has the same problem?
They are under Miscellaneous Items, these aren’t necessarily for proper usage. The kits are in a special file that I had not added, yet 🙂 Carried away by real life 🙂
Hope that helps 🙂
Anyone know if there’s a way to display item codes onscreen? I’ve got a bugged quest and need to open a door, but I don’t know the code for it (or is there a file for each quest where I could look it up and see which door was supposed to get opened)?
Alternatively, is there a way to move through walls? I can teleport with xy() but I end up on the roof.
Oh, or is there a way to reset a quest?
I tried to put naked Ciri but what is the console command for dressed Ciri ?
Just any of the other codes above under Ciri. Sometimes they dress up in the next scene.
Thanks, I tried appearance(ciri_winter) but Ciri is dressed only in cinematics. Any other ideas?
Hmh, if you target her (face her, and have your head look towards her head) and type appearance(ciri_winter) or appearance(__q505_hooded) she should be dressed. Do you happen to have a nude patch installed maybe?
I don’t have a nude patch but i tried this : I put the „Ciri“ control and I noticed this : with control Ciri dressed but when it’s a round of Ciri in the game, there is always naked. What to do?
So, I couldn’t help noticing there are two quest items related to Iorveth, (’sq313_iorveth_letters‘) and (’sq309_iorweth_arrow‘). Has anyone found them in-game, without inputting commands? On my third playthrough and haven’t found anything related to Iorveth, though granted the Scoia’tael camps can be hard to find.
The only thing I have found so far was: novigrad_lg.csv -> world\quests\sq313_hospital\sq313_iorveth_investigation, which could be related to the sq313_iorveth_letters mentioned above. A quick search told me that there is a conversation somewhere about him. Found a comment here that he is mentioned somewhere:
Is there any command for learn all schematics for glyphs and runes added after patch 1.05?
anybody know the item name for the Feline\Cat armor tried additem( ‚Cat Armor 3‘ ) and additem( ‚Feline Armor 3‘ ) its not listed anywhere online Strange. Help 😀
It is listed above 😀 Lynx armor 🙂
Question about fast travel – is there any way to display the coordinates on the map? Because for no it’s just a guess with those numbers…
not that I know of
Do you know how to spawn Vernon Roche and activate talk with him?
I have turned the likeaboss command on and cannot get it to go away. Have tried adding (0) and off to the end, as well as typing it again etc like god command, but no luck, any suggestions?
it is a normal toggle, type likeaboss to turn it off
can you put up the console commands for the wolf school gear? thanks
Done, they are under [click here to show DLC content].
Im using 1.06 version of The Witcher and the console doesn’t work:(
Some mistaken commands, the numbers for armor, pants, gloves and boots range from 1 to 4, I just tested myself and it’s working.
(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School steel sword 4‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf School silver sword 4‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Armor 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Armor 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Armor 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Armor 4‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Pants 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Pants 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Pants 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Pants 4‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Gloves 4‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Boots 1‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Boots 2‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Boots 3‘)
(‚NGP Wolf Boots 4‘)
Thanks added all wolf armor items under DLC.
Doesn’t spawn any items for me.
Just updated to v1.06
It is not about game version, you also need the DLC.
Any idea how to spawn relic weapons or armour that comes in various levels at a given level? Such as Relic swords or Assassin gloves etc… otherwise it seems to be random 2-4 level behind you current level.
Found some armor items with added „r“ as relic version with some random stats. But worked only for some items e.g. additem(‚Heavy armor 05r‘)
Any commands for wolf set armor ?
Added them above under DLC
Any idea how to spawn an item at a given level? For example additem(Caroline) adds the named sword 2-4 levels below your current level. Is there some way to force the level of the item spawned?
The best I could spawn was 1 level below your own level by trying a lot of times. Don’t know of any other way to do this.
Anyone manage to figure out what the difference is between god, god2 and god3?
Anyone know how to make dropped items disappear?
I spawn 20 swords to get the best stats and drop them, and they don’t ever disappear, kinda annoying.
Is there a command to enable Letho to be alive? I started a new game but didn’t pick the question/answer session. Found out too late. So can I change the default to where Letho is alive and will appear in his quest? Thanks.
I chose simulate Witcher 2 save for my 2nd option difficulty level. Gen Moorhis asked Geralt abt his testimony during shaving scene. I choose the answers in such a way that all/most characters assumed alive in W2. Later I see if Letho is alive in Valen quest.
this helps nobody. This has nothing to do with the previous poster’s problem.
Are there any commands to either enable Letho to appear or to change the simulate import option. I messed up at the start and when I got to Vizima I did not get the question/answer session with the general so it defaulted to where Letho is dead. I do have a save from just before leaving White Orchard.
Are there any commands to enable inf. durability for weapons and armor
When I play as Ciri, Ciri has Geralt’s head. There was no problem until I tried to tp with Ciri to Novigrad with console commands. Is there a way to fix this?
For wolf set e.g armor additem(‘Wolf Armor 3′) numbre 3 its the mastercrafted try this today and workout with 1.06 withcer version.
(‘Wolf School steel sword 1′)
(‘Wolf School steel sword 2′)
(‘Wolf School steel sword 3′)
(‘Wolf School silver sword 1′)
(‘Wolf School silver sword 2′)
(‘Wolf School silver sword 3′)
(‘Wolf Armor 1′)
(‘Wolf Armor 2′)
(‘Wolf Armor 3′)
(‘Wolf Pants 1′)
(‘Wolf Pants 2′)
(‘Wolf Pants 3′)
(‘Wolf Gloves 1′)
(‘Wolf Gloves 2′)
(‘Wolf Gloves 3′)
(‘Wolf Boots 1′)
(‘Wolf Boots 2′)
(‘Wolf Boots 3′)
This how it workout for me.
Thanks 🙂
I think Wolf Boots, Gloves and Pants go up to level 4 right?
These were all I found in the game files.
Where can you find the appearance name list (e.g. „triss_dress“) in the game’s files?
I’ve been looking, but haven’t managed to locate them.
Personally I’d extract all .bundle files and then use wingrep (it can search through many files at once, with nice filters and regex), look for triss_dress and go from there.
Is there a way to spawn pirates? like the skellige pirates?
Are there any commands to spawn Letho, Eskel & Lambert?
use spawn(witcher) for Letho
Anyone know command for new dlc clothes? i installed it but cant speak to straider. I mean skelige outfit
Okay, does anyone knows how to get the steel/silver swords from the intro?
They were used by Geralt in most of the gameplay/trailer videos. I can’t find them in the game. Yet I’ve seen them were used in some of the cutscenes.
Trying to figure out the command to change movement foot speed and sprint speed
Is that any triggers quest debug command? Cause i can’t triggers Triss romance quest „now or never“, i already complete all Novigard main & side quest but still unable start this quest, it’s just never appears in my quest log.
me too you discovered how to do the quest?
additem(‚Crows eye‘) = added 1 Crow’s Eye ingredient for me.
Hey Guys,
Didn’t know if this was possible to do through debug but I’d figure I’d give it a shot. I want to change Geralt’s eye color. Preferably to the AllGod’s color. If anyone had figured out to do this I would appreciate the info. Thanks all and killer work on the codes.
Hello! Is there a command to add the Blizzard potion buff effect in a similar fashion to the cats eye comand above?
Check for the list under „buffme“
Is there any way that you can check for an item ID that you have in your inventory? In skyrim you clicked on an item with console on, this doesn’t work here. I have quest items but maybe these quests were finished and they just stayed in inventory. Does anyone know IDs for these items?
– Silver Monocle
– Mysterious Notes
– Old Vine from Toussaint
– Edwin Grellofs 3rd Map
– Ibrahim Savi’s 1st Map
– Squirrel tail
– Letter of safe Conduct (I have 2 of those)
– Short letter
– Adalbert Kermith’s 1st Map
– Fragment of silver cylinder
– cage key
– silver lid
Does anyone know commands for lowering / changing your skills? Like changing sign intensity or vitality etc. my sign intensity is stuck at 1.5k% (because of the bug) and I need to lower it
Same thing, sign intensity skyrocketed for me also, and I’ve found no way of lowering it.
It is a bug in the game. If you have the skill that increases Attack Power // Sign Power at Maximum Adrenalin this may happen.
Found a way to lower it, you have to remove the Synergy skill and add it back, do that 10 times or so until stats are back to normal. You have to have appropriate mutagens equipped as well so if sign power got affected do this with blue mutagens equipped
Amazing list.
Is there a no-clip command?
Can anyone spawn (‚Eredin Sword‘) beyond level 17?
Im only getting level 16 tops…
I have a question about the xy coordinates for the e3 areas. It seems for me at least, when I use them it just puts my in the novigrad/velen area. Is that what its supposed to do?
Question: is there a commend to set/reset the POV offset? I keep getting a bug that moves the camera so close to the back of Geralt’s head I cannot see anything and only restarting fixes it.
Anyone know how to remove (ForcedFiniser) and (ForcedDismemberment)? rmvabl(ForcedDismemberment) and rmvabl(‚ForcedDismemberment‘) aren’t working. Every time i punch someone (no swords equipped) they’re cut in half or an arm goes flying.
not „forced“ but „force“
Where the Cat and Wolf Play DLC
additem(‚mq1058_cat_school_sword‘) – Teigr Sword
Quest items:
Anyone knows how to use the console on quest? for example, I romanced both Triss and Yen but I want to end with one of them, so it would be cool to reset one of the quest lines.
I know it’s a longshot..but
I saw in a video(gameplay) that shows Geralt with a sword with Orange writing on it,i think it was also black sword…
Does anyone know what sword is it?,and what the sword’s code is?
uff, good luck 😀 you could spawn them all and check their appearance 😀
Evetually i learned that the orange writing is the runes glowing in the
Anyway,thanks!,and awesome list!!
Haha 🙂
i cant turn on caps lock and all of the codes needs uppercase letters…can anyone help me?please!
normal „shift“ works for me
Does anyone knows the code for the sword that geralt gives to ciri at the end of the game?
could it be „additem(‚Zireael Sword‘)“
Try this one additem(‘q505 crafted sword’)
Yeah,that’s Zireael sword,however it’s only spawning at Level 1,so…
It is her sword, not meant to be used by Geralt 🙂
Does anybody knows how to spawn Jenny O‘ the Woods?
Does anyone know the command for infinite/unlimited adrenaline? i know addFocus() gives you full adrenaline but once you use abilities and special moves it drops back to normal, is there a command to keep full adrenaline at all time? I ask this because in your character branch upgrade „Flood of Anger“ (Red branch) unlocks all the special sign’s bonuses if you have full adrenaline. So i just want to spam all signs along with their bonuses, anyone found the command? Many thanks!
Hi fellas,
I got some many nice commands from this web so I felt like have to share with this.
For those who love fight against humans during free roam I found nice console command:
#- stands for type of group or single human enemy
for example
spawnt(120) generates nice lvl16 bandit group,
spawnt(1) generates witch hunters (one commander lvl 31 I think and 2 support crossbow lvl 18),
spawnt(123) is a skellige bandit lvl24 if Im not mistake etc,
spawnt(88) or spawnt(87) or generally 80s gives redanian army members
…I’ve noticed that also work spawnt(01) or spawnt(097).
Other nice thing is that you can set distance like spawnt(1,25) will get your enemy spawn 25 meters in direction of looking. But dont make to far cause won’t work (at least for me and Im playin on full graphic details). KEEP IN MIND THAT SOME DIGITS ARE EMPTY, like I’ve tried 55, 56 or 48, 39 was empty for example. Try and find your favorites 😀
Tested on 1.07 patch but I think shoud work on other versions as well
Hope you will enjoy it as much as I do
The staminapony code does not work. Can sombody help`?
It does work in general, just not under certain circumstances. I’d add the various buffs for horse stamina individually if I were you.
buffme(‚EET_‘,600) doesn’t work with ver1.5?
if you guys wanted to load all the sword wrote addsilversword or addsilversword2 on the steel wrote addsteelword or addsteelsword2
Well, you are using the command wrong, check once more above.
sorry fix additemsteelwords/additemsteelword2 and addsilverswords and addsilverswords2, addarmor or addarmor2
I only provide the list of commands that are in the client. These are internal CD-project commands and as such need to be fixed by CD-Project
Does anyone know the Item ID for the Jade Figurine? I badly need this Item ID so I can remove it on my quest inventory. Thank you so much!
ok so I used the add coin code and I got the max amount but I cant seem to remove the coins with the remove coins code. Any way to fix this I need to buy something and I cant buy it because I have the max amount and it wont go back down.
This is awesome! Thanks!
does anyone konw how i can delete the likeaboss stat if yes how?
As stated above „likeaboss“ is a toggle… simply type it again. Save and reload afterwards.
How do I remove all the items i have, in both my chest and my pockets because i have too much that i can’t sell them, it would take ages, even when i put something into my chest, the game freezes and THEN it stocks it. This is getting out of hand. Pls help me.
Myriddin you are a god mate. cheers for this.
i looked through but might have missed, or these commands might not exist, any way to remove fall damage and water on the lens?
thanks brother
need an autoloot all containers in like a relative 50 meter radius, that’d be handy lol..
there is autoloot mod for this.
Is there a way to activate multiple commands in one go, like the Bethesda Batch files? Like a „bat“ file that if activated via command will perform a list of „additem“ commands for a bunch of items? Example: typing „bat.alchemyitems“ (Or whatever you name the file) would give me all alchemy ingredients?
im interested in that too? anyone
I heard there was a command to give yourself the Caparison of Lament. Every site has the command listed as ‚Devil Saddle‘ but this one. It doesn’t work. Was the command later patched and removed, or was this a hoax from the start?
i think , i have solution
when i input it on debug console
don’t just copy all „additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)“ just copy Devil Saddle‘)
type additem(‚ manually and paste Devil Saddle‘) so it write ~ additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)
and enter
hope it work with you as well
hi, it worked for me. additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)
try typing it out yourself; case sensitive.
make sure you don’t use any spaces: additem(‚DevilSaddle‘)
it does not work because the quotation mark are fucked up, I copied all forms of writing and it did not work until : additem (‚Devil Saddle‘), and then check the inventory.
I’m running the GOTY edition and noted on Nexus that the console enabler only works if you add DBGConsoleOn=true to the general.ini file. I have done that but the console still won’t open. Yes, I do have the Visual C++ 2013 redistr. installed.
If anyone else here is running GOTY v1.31, perhaps you can help me solve this, please?
I just went through the same process. It worked. Opened console with ~ …
so i used command
additem(‚Weapon repair kit 3‘.20)x2
additem(‚Weapon repair kit 2‘,20)
since it was not working i entered kit 3 twice and kit 2 once
after checking my inventory there was no repair kit in it but now my weight is 129 idle without any items in inventory even i dropped all equipped items still i have 129 weight with no items
think my inventory got bugged with invisible items adding weight to it
how do i reset my inventory or fix this issue?
Hi, sorry I’m not a serial cheat user, but I just don’t have time to farm money on this game, i tried the addmoney one but it doesn’t work.
I typed:
it should give me 3 crowns right? Except it doesn’t 🙁 any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
You gotta addmoney(99999)
or some thing like that. no „#“ in front of it just the amount you want added
it’s addmoney(#) where you replace the # with the amount you want, e.g., addmoney(5000)
i used command „witchcraft“, and than i can’t clean up my inventory. i drop all. still 510/160
how to complete a quest i failed it but it never showed me i guess after i did ugly baby i failed a few quests and clearing every place of interest i have only now realised taht it was failed. any way to force it to complete? thanks.
How to remove quest item? Help me T.T
How do i remove the addabl(‚ForceCriticalHits‘) buff?
P.S i tried typing the same buff again to see if it would remove it, but it didn’t.
Can you tell me how to remove louis or margots‘ urns. I’m stuck in the game because of this. I don’t know what item name to use with the remove item command.
Sooo, I guess this thread is dead, but just in case… I’ve seen some codes for masks other heist members wore for HoS. Is there any chance a code exists for this one? I just always thought it looked awesome…
the addabl(‚Rune veles greater_Stats‘) not working
i failed brother in arms velen immediately after ugly baby i didn’t kill keira but let her go but i want her in kaer morhen is ther anything i can do ?
Adam – To use conversational choices that will lead to Keira Metz being at Kaer Morhen (you don’t have to fight her), use the following choices when she comes down from the tower.. Say: „You used me“ / „Joking aside, what exactly are you playing at?“ / „Radovid never forgets“ / „It’s suicide“ / „Go to Kaer Morhen“ / „See you at Kaer Morhen“.
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the code for armor dye is additem(‘Dye [Color]’) as in additem(‘Dye Black’) or additem(‘Dye Red’)
Hey Adam
It’s easy to fix:
These are great, but if you change the weather using the console – for instance, changeweather(WT_Clear) – does it then stay clear weather forever? Or is it just temporary, only lasting the usual time for any given weather pattern? If permanent, is there a way to change it back to the dynamic default? Thanks!
Hi everyone, sorry I’m kind of a noob at this whole console thing but is it not possible to add particular alchemy ingredients like „Blowball“ ?? I’ve been trying to do it for an hour plus I don’t find a specific code for it anywhere on the cheat codes lists.. Thanks for your help!
try additem(‚Blowbill‘) for blowball flowers that worked for me ( :
it goes like additem(‚itemname‘) for all items and if you want to specify more than one do additem(’name‘,407) or to put something in a slot do additem(’name‘,1,1) the second number puts it in a slot.
Which button to teleport in the free pos mode (F1)?
Mit welcher Taste kann man sich denn teleportieren wenn man im free pos Modus ist? Steht leider nur für Xbox- und PS-Controller da.
i type that or something similar and i use signs continuously ,run always witout stamina decrease.
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xy(2500,2400) Upper Mill location for runewright
I Can’t believe someone actually worked hard , write all this and helps to the people in the comment who needs help. thats too freakin‘ awesome dude good work ^^ BTW Do you k’now which ones are the best , strongest gwent card ? ı almost got every card but ı can’t figure out which to use
how can i remove likeaboss? please help me
type: rmvabl(‚likeaboss‘) in the console line
how can i remove likeaboss? please help me!!
who knows how i can fix the Unlucky’s Treasure quest? it’s the only one bugged in my journal and i’m stuck with it.
i have tried this command
where at XXX i’ve tried several combinations of numbers, none with success.
i will check here once in a while, but if you want you can e-mail me the answer if you know it at
im having trouble enabling god mode, I tried god, god() god2() and god3(). nothing seems to work.
I wish there would be a way to spawn Syanna, I did the happy ending on B&W but after the story she is nowhere to be found, so I’d like to spawn her right beside anna henrieta so if anyoen got the code to spawn syanna I’d appreciate it
additem(‚Rune tvarog‘) works for getting said rune should you need like I did! Didn’t see it in the list so figured I’d try and see if it worked annnnd it did.
additem(‚gwint_card_dun_banner_medic‘) is not working… any idea of what’s wrong?
„additem(‚gwint_card_dun_banner_medic‘)“ does not work
HoS Items
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Armor‘)“ Viper Armor
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Gloves‘)“ Viper Gloves
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Boots‘)“ Viper Boots
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Pants‘)“ Viper Pants
„additem(‚EP1 Viper School silver sword‘)“ Viper Silver Sword
„additem(‚EP1 Viper School steel sword‘).“ Viper Steel Sword
„additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick speed.
„additem (‚Soltis Vodka‘)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick vodka option, gives unlimited alcohol for achemy potions so no more Alchoest and Dwarven Spirit
„additem (Cornucopia)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick never go hungry, gives you infinite food
„additem (Geralt Kontusz)“ Ornate robe from wedding
„additem (Geralt Kontusz R)“ Ornate robe (light armor) you get in Von Everac Manor
„additem (Thief Armor B)“ Relic New moon Armor
„additem (‚Plank‘)“ The fenceboard from wedding it will be in quest item tab
„additem (‚Olgierd Sabre‘) Iris sword you get if you help Olgierd from O‘ Dimm
„additem (‚q602_donkey_ears‘)“ Ass ears
„additem (‚PC Caretaker Shovel‘)“ Caretaker’s Shovel
„additem (‚Ofir Horse Bag‘)“ Ofieri Saddlebags
„additem (‚Ofir Horse Blinders‘)“ Ofieri Blinders
„additem(‚Horse Saddle 6‘) Ofieri Saddle
„additem (‚q603_emhyr_mask‘)“ Emhyr’s Mask from the Auction House Heist
„additem (‚q603_foltest_mask‘)“ Foltest’s Mask
„additem (‚q603_henselt_mask‘)“ Henselt Mask
„additem (‚q603_radovid_mask‘)“ Asshole’s mask
‚additem (‚gwint_card_cow‘)“ Cow Gwent card
„gwint_card_olgierd“ Olgierd Von Everec
„additem(‚gwint_card_toad‘)“ Toad Card
„additem (‚gwint_card_schirru‘)“ Schirru Card
„additem (‚Thief Gloves‘)“ New Moon Gloves
„additem(‚Thief Pants‘)“ New Moon Armor
„additem(‚Thief Boots‘)“ New Moon Armor
All Thief items can be modified with B, Y, and No Medallion (IE „Thief Armor No Medallion“ or „Thief Armor B“)
„additem (‚Ofir Pants‘)“
„additem (‚Ofir Armor‘)“
„additem (‚Ofir Boots‘)“
„additem (‚Geralt Kontusz Boots‘)“
„additem (‚Geralt Kontusz Boots R‘)“
HoS Item
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Armor‘)“ Viper Armor
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Gloves‘)“ Viper Gloves
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Boots‘)“ Viper Boots
„additem (‚EP1 Witcher Pants‘)“ Viper Pants
„additem(‚EP1 Viper School silver sword‘)“ Viper Silver Sword
„additem(‚EP1 Viper School steel sword‘).“ Viper Steel Sword
„additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick speed.
„additem (‚Soltis Vodka‘)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick vodka option, gives unlimited alcohol for achemy potions so no more Alchoest and Dwarven Spirit
„additem (Cornucopia)“ Gaunter O‘ Dimm’s Reward if you pick never go hungry, gives you infinite food
„additem (Geralt Kontusz)“ Ornate robe from wedding
„additem (Geralt Kontusz R)“ Ornate robe (light armor) you get in Von Everac Manor
„additem (Thief Armor B)“ Relic New moon Armor
„additem (‚Plank‘)“ The fenceboard from wedding it will be in quest item tab
„additem (‚Olgierd Sabre‘) Iris sword you get if you help Olgierd from O‘ Dimm
„additem (‚q602_donkey_ears‘)“ Ass ears
„additem (‚PC Caretaker Shovel‘)“ Caretaker’s Shovel
„additem (‚Ofir Horse Bag‘)“ Ofieri Saddlebags
„additem (‚Ofir Horse Blinders‘)“ Ofieri Blinders
„additem(‚Horse Saddle 6‘) Ofieri Saddle
„additem (‚q603_emhyr_mask‘)“ Emhyr’s Mask from the Auction House Heist
„additem (‚q603_foltest_mask‘)“ Foltest’s Mask
„additem (‚q603_henselt_mask‘)“ Henselt Mask
„additem (‚q603_radovid_mask‘)“ Asshole’s mask
‚additem (‚gwint_card_cow‘)“ Cow Gwent card
„gwint_card_olgierd“ Olgierd Von Everec
„additem(‚gwint_card_toad‘)“ Toad Card
„additem (‚gwint_card_schirru‘)“ Schirru Card
„additem (‚Thief Gloves‘)“ New Moon Gloves
„additem(‚Thief Pants‘)“ New Moon Armor
„additem(‚Thief Boots‘)“ New Moon Armor
All Thief items can be modified with B, Y, and No Medallion (IE „Thief Armor No Medallion“ or „Thief Armor B“)
„additem (‚Ofir Pants‘)“
„additem (‚Ofir Armor‘)“
„additem (‚Ofir Boots‘)“
„additem (‚Geralt Kontusz Boots‘)“
„additem (‚Geralt Kontusz Boots R‘)“
HoS Item Complete List:
additem(‚Soltis Vodka‘)
additem(‚Devil Saddle‘)
additem(‚Horse Saddle 5‘)
additem(‚Horse Saddle 6‘)
additem(‚Ofir Horse Bag‘)
additem(‚Ofir Horse Blinders‘)
additem(‚Thief Pants‘)
additem(‚Thief Pants B‘)
additem(‚Thief Pants Y‘)
additem(‚Thief Pants No Medallion‘)
additem(‚Ofir Pants‘)
additem(‚Ofir Pants B‘)
additem(‚NPC Long Steel Sword‘)
additem(‚NPC torch‘)
additem(‚PC Caretaker Shovel‘)
additem(‚NPC Olgierd Sabre‘)
additem(‚PC Olgierd Sabre‘)
additem(‚Ofir Sabre 1‘)
additem(‚Ofir Sabre 2‘)
additem(‚Hakland Sabre‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Sword B‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Sword‘)
additem(‚Ofir Crossbow‘)
additem(‚Ofir Crossbow R‘)
additem(‚PC Olgierd Sabre‘)
additem(‚Ofir Sabre 2‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Gloves‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Gloves B‘)
additem(‚Thief Gloves‘)
additem(‚Thief Gloves B‘)
additem(‚Thief Gloves Y‘)
additem(‚Thief Gloves No Medallion‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Steel Sword‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Crafted Witcher Silver Sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School steel sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School silver sword‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Steel Sword‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Crafted Witcher Silver Sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School steel sword‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School silver sword‘)
additem(‚Ofir Armor‘)
additem(‚Ofir Armor B‘)
additem(‚Thief Armor‘)
additem(‚Thief Armor B‘)
additem(‚Thief Armor Y‘)
additem(‚Thief Armor No Medallion‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Armor‘)
additem(‚Burning Rose Armor B‘)
additem(‚Ofir Armor‘)
additem(‚Geralt Kontusz Boots‘)
additem(‚Geralt Kontusz Boots R‘)
additem(‚Thief Boots‘)
additem(‚Thief Boots B‘)
additem(‚Thief Boots Y‘)
additem(‚Thief Boots No Medallion‘)
additem(‚Ofir Boots‘)
additem(‚Ofir Boots B‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Armor‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Armor‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Armor‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Armor‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Armor‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Armor‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Boots‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Boots‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Boots‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Boots‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Gloves‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Gloves‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Gloves‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Gloves‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Gloves‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Gloves‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Pants‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Pants‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Pants‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Pants‘)
additem(‚Rune pierog‘)
additem(‚Rune tvarog‘)
additem(‚Glyph warding lesser‘)
additem(‚Glyph warding‘)
additem(‚Glyph warding greater‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding lesser‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding greater‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement lesser‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement greater‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending lesser‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending greater‘)
additem(‚Rune pierog schematic“
additem(‚Rune tvarog schematic“
additem(‚Glyph warding lesser schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph warding schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph warding greater schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding lesser schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph binding greater schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement lesser schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph reinforcement greater schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending lesser schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending schematic‘)
additem(‚Glyph mending greater schematic‘)
additem(‚Concealment Kit schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Steel Sword schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School steel sword schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Sword schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Crafted Witcher Silver Sword schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Viper School silver sword schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Armor schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Boots schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Gloves schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Ofir Pants schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Armor schematic‘)
additem(‚Crafted Burning Rose Gloves schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Armor schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Boots schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Gloves schematic‘)
additem(‚EP1 Witcher Pants schematic‘)
Thank you very much for the great list, I was hoping that you could answer this question. In the distant shores quest, what is the item codes to add the untranslated diagrams for the Trousers,Gauntlets,Armor,Boots I think those are the only 4 diagrams needed to complete the quest.
Thank you
Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to try it later after my work
Is there a command to slow down the free camera movement. I like to use it to take nice screenshots but when I hit the W key or any other the movement is so fast I can’t get a good spot to put the camera.
Please let me know, thanks.
While using witchcraft command , Iris sabre doesn’t turn red anymore . Is there a way to fix the issue ? Since I want all the armors and swords before I start going deep in the story ?
Using witchcraft command does a bug to Iris sabre , it doesn’t turn red . Is there any solution ? Thanks !
apos ativar o mostrar todos os pinos, toda vez que faço uma quest de tesouro escondido, mesmo após de achar e pegar o item, ela não aparece como finalizada
i do somting wrong with the items i typ it but nothing work i do like this
additem (beaxt oil) 10
Old comment, still relevant dough.
1. Do not use spaces in commands.
2. Item names with spaces must be wrapped with single quotes ‚like this‘.
3. Numbers withing item names represent the level of the item not the amount.
4. I’m not entirely sure that you can set the amount of items you want to add. I think you have to repeat the command to add more items.
5. commands and names are case sensitive. So ‚beast oil‘ and ‚Beast Oil‘ is not the same thing.
Your command:
additem (beaxt oil) 10
Correct syntax and spelling:
additem(‚Beast Oil 1‘)
To get 10 items repeat the command 9 more times. Example of leveled item:
additem(‚Beast Oil 2‘)
additem(‚Beast Oil 3‘)
When I recovered I lost the medallion of the baron’s daughter and incense, does anyone know how to recover it? The commands?
Anyone got the BaW ids? I would love Aerondight!
Hi, guys, I need help with the Browken flower quest as I have killed the thugs and the mission does not continue, I am not able to leave the bar through the main entrance but I can do it with the back door.
TIP: You can enable the debugging console without the Nexus plugin.
Go to: \bin\config\base\ directory
Open the General.ini file and copy-paste the following
under the [General] line:
Ciri appearances not working for me :/
also the weather light snow not working either… idk whats the problem. help?
Hi i started a new game plus plus and want to get rid of my schematics especially the ones for bound to side-quests like the witchergear is there any way to remove them? I tried removeitem(‚…‘) but that didn’t work. So some Quest are bugged because i already have all the schematics
Any ideas?
Sorry guys, I couldn’t find the common to Unspawn Ciri, can anyone help me ? how can I make her disappear ?
any one know why it wont let me change my player model?
Seems like there’s a command that bugs out your contract, can’t figured out which. It basically makes your Dialouge Option get to the „end game“, meaning Geralt would have Options like „I killed the xxx“ altho you just start talked to the Contract Giver. Anyone else encountered this as well?
There’s a command that bugs out the game, I don’t know which. It basically makes Dialouge Option with Witcher Contract get to the „end game“, meaning you would have Options like „I killed the xxx“ altho you just started the quest. And no I haven’t touched the beast yet. I tried the „cleardevelop“ command to reset the whole thing and the Dialouge Option becomes normal, but still I don’t want to grind again so anyone that have encountered this knows what’s the command that caused this?
Anyone having bug which makes your Dialogue Options get to the „end game“, meaning Geralt has Options like „I killed the xxx“ even though you just started the quest?
There’s a command that bugs out the Dialogue Options, can’t figure out which. It makes Geralt have final Dialogue options with Witcher Contract like „I killed the xxx“ altho I just started the quest. Any idea?
How do I add Draconid Oil and Hanged Man’s Venom Oil?
I was able to add other oils my using; additem(’name Oil 3′)
For those who don’t know, not all oils use the same code as their name for example;
Relict Oil: additem(‚Relic Oil 1‘)
Elementa Oil: additem(‚Magicals Oil 1‘)
Ogroid Oil: additem(‚Ogre Oil 1‘)
but I can’t figure out Draconid and Hanged Man’s Venom.
Do these commands work for any version for the game
Not sure what is wrong but when I click on the link to expand to see the command codes it doesn’t expand? anyone else having these problems?
What’s up! As of yesterday I can not expand the list on the site 🙁 Anyone else having this issue? I’m currently using Firefox ; but I’ve tried Edge and Chrome with no success.
I can’t expand any list pls fix this.
why i can’t expand the red text
why all „click here“ doesn’t work?
the cheat seem worked in the game but i got 1 problem , i cant play as Ciri. She just spawn and follow me around , anyhelp ?
the cheat seem worked in the game but i got 1 problem , i cant play as Ciri. She just spawn and follow me around , anyhelp ?
The Quest : ‚Missing Persons‘ does not start , I completed ‚Echoes of the Past‘ ,but Yennefer remains near the dead Elf, and the new quest does not begin.
Is there a command to start (q205) Missing Persons ?
The collapsible list on are not working. The disappear when I attempt to click on them. It this on my end? If this is the case, do you have any idea why this might be occurring?
Possibly due to disabled Javascript?
Cant expand any of the sub catagories clicking on it makes it disappear. Like cards, armor, weapons, help!
no one of Ciri`s aparence dont`s work =(
As of 19 August 2019, the expanable lists do not expand.
They seem to work fine, maybe You disabled Javascript?
The red links won’t open up list :'( help
Enable JAvascript for this site? 🙂
Hello the link for open the listing list of debug consol command not working anymore ! Please con you fix that ?
(S_Alchemy_1) = Brewing
(S_Alchemy_2) = Oil Preparation
(S_Alchemy_3) = Bomb Creation
(S_Alchemy_4) = Mutation
(S_Alchemy_5) = Trial of the Grasses
(S_Alchemy_s01) = Refreshment
(S_Alchemy_s02) = Restoration
(S_Alchemy_s03) = Expert brewer
(S_Alchemy_s04) = Prolonged Effects
(S_Alchemy_s05) = Protective Coating
(S_Alchemy_s06) = Fixative
(S_Alchemy_s07) = Hunter Instinct
(S_Alchemy_s08) = Efficiency
(S_Alchemy_s09) = Steady Aim
(S_Alchemy_s10) = Pyrotechnics
(S_Alchemy_s11) = Cluster Bombs
(S_Alchemy_s12) = Poisoned Blades
(S_Alchemy_s13) = Tissue Transmutation
(S_Alchemy_s14) = Adaptation
(S_Alchemy_s15) = Fast Metabolism
(S_Alchemy_s16) = Frenzy
(S_Alchemy_s17) = Killing Spree
(S_Alchemy_s18) = Acquired Tolerance
(S_Alchemy_s19) = Synergy
(S_Alchemy_s20) = Endure Pain
(S_Magic_1) = Aard Sign
(S_Magic_2) = Igni Sign
(S_Magic_3) = Yrden Sign
(S_Magic_4) = Quen Sign
(S_Magic_5) = Axii Sign
(S_Magic_s01) = Aard Sweep
(S_Magic_s02) = Firestream
(S_Magic_s03) = Magic turret
(S_Magic_s04) = Active Shield
(S_Magic_s05) = Puppet
(S_Magic_s06) = Shock Wave
(S_Magic_s07) = Igni Intensity
(S_Magic_s08) = Melt Armor
(S_Magic_s09) = Pyromaniac
(S_Magic_s10) = Sustained Glyphs
(S_Magic_s11) = Supercharged Glyphs
(S_Magic_s12) = Aard Intensity
(S_Magic_s13) = Exploding Shield
(S_Magic_s14) = Quen Discharge
(S_Magic_s15) = Quen Intensity
(S_Magic_s16) = Yrden Intensity
(S_Magic_s17) = Delusion
(S_Magic_s18) = Axii Intensity
(S_Magic_s19) = Domination
(S_Magic_s20) = Far-Reaching Aard
(S_Perk_01) = Sun and Stars
(S_Perk_02) = Steady Shot
(S_Perk_03) =
(S_Perk_04) = Survival Instinct
(S_Perk_05) = Cat School Techniques
(S_Perk_06) = Griffin School Techniques
(S_Perk_07) = Bear School Techniques
(S_Perk_08) = Druid Techniques
(S_Perk_09) = Rage Management
(S_Perk_10) = Adrenaline Burst
(S_Perk_11) = Focus
(S_Perk_12) = Metabolic Control
(S_Perk_13) = Metabolism Boosts
(S_Perk_14) = Gorged on Power
(S_Perk_15) = Connoisseur
(S_Perk_16) = In Combat’s Fires
(S_Perk_17) = Trick Shot
(S_Perk_18) = Advanced Pyrotechnics
(S_Perk_19) = Battle Frenzy
(S_Perk_20) = Heavy Artillery
(S_Perk_21) = Attack is the Best Defense
(S_Perk_22) = Strong Back
(S_Perk_MAX) =
(S_Perk_MIN) =
(S_Skill_MAX) =
(S_Sword_1) = Fast Attack
(S_Sword_2) = Strong Attack
(S_Sword_3) = Defense
(S_Sword_4) = Marksmanship
(S_Sword_5) = Battle Trance
(S_Sword_s01) = Whirl
(S_Sword_s02) = Rend
(S_Sword_s03) = Deadly Precision
(S_Sword_s04) = Strength Training
(S_Sword_s05) = Crippling Strikes
(S_Sword_s06) = Sunder Armor
(S_Sword_s07) = Anatomical Knowledge
(S_Sword_s08) = Crushing Blows
(S_Sword_s09) = Fleet Footed
(S_Sword_s10) = Deflection
(S_Sword_s11) = Counterattack
(S_Sword_s12) = Crippling Shot
(S_Sword_s13) = Lightning Reflexes
(S_Sword_s15) = Cold Blood
(S_Sword_s16) = Resolve
(S_Sword_s17) = Precise Blows
(S_Sword_s18) = Undying
(S_Sword_s19) = Flood of Anger
(S_Sword_s20) = Razor Focus
(S_Sword_s21) = Muscle Memory
is there a command for IRISH SWORD. I need it really bad. plzzz help me
Hello everyone my first post here. I am trying to 100 % the game on my NG+ save and so far i have done everything on Novigrad and in Velen working my way through Skellige but i noticed that during the Get Junior quest i failed the objective ‚Use the secret passage to get to Juniors hideout.
I know thats its something with addfact and iam not sure but mb its q302 but i dont the entire sentence that i need to type to make it green
Does someone know how I can disable the „ShowPins“ command?
Is it posible to get ey of nehaleni with codes?
cause I lost it when I used witch craft and cleardevelop.
Im propably never going to get my answer cause last messages here were like in 2015